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Posts posted by ddcboyle

  1. I hit the debt barrier with the zed when I tried to modify it, not thinking some firum members are on way more than I am. Only 1,5k but it stresses you out fast. So no more mods foe me now :lol:


    I guess im over estimating what car I can afford/like. Seems the a5 I would have to keep track of finances to afford it. Maybe worth using the zeds money (when I come to sell it) and look at adding maybe 1 or 2k finance to get a nice but not out of pocket car.


    Never owned a house, rented or had kids. So I dont even know how long ill have the zed for tbh.


    I was suprised to see commander taking in 100k and having the zed for 9k. Sort of sets things in place that im putting a car too high in financial priorities



  2. Is there a advantage, I believe they don't bulge as much as rubber lines under pressure but it marginal. So is there a point to changing my lines? I don't use the car on track.


    I also wondering about silicon hoses, I know they last longer but is there any other advantage?


    Curious about this aswell. I changed all discs and pads, and never thought about changing the lines. But, alot of people on forum talk about it as if your meant to buy the whole package?

  3. Looks good but what's a ricer ? :shrug:




    That is very true! Wish I'd thought of it :lol:


    Off topic now... I have one of these mashers, and can honestly say... What an amazing invention! :teeth:


    I have no idea what the mrs has in the kitchen, I'm banned from it :lol: the only time I go in there is to hunt for snacks or passing through to get out the back :lol:


    Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk


    You have the life of a god..... I hate being in the kitchen, but the missus always drags me in to help. Maybe i need to follow some advice to make sure i get hot meals without helping :D

  4. It's called PCP. Look at www.contracthoreandleasing.com to get an idea of prices, but make sure you're searching for Personal and not Business. I've never done it myself but i can see the benefit. I always wondered how youngish people could afford brand new cars, and in the majority of cases this is how.


    In terms of buying a car yourself, for me it's all about depreciation. I like to have nice cars, but i want to get them after the majority of the depreciation has passed - that way it wont cost you as much in the long run.


    I wouldnt dream of spending £19k on an A5 as you know it will be worth £10k in 2 years time. However if you buy a £10k A5 now it's going to be worth £7-8k in 2 years, so you've just saved yourself £7k.


    Yeah thats true i guess. I just wouldnt know how to know when it will have stopped the large depreciation? I bought my zed for 8k and could probably still get 7k for it. But, when i bought it i thought it was still depreciating quite alot. Is it a set year that they calm down, or is it specific to different cars?

  5. Were speaking about the 350z here, but a brand new vxr and brand new 370z, are they both the same price and same bhp/speeds? If they are roughly the same, it seems your getting 5 seats for the vxr, and higher top speed for the 370z, and thats the only difference? (apart from the obvious rwd fwd)

  6. I bought my car after my tour, and in forces atm so ive never actually had to bother about finances and what I can afford, within reason, but now im getting out and will have house bills etc, I have no experience in that area.


    Id ideally like to pay off full as some of you do, but all the nice cars I see are all 2008 or newer, and comes with a finance price tag.


    We must be able to make a little calculation formula here :D


    Whats the average pay for a 25 year old? 1,5? So say, 1,5 after tax, minus the 500 for rent and food and bills (if ur living with partner), 1000 left. Fuel about 200, car fund for tax tyres etc 100 a month, thats 700 left. 100 for prandom bills like phone. So 600 to spend on whatever the average guy wanted. 1/3 of this would be reasonable? Since its an excess? 200 a month, and work out how many years you want to keep the car, add it to some finance calculator and see how much It adds upto over 3 or 5years?


    Thsts the only way I could think of doing it?


    You don't live in London do you ... :lol:


    Or anywhere near :lol:


    Use a yearly figure too, it's easier in my head :lol: so for £1,499.92 a month take home you'd be on £22,320 a year. Is that average for a 25 year old? I'm 24, and that's not what I'm on.


    I live in London at the moment, but moving to Scotland where everything is bought with food coupons :lol: alot cheaper. Well im 24 and on 21k at the moment, if i get the police, i should be on around 24k. I just presumed this was an average pay? My friends vary from 850 a month, to my pay, to some being on 1,8 a month. I know theres other 25 year olds on 35k or more, but i wouldnt have said that was an average? unless i am just accepting a lower paid job than most? Again, a rule of thumb i always heared was, aslong as your earning in thousands what your age is, your doing okay, until you hit 40years old.

  7. I bought my car after my tour, and in forces atm so ive never actually had to bother about finances and what I can afford, within reason, but now im getting out and will have house bills etc, I have no experience in that area.


    Id ideally like to pay off full as some of you do, but all the nice cars I see are all 2008 or newer, and comes with a finance price tag.


    We must be able to make a little calculation formula here :D


    Whats the average pay for a 25 year old? 1,5? So say, 1,5 after tax, minus the 500 for rent and food and bills (if ur living with partner), 1000 left. Fuel about 200, car fund for tax tyres etc 100 a month, thats 700 left. 100 for prandom bills like phone. So 600 to spend on whatever the average guy wanted. 1/3 of this would be reasonable? Since its an excess? 200 a month, and work out how many years you want to keep the car, add it to some finance calculator and see how much It adds upto over 3 or 5years?


    Thsts the only way I could think of doing it?

  8. All in all, it does seem like the turbo cars are the way forward compared to big engines for the average mans sports car. I mean, even some diesels would give the zed a run for its money now adays.


    Anyway, we can safely say their both good cars and its good that a 30k brand new vauxhall can keep up with my 8k 9year old zed :p means I can have more fun. Instead of those saxos and ferraris being my only option. Lol

  9. Ah that knocks a nice audi a5 out my range then lol.


    Theres a new thing out with buying a car, you have the car for 3years then trade it in for a new one. Anyone tried this? All I think is im renting a car for 200 a month and never actually owning one?


    Id say 200 is reasonable for monthly repayments, but it does seem to restrict your car choice as it doesnt add up to that much

  10. Been looking at my potential future cars for when i depart from the zed (when i look at starting a family basically)


    How do people work out what car they can afford? I always thought it was, whatever your annual salary, half it, and thats what car you can afford?


    I know its not taking into consideration, parts cost and mpg. But say, for a general car, i.e. audi a5. Around 19k second hand. Would you still say that half salary rule applies?

  11. The best judges of how desirable a car is are young kids. They have no idea about badges or handling or anything like that, they just say what's cool.


    That said, please don't start hanging around outside a school at 3pm trying to get their opinions on your car ;)


    haha, well when the zed was green all young kids loved it. now its silver.... no1 looks, so i think they just like big neon colours ^^

  12. For some people it will be their dream car, or at least their realistic dream car. I don't get the animosity to it, I really don't.


    If your dream car is a 12 year old Nissan, is that not setting your sights equally as low? :shrug:




    I will be honest I felt kind of the same about the non Zed owning hangerounders on here when I still had mine, but when you sell up and hang around you do tend to see things a bit clearer and some posts kind of jump out at you, especially when they are based on nothing more than I have a Zed and nothing else on the road is as cool/fast/loud/exciting (delete as applicable)



    Sent from the golf club...


    I dont think most people think like that. I see plenty of cars that i'd want more than a zed, audi a5, new audi a4, and most people i hang around with have a faster car than my zed. But, talking in the kerb appeal sense, a5 a4 etc are just normal cars. There isnt anything special. And i think the same goes for the VXR. Even your s4 and s5 (and they are better all round than the zed), still dont have too much special. They are still a normal car that had a big engine put in. I would say the RS are different as its a completely different car. But this thread seemed to go towards, the vxr is a better all round car and more kerb appeal than the zed. If you put them both next to one another, i would say more people would look at the zed and mention something. Its like having an old 911, yes an old school 911 is alot diff to a 350z, but thats the only comparison i can think of. It just stands out.

  13. Where does the Juke R fit in here? Now, with the thread i was trying to ignore the standard what fits in what box. a juke will never be in the official supercar calander... but, where does it fit in? Even though its that 4x4 sorta car... it does smash most cars.

  14. Your realistic dream car is in the price range, a 350z was mine. Even though i would have bought a vxr, st etc, i wanted the zed more than any car. Most peoples dream car which they can afford, probably wouldnt buy it because of mpg, or the fact it has 2seats or something like that.


    What im getting at really is... When you look at a vauxhall astra, theres very little difference between the 1.6 diesel and a VXR, i always have to look for a badge or the exhaust tips to know if its a vxr. So when someone would say "vxr is my dream car"... its basically, i want an astra with a cool exhaust. Because the performance isnt the only selling point for a dream car. No doubt in a couple of years, i will be the guy buying the vxr, because ill have kids by then and itll give me 5seats.


    Im not slating the vxr, im just saying alot are dissing the 350z, yes its an old farty car now, but a new vxr only has the "new car" kerb appeal. In my opinion.

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