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Posts posted by manphibian

  1. Did you even read your own link? :blink:


    The warning is about the circulation of the email (what you're doing)... as the number has been out of action since 2005. As stated in your own link ;)



    People should look into this stuff before spamming it everywhere....


    If you receive a copy of the email warning you about the alleged scam, please do NOT forward it to others. Instead, please forward this statement from PhonepayPlus.

  2. Ultimately I think I would prefer a super server with everyone across all the consoles and the PC, and then, once and for all, we can settle the argument about what is the best control method for FPS. I really has to be Mouse and Keyboard. You just cant get the same responsiveness and accuracy with a joypad.

    Forced to choose between the XBOX and PS3 controller though, it has to be XBOX all the way!

    If Sony had their sh*t in one sock like Microsoft do with their online content, their machine would rule (far more powerfull), but as it stands, XBOX is still out there!

    That said..............Mr Nathan Drake is gonna have 40 quid thrown his way next month! Damn you sony and naughty dog!!



    I don't think there is any argument to be had about what the best control method is, it has been proven that mouse and keyboard is quicker, more accurate etc. But I don't think game playing is about that is it? If you went into an arcade the machines are set up so you hold a gun if shooting stuff, or you sit in a seat and hold a steering wheel if driving stuff, you don't have a mouse and keyboard. Personally I prefer the experience compared to the accuracy/response thing, so when I pull a trigger on a joypad to shoot something it 'feels' better than clicking a mouse button which ten minutes before I was using to highlight cells A1 to D6 in a spreadsheet. ;)




    Mouse and keyboard doesn't feel anything like the movement of someone with a gun :lol:

  3. Took mine into the dealers today for bubbling on both rear arches, the usual pictures were taken. They phoned back wanting me to take the car in for "paint thickness checks". Apparently they like to find out if its ever been resprayed and may try to wiggle out if it has. Fingers crossed.


    manphibian, did they check your paint thickness?



    No. They had a real good look for signs or respray though.


    As it happens, the car is in the bodyshop as we speak....

  4. The only thing I don't like about PC gaming are the controls, there is just no gaming feel' to it, using my mouse and keyboard all day for excel then swtiching to a shooter is just wrong IMO - Joypads take it to a different level, even if the graphics are only 80% of what they are on PC.



    Yeah this ^


    I used to be PC only back in the days of Battlefield 2, but going back after PS3 is like a step back in realism for me now.


    The mouse moves too quickly, it just doesn't feel realistic, and the on/off nature of the keyboard buttons doesn't feel as good as the analogue movement of the sticks imo.


    It took a while to get used to a control pad, but there's no going back for me now :)


    Plus there was always a load of fiddling about with settings and stuff on PC to even get a game to work sometimes, shove the disc in and play these days :D


    PC does look amazing though :thumbs:




    And 'm playing rage right now mate :) It is great! The weird pop-in texture thing is a bit weird, but great game. Although i only rented it, so i'm hving to smash through it quickly before i have to take it back, already had it for a week and a half, it's gonna cost as much as buying it soon :lol:

  5. This is really winding me up.....


    Ever since they were developed, MMS picture messages on my contracts have been deducted from my text allowance, using 2 or more recently, 4 messages, which was fine.


    I absolutely love sending picture messages, as you can see from my stupid face and fly threads... that's kinda my thing. I usually send pics to about 5 or 6 mates at a time, most days.


    But now you just cannot get a contract with them included in any way :rant: They cost between 25 and 31p each, which is an absolute **** take imo....




  6. Probably be fine.


    Would they not send the TC in to a spaz?...... especially being winter when your more likely to have slippage :shrug:


    Could you not sense the sarcasm in Dan's response?


    I think he is getting sick of repeating hisself when it comes to information that is readily available using the search button.



    It is not easy to search for things like tyre sizes. Try typing 245/40/18 in and see what you get. :dry:

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