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Posts posted by ChrisB

  1. Errrmm.. I was drunk on eBay one night and bought one of these.. My old zed knob was looking a bit shabby - and got this as a temporary before deciding whether to refurb the old one or go for something grander/more expensive.


    Don't hate me :headhurt::lol:




    A bit chavtastic, but I kind of like it. Bought a Richbrook tax disk holder too. :teeth:

  2. I'm gobsmacked! It really is cheap - although I had 2 cars and got a bit cornered into buying a new second policy for the Z last year which wasn't that cheap (Swinton :bang: ), I'm back to one policy / one car again this year.... and it came in at £279 fully comp :yahoo: I put the wife on as a named driver (yeah right lol), and parked on the drive - not garaged.

    All done on line without fuss using confused.com, resulting in Admiral. Mine is a JDM too...


    OK so I'm 47, but in any case I'm Hyper pleased!

  3. I have these exact wipers on my car. They do work well, look nice and are a good price - but my set have an odd characteristic that they seem to exude white powder or crud from the rubber, which takes a bit if scraping to get off usually (and it keeps coming back). I've no idea if that is common to these particular blades or if mine were a friday afternoon batch - I've never had blades do that before. I figured it's because they are very cheap.


    I was thinking of getting Bosch aero blades next time. :)

  4. Hi Andy, you may be interested in my recent exploits..




    I was warned away from aftermarket, like the one you looked at, by both Zmanalex and R35lee for good reason. The aftermarket wings aren't good fits. There is a secondary problem that you'd have to cut the repeater hole over a surface that is subtly curved - without a suitable jig, that would be tough.


    I found the only cost efficient way was to somehow get an OEM wing - I got lucky on eBay by finding a new and unused one.

    An OEM from Nissan was quoted to me at over £300 so accumulation of costs, even before painting, for something that wasn't your fault really stings.


    First thing to do is :pmzmanalex: and or R35LEE to see if they have any OEM quality seconds, and then build up options from there.


    I felt your pain. :console:

  5. IMHO iPads work best by complementing a desktop (e.g. Mac Mini) whereas a laptop is a last century attempt at making a desktop mobile. (If that makes any sense). Some actions are better suited to desktop - and are a right pain on a laptop - and an iPad is like a third way which doesn't try to replace either. Just a new way of thinking.

  6. Of the floppy switch off covers, I like the Snugg (found on Amazon) - was even recommended by an Apple chap as being a better alternative to Apple's own.


    The pricey iPod camera kit has turned out to be useful too.


    As for apps - take your pick - and usually for what you get they're really not usually expensive.

  7. To be honest, (shld tht b tbh lol) I saw April 1st, school holidays, illiteracy... must be wind-up?


    If it's not a wind-up, I'd hate to think the zed might get a reputation with insurers as a car of choice for the over enthusiastic newer road user - we'd all end up paying. A bit of gentle persuasion to reign it in is probably warranted. As Col said, Zug's initial comment was spot on.


    Peace and love.


    edit: doh!

  8. ChrisB, I'd love to be a student again but the cost is a bit off-putting :thumbdown: If I had the money I'd study clinical psychology to go with my first degree in French and Modern European Literature.


    Zugara , happy to report that I am neither a spotty youth nor a pensioner :) Good luck with your new job as Ops Manager in the Air Compressor company. I'm sure it will be a gas :lol:

    Cost of it all is a real consideration. Fortunately for me, I embarked on degree no. 2 before the student fees debacle occurred, so am still on the previous (much more reasonable) rates for the time being. My problem is that I've got the daft idea that I eventually want a PhD, so will possibly income restricted for years to come. I must be barking. :bang:

  9. Cheers guys,


    Quite a save. A full 'normal' body shop approach would be to source and paint an entire side - north of £800. :scare:

    Even a 'blow over' of a second-hand wing would be over £300 after spending on finding a scrapped part (usually around £100 + any correction).


    So my approach was to get an accurate a match as possible from the start, hence spending slightly more on scanning. My car's colour code is KY0 G where as the paint that was supplied was marked as KY0 H, so colour shift from sunlight ageing had moved it a shade. The paint suppliers tolerance was anything under 3% difference (over 97%) from base stock is acceptable and enhanced by mixing.


    A direct paint code matcher would have missed that - and I'd have still ended up having to get second blending done that way. Apparently, Nissan paint is mysterious stuff too - hard to get right.


    Fortunately my paint appears to be uniformly shaded though - single panel painting would be a gamble if the paint at the door didn't match the paint on the bonnet, say, so then creativity would then be required. :#1:


    I am fairly lucky (well I say lucky - I hope it was only a scratch or chips) in that the bumper (which always fades more quickly on silvers) is pretty close due to a respray by the previous owner at some point. :clap:

  10. Here's my little story about a good result fixing a wing after a hit and run...


    Back in December last year, the wife and I went to a party on the south coast. It being a mucky weather time of year, Precious the Zed stayed at home - parked in her usual spot on hard standing away from the road...

    Imagine my surprise when, after probably the only night away from the house that year, we return to this :scare:


    Cryin' in the rain..






    Noooo.... the crease and the door shut would never straighten properly by panel beating.


    So the hunt for a new wing started. Our usual chaps were unfortunately out of stock - and local (150 mile radius) scrap dealer stuff at the time was like hens teeth (or iffy). There are plenty of pattern/patent non oem wings floating around, but they don't have the repeater light holes punched out (so image trying to get that done nicely) and also have a reputation for not fitting at all well.


    That left genuine OEM as the only solution. However, OEM is not cheap (>£300 unpainted), which for a hit-and-run repair, it seemed immoral to pay for that!


    So after a few months waiting, and a lot of checking the saved searches, i got lucky... eBay to the rescue - a genuine OEM for £50 cash which had been in a chap's garage. Nearly lost it in a bidding fight - but I killed that by putting in a silly final price, and fortunately the other guy bailed at £52. Just what I wanted!




    Now of course, painting.. Silver can be tricky to match.

    There are options here - cheapest is not always the best... quotes were £120 for a chap who just uses codes, £180 for a chap who uses codes, and blends by eye.. :scare: or £190 Taras' excellent service at RT-Performance, which involved a digital scanner at his trusted paint supplier.


    No brainer then: got her scanned in deepest Park Royal London (yay sat nav), they mixed the paint on the spot, then I dropped the wing and paint off to Taras for preparation and painting (holy crap the London traffic!) and then next day, return to have it fitted.. (bonus - I had previously expected to do that bit myself)


    Inside a wing



    ...and back to former beauty



    Very much better. I'd like to recommend RT-Performance for their quality and reasonably priced work.

    A lot of searching around, a fair bit of travelling around, and a good body shop to implement and you get a great result (total about £278 + nearly a tank of fuel).


    Absolutely no point going via insurance either - I'd have been ripped off for years to come that way.

  11. My wife has a civic 2.2CDTi ES spec. Its a brilliant car - very torquey if a bit torque steery at times ;) if I drive it with Zed feet.

    Great in the winter - especially with winter tyres on, and nice and comfortable. Very relaxing to drive.

    The folding rear seats are great - dogs, bikes, tables, you name it fit in the tardis.

    Only problem so far with ours has been the wife scratching it :lol: and an aftermarket iPod connection that doesn't always work (have to turn off engine and reboot stereo to get sound occasionally). Oh and a relay on the A/C needed changing once for about a tenner. Everything else has been bulletproof over 4 years and 70K ownership.


    BTW, Another recall was the handbrake button was put in the wrong way round on some cars. Mostly that was fixed though.

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