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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. Here are my first two shots with the Nex-5...


    Not the most exciting photos ever, but hey.. gotta start somewhere :p







    Knowing you and your pictures Manphibian, there must be a a face in both these picturs somehwere :p


    Great thread this as ive just received a nice little tax rebate that will now pay for my camera, though still undecided what camera to go for. Lots of reading up before I buy me thinks!

  2. Check out the ratings on the left hand side to see the increase of sales of certain items. Praying it's people buying them for protection and not the to$$ers rioting!


    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/movers-and-s ... =zg_bs_tab


    Seems we could end up with Vigilanty groups taking the law in to their own hands!!


    Well tempting it is to go all vigilante on their asses then I would want to go with some of this gear :teeth:


    http://www.amazon.com/Damascus-FX1-Flex ... jungl05-20

  3. 368552306.jpg

    Why the f didnt they come out last night like that. That'd show the little scally's - beat them all with broomsticks - Tom and Jerry stylee :lol:



    Given half the chance those morons/rioters would nick those broomsticks!

  4. Just had this from a mate up in London - ' Gang of youths next to me at west Hampstead station, faces covered with scarves and hoods talking about which trainers they're gonna get. Shall I push one of them infront of a train? '


    Words fail me for this sort of behaviour, these people are no use for anything as far as im concerned. :rant:

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