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Posts posted by wackosr

  1. Got a maths degree from Oxford and here's my best advice: unless you figure it out yourself, you won't ever understand the issues properly. It's not so much about 'cheating' or anything like that. It's much more about understanding the core concepts and the only way to get there is to work through it yourself. Next time you come across a similar or related question, the right answer will stare you in the face.


    I completely agree with that. (Oxford too, nice. :thumbs: )


    And to a certain extent it comes down to how it's taught/explained.

    I must admit I struggled at A level, but when I got to Uni and did similar/harder things from A level I thought I was going to struggle again.

    But the way it was taught in our 1st year maths classes was different and something clicked/made sence and I flew through. Part of me wishing that had happened a year previous! But at least it set me up for the rest of my years studying.


    If you do get some help from someone else, hopefully there will be some form of explaniation and something will click for you too so going forward you will be able to get to grips with it.

  2. Likewise, I did A level maths and Engineering at Uni but I graduated in 2000, so those brain cells may have killed off by now! :drunk:

    Anyway let me know the problem and I'll have a look.

    I'm sure I still have some text nooks and possibly my notes too.

  3. Right, firstly another quick thank you for all the pre track day advice, most appreciated and did come in handy. :thumbs:


    So today was the day for my first track day, my buddy and I got there early, signed on, attended the safety briefing and went out on the sighting laps to see where the 3.5m track went! Fluids checked, pads changed, tyre pressures upped a few psi etc. Even a spot of elec tape on the lights for good effect!! :)


    Then it was back into the paddock, lots of people doing last minute tinkering and set up adjustments. I was beginning to wonder, where and when the noise tests were carried out, 1m away form the exhaust at 45 degrees, 102bd limit. :surrender: As I was conceded it may be close, but nothing was said, so we headed in to the line waiting to be let out to play!! :yahoo:


    Neves were a little high an adrenaline was a little higher!! We were signalled out and away we went. I took it easy at first, especially as my buddy had been drink the sighting laps to get a feel for my Zed. It did look easier as a passenger! Still the first three laps went without hitch, plenty of tyre squeal and even got 125mph on the back straight!


    We took it in turns to do 3 laps each, the gave the car a 20 min cooling down period and time for our heart rates to drop!!


    As the morning progressed we got away for trying to carry too much speed in to the corners and concentrated on lines, breaking point etc, all this helped and the laps seemed to be quicker and control was definitely better.


    But as confidence grew on corner, a long sweeping right before a small/fast chicane gave me a small scare and some wresting with the steering wheel kept as pretty straight after the back end let go and we had a good bit of fish tailing action!! :drive1 Took a few laps to find the optimum speed after this!!


    Didn't venture into turning off the TCS, maybe next time. It did flash away a few times when getting on the power a little early out of corners.


    All in all the day went well, a few passing moves and not too many overtaking us. But there was a good range of vehicles, Evo FQ 320's, Scooby's, Caterham's and similar, MX5's, MR'2 and a mini with a motor bike engine in, that blew up just before lunch!


    Down sides to the day!

    Well, a pretty expected one, but the tryres took a good pounding and will need replacing very soon, but to be fair the rears weren't far off!

    But the worst in the stone chips, early on the were so may stones, the bumper, front of the bonnet, and windscreen have taken a peppering and will news some serious TLC very soon to rectify. :thumbdown:

    I'd say to anyone considering a day her to get the front end covered in a clear vinyl so something similar, not much you can do for the screen I guess.

    We did our best to stay wide of other vehicles especially in the straights and keep our distance, but this wasn't quite enough.


    All in all a very enjoyable day and will definitely be looking to do another in the future.


    Also saw a new 370Z flying round!! :D

  4. Okay, no hand brake use, that makes sence.

    As does keeping the engine running.


    Thanks for that, woudl be a little embaracing getting the hand brake stuck on!!



    :thumbs: That's a very good point, thanks. Knowing what it feels like and what to do could quite easily make all the difference. 'I choose life!' So TCS off after a couple of laps it is, time to become one with the car! Not that I'm gonig to push that hard on the road, but you never know what might happen.


    Thanks again. :thumbs:

  5. Cool, I can see it may become slightly adictive!

    Same it cost so much!!


    I'm sure after this weekend I'll be saving up my pennies for brake improvements, handling improvements and entry fees!!


    Yes, going to start off slowly, don't want to soil my pants on the first lap and drive like Miss Daisy for the rest of the day!!


    :lol::lol: Yes, you may have twisted my arms little, if the track is quieter later in the day, I may well give it a try.

    As you say, it's the safer place and it's legal! If I end up facing the wrong way, so be it!!

    As long as I keep enough tread to get me home legally I can drive the shed until I get some new rubber.


    :drive1:teeth: Getting excited!!

  6. local enough to get there any back under my own steam. I only ask as i know that the javelin days are expensive for one driver, but cheap for a second, plus it'd be hard to get your moneys worth i reckon if you go on your own. tbh i'd be quite interested in even just coming along as a passenger - what date were you going over there for?


    back on topic though, id start the day with no bungs, and then put them in if they ask you to. I personally dont believe a car can ever be too loud - if you ever watch a GT1 race you'll realise that loud is good! been on a day with an s2000 running a straight pipes and while he did get black flagged for noise, it sounded awesome (could clearly hear it wherever it was on the track lol)



    Definitely going Sunday if you want to pop over for a few passenger laps!

  7. Cheers rabitstew, that's really good of you.


    Cool pic and the paint works really well, good job. :#1:


    I'm pleased yours are nice and level, I need to do some adjusting to mine a the left is a good 20mm or so higher than the right!


    Do you use a BBQ paint?


    Track day os all booked now, fingers crossed i'm with in limits.

    Otherwise there may be some last minute mods to the insides of the bungs!!





  8. Many thanks for the info Sam, most appreciated.

    (Ment to reply the other day, but having internet issues)


    I hear what you are saying about the surface and the fact it is likely to have more grip, most runways and taxing ways are usually corse cement.

    not sure if there are any tarmac sections, if there is a mic, will give me something else to think about!


    I hadn't thought of upping the psi, sounds like a good idea for sure, don't want to be wearing the edges off, but I'm am taking in to count that new rears will need to be on the cards very soon as they aren't the newest.


    Not sure I'm brave or skill full enough to be getting tail happy, but there are seven hours in which to drive, so you never know as the day goes on and I get a feel for things, hopefully not being too over confident!


    I believe they take you round for a to show you where the braking zones are and I think they mark the apex with cones, fingers crossed.


    Probably do 20 minutes stints and then give the Zed time to breath before going out again, it's a 3 mile course, so a few long straights to give the brakes a small chance to cool off!


    Had a quick look at the other entrants, 911, 944, Caterhams etc, so I may not be close behind anyone for long, hopefully there track is wide enough so I can sit to one side and preserve my paint a little!


    I will do my best to enjoy it, :drive1 thats for certain and the large run off means i don't have to worry quite so much if it goes a little wrong, will be taking it easy if another car is close.


    I'll have to try and get some pics to post up.


    Thanks again.


  9. I :cloud9: the sound of a bunged K1 its just a shame it don't sound like that with the bungs out :blush:


    +1 on that.

    They look so much better without the bungs in!!

    Still contemplating painting them matt black with some heat resistant paint, but worried it may look tacky!

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