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Posts posted by Freebird

  1. Just do it, i spent near enough a year **** balling about one. In the end i got rid of my VX220 and my Jeep as those combined worked out to be a lot more to run than just a 350z. Massively happy with my choice as the VX in the winter is beyond a horrific joke which led me to use my Jeep which was a 4 litre and did 17mpg driving like a granny. I have to drive a 100 mile round trip to uni three times a week and thats about it.

    So for me it was a good compromise my insurance was £700 for a year on the zed which has halved the cost of having two cars on a multicar policy. I was getting about 29mpg on average when i first got it a few weeks back, but after getting used to it im now getting a bit less :blush: but still about 25mpg. Which to me is great haha. :#1:


    Just do it, worst thing that can happen is you dont think its a great idea and you have to sell it and buy something else. At least it will have been fun for the time you had it and you wont regret it imo. :thumbs:


    Oh just to add im 23.

  2. Same kind of deal with the VX220's we called it the winter cull. New(er) owners would buy a car this time of year as the prices are generally a bit lower and subsequently didnt drive according to the conditions and wrote them off. Bit of a shame really and sad to see it happens on here too :(


    However like someone else said, there isnt actually anything worth poaching off that car either :/

  3. Yeah repetition was always my thing too! For wordy stuff I'd write out concise notes as has been suggested and then keep going over them, covering them up and reciting all the key points and then glancing down to see if there was anything I'd forgotten. Read again, recite again and keep going until it's all in there!


    For anything technical I'd just keep doing as many examples from text books, past exam papers, etc. until I was happy I'd got it nailed.


    I don't envy you though, I loved my time at uni but I'm not sure I'd fancy doing it all again with all the coursework and exams!




    And also currently killing me at the moment. Thermo/fluid dynamics is particularly doing my nut at the moment lmao

  4. I have always been total shite at exams and stuff especially with maths. The last maths exam i did (about a month ago) i literally just did a million examples of all the stuff being covered in the exam and i managed to pull 93% out of my ass (only screwing up on some plus and minus signs while rearranging did i lose marks).


    Honestly best thing i found was to just do the stuff over and over and over again. Then another time for good measure lol

  5. Nah its just a basic GTR, not even a V-Spec because I'm poor :blush:


    It had a retrim in Japan henche the leather :)


    I don't think the GTR tax is as bad as Z tax :surrender:


    Ah i see, well lets be honest none of them are cheap haha. Im also now finding out the zed tax too :headhurt: (but i can actually insure one of those)


    Awaiting dropped pics :p

  6. Just found them via stanceworks showcasing their upper control arms.


    The products look really well made and presented, had a look at the zorsts they do and they also look rather nom :p


    I assume it would be a pain in the arse to get hold of a system off of them?


    They offer different systems including single exit and dual, and configurations from manifold back where the Y pipe is decatted and connects to the manifold, cat back and y pipe back aswel.


    Here is the site for reference: http://www.momentumperformance.com/


    Like i said before I think the products look really good. Thoughts and opinions guys?

  7. With the Bungs out the sound is just immense, the whole cabin resonates.... when you drop off the gas you get an orgasmic burble :cloud9:


    Exactly what im looking for :p I am a huge fan of tunnels too ;)


    I used to have a near enough straight through system on my VX for best part of a year, that was probably the most illegally loud thing i have ever heard, never stuck the decat back in after my MOT but i missed it being that loud after.


    I have only found a couple of videos of the buddy club on a zed but its the kind of sound im after, definitely sounds jap and loud haha.


    Loud cars are not a problem for me after helping to build a handfull of skylines on the insane side of 1200bhp lol :D

  8. I had a Buddy Club and it was lovely, just don't expect it to ever be quiet or stop vibrating... :headhurt::surrender:


    haha, its ok coming from a lotus built car i will be fine with some vibration :p At least it wont sound like my car is falling apart

  9. I think id probably prefer the Buddy Club for the bit extra in all honesty as its a proper Jap system. Im still looking with the intention of buying in the new year.


    And loud you say... :yahoo: (may have been my intention all along :blush: )


    Cheers guys

  10. Following my single exit zorst thread the other day (and availability of stuff)


    I am thinking if I can find one for a decent price I am hugely tempted by the buddy club (i know its not a TD) but it looks B) and think it sounds awesome.


    Is £700 a good price for that system? It is Y back as far as i can tell (ebay seller) - Anyone on here source one cheaper?


    I had thought about a Scorpion system but i would require a new Y pipe too which would come to about £625 in total, and am i right in thinking that the BC one is better (being JDM and all that)


    EDIT: I also read that the scorpion isnt suitable for an import, how true is that? lol


    I think at some point I would also be interested at getting some decats but that can always come later.


    Another thought was to buy decats and a new Y pipe and leave the standard zorst for a while, no idea how that sounds though or if its worth it. (Looks like a fairly new OE back box)

  11. Sorry it took me ages to reply in here :blush:


    Good shout on the front proxies.


    Also i went for the silver one :p


    Did a gearbox oil change today with added molyslip too feels much nicer now and had a good look underneath. Might take some bits off bead blast them and powder coat them if i find the time.

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