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4RE Leather

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Posts posted by 4RE Leather

  1. Well folks I thought I would share my 1st weeks experience of being a 350z owner with you. I purchased BT58CPU last friday from a main Dealer who gave me £1500 more for my Pathfinder than I paid for it 2 years ago. Bought it home from Ruislip to Morden and lovely car to drive. Saturday late at night I went out down to gatwick just for a gentle play!! Sunday well that was it for my Z:( I was going along Hampton Court Way towards the A3 and acording to my POGO alert plus tracking system I was racing along at 17mph. Bottom line is a car turned right from the BP garage across 2 lanes blind and into my side, Result 1 pancaked nearside RAY and cut tyre just 3 days old. Front bumper damage. Needs a new Drivers Door and maybe the wheel arch. A guy I know spent 4 hrs trying to refurbish the wheel but by his own admission he feels with the amount of gunk on there the integrity may be compromised. So it will need replacing and laser alignment. The driver an elderly lady and her 2 passengers all agreed that my car was invisible!!! WEll confused now. Well the lady driver said. Your car is the same colour of the sky a dull grey and I can't see that colour car. I then looked down at the damage and said well thats not invisible is it my dear? And to add the sun is out the sky is blue forget the raining in my heart but tarmac is not blue it is black!!!.

    Anyway her insurance was absolutely brillient and has offered me a service that far exceeds my own AXA. Manor car hire in Warrinton (who provide premier football stars with vehicles to wrapp up in tunnels by Portugese drivers who like to pull the windows down to listen to the roar through the tunnels and then not looking where they are going pollaxe a new 430!!) have been instructed to provide me with a like for like car for as long as i like as i am not driving a bent Zed. They have given me a 1 year old mercedes grand edition CLS auto that is nearly as fast as the Zed. Not that that is an issue. However the guy said. Insurance companies tend not to see Nissan as a super car but an average vehicle even though the GTR out performs a Porsha Turbo 911 and until they do we are not treated with the same respect as a ferrari or Aston owner. And the initial fight I had to get AXA to use Nissan parts only. Not inferior parts. They say I am entitled to BStandard kite mark parts only. yet they were not paying and Acromas (SAGA) the at fault insurers want me to have Nissan parts and give me a decent car? AXA my own insurers only wanted me to have a car whilst mine was at the repairers.

    The bottom line is we need to watch out for budget car insurers like Swift and AXA as it pays to get a better one if you can. Also get GAP insurance like I have as it is well worth it. Another point is AXA tried to argue is that they wanted the details of why my old insurance would not insure the Zed. Purely because the CO-Op do not insure that car for anyone period. Infact out of the 250 insurance companies on go compare at least 180 do not insure a Zed. I then told AXA that I am going to get the new shape GTR and went online for a quote. They themselves along with 220 would not touch the car so i said would you like me to write down all 220 would not quote insurers!!!

    A lot of lessons to learn. And just to wind me up another notch l got a bluetooth module that fitted and works fine but all the female voice in the car keeps saying is Pardon!!! 3 hours to input 16 names. and the 1st name i got in was my doctors and she must have dialled it 30 times. good job they were closed. So although no one can help on the repair front It would be good if we could get some imput on Insurances attitude to Japanese technology that far surpasses our own. If Nissan bought out ferrari they said they would have a veyron eater out in a year at a third of the price? Any help please with the bluetooth witch that constantly says pardon would be nice.

    Kind regards to you all

    Peter (thenoname)

  2. Hi all. Could ome kind sole tell me if the 350Z's came supplied with the Bluetooth Phone module or you had to pay for it as an extra?

    I just picked up my 2nd hand 2009 Zed with sat nav and I thought the sat nav was the same as my Pathfinder Adventura.

    Then I opened the arm rest and it was missing? If they did come supplied stock I might get them to buy me one:)

    Thanks in advance and appologies if this has been written before.


  3. Would speeding bullets set of the Gatso's or are they to fast ha ha.

    Ok we shall kill that and concentrate on refresher courses for us older guys.

    At the moment I have to have a medical every 5 years for my PSV and HGV. Surely some one who has a condition and has an attack at 80 mph on the motorway can cause just as much damage as swerving as a lorry does. If I was driving a truck and a car swerved into my path My 1st thoughts are to swerve if not I could catapult the car into oblivion or more often than not into inocent traffic.

    I dont think a five yearly medical and refresher day would not hurt.


  4. Can't argue with any of that. I put down on my Firearms I suffer from Ankylosing Spondilitis and Chronic Cluster Headaches otherwise known as suicide headaches. However suicide has never crossed my mind. But then I could be a lier and put down there is nothing wrong with me and I suffer from Bi-polar. As we both agree we have the toughest gun laws in the world if a check to ones Doctor was made compulsary I truley think we could make our nation stand out and send a message to the rest of the world. It still would not make aquiring a gun water tight but certainly close the gap. And as to diactivated weapons I personnaly would like to see the action wealded and hot metal poored down the barrel. Mu mate has a Side by side diactivated shot gun with a certificate and all they have doen id drill 2 holes in the barrells. I inter changed the barrells and put a 12guage in each chamber and missed the 1st clay but got the 2nd?

    Certificate has the London proffing house official stamp on it! Any views on that rabbit! peter

  5. I like your dad was transport manager but it was not for me so itaught the subject at Herts College instead,

    Yep Speed limiters are a pain in the arse when going up hill as they slow you down when you have a load on.

    You need inertia to carry you up the side. Then you come upon a truck going a slight bit slower so some drivers come out and overtake at the brow of the hill. Then as you go down the other side the nearside truch gains momentum so speeds up and as he is heavier gets pushed down the hill faster than the overtaking one that is lighter. Hence you know the rest 2 trucks side by side 56mph for mile after mile and neither giving way. I gave the name in an earlier comment on this post of the main offender.


    Statistic wise and based on a % basis as you have to remember there were less vehicles on the roads. There were 40% fewer incidents involving coaches and trucks 25 years ago than today. Unless all vehicles have some kind of speed limiter then it wont work as efectively.

    I believe the japanese have limited all cars to 120 mph. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Every one tends to blame bus and truck drivers and sometimes this is the case but the idiot who hurtles onto the motorway straight into the outside lane is a cause of swerving. As is the constant convoy of Nissan micras that sit in the North Bound middle lane on a Friday pm of the M25 M1 and in reverse on the Sunday evening that bewilders me. Why does this make of car behave in this manner? Is it some kind of built in function that when it is overloaded it just goes straight to the middle lane and site there? By the way the only 2 vehicles that are allowed to cruise in the middle lane are Ambulances on blue lights for obviouse reasons and PSV's in fog or falling snow when visability is down to 100 metres.

  6. NO in the fuel shortage 30 years ago they reduced the overal speed by 10 mph across the board for eahg type of vehicle. So Motorways for cars dropped from 70 to 60 and duel carriageways the same. Trucks and buses were reduced to 50 Bearing in mind a bus or coach (Alarge bus) by definition could do 70 as well on motorways. And the official ruling or State Law these speeds still stand. When the fuel crisis was over we just assumed it would go up again so we all went back to 70 on the motorway. When the law says it is 60. It's just one of those daft subjects of truth that give us a laugh and take our minds of the serious stuff for a while.


  7. As no one has responded as to why the speed limit for cars on the motorway is 60 and trucks and buses is 50 I will tell you

    Back in the time of Ranald regan and maggie Thatcher there was a worl fuel shortage. Or rather we would not pay the price the arabs wanted. So Regan put a blanket speed limit of 55 across the USA and we by act of Parliament lowered the speed limit acordingly.

    When the full crisis was over there was no act of Parliament ever bought out to counter act the previous one so the 60mph still stands as case law.

    One of the daftest is truck speeds. Trucks can do 60 mph on the motorway but EU legislation says they must be fitted with a speed limiter divice set at 56mph. So if a truck is doing 60 mph as down hillover run will do that and as an ex trucker you do not apply the brakes with a heavy load as you will heat up the wheels and start throwing the cheap nasty retreads through the winscreens of cars killing people. So you use the exhaust brake./telmar or what ever to hopefully slow you down. But it wont have no effect at 40 tonnes or as I had 80 tones down reigate hill so you just hang on. All the driver can be charged with is a defective speed limiter, But they are not defective as some of the people that carry out tacho checking do not under stand the basic principle or purpetual motion.


    However Truck tail gateing is every where and every day and if you are overtaking they will move up even closer.

    This is one dangerous monouver that never seems to be stopped. Not that I am saying it isn't.

    And by far the worst offenders and the biggest name in hit and run incidents and overturning there truck on the motorways

    tailgating and killing people is the international truck company Norbert Dentressangle Trucking. They always seem to be at the centre of it and dissapear leaving the aftermath for others to clean up. They took over were Trathins Coaches left of 30 years ago.



  8. Proplem is the substances used for illigal drugs often have a dirivitive in for prescribed drugs. For example I take Morphin and oxicontine which is stronger than the Morphine and the prednisolone prescribed steroid has the same side effects as its illigal conterpart anabolic steroid.

    I get violent mood swings if I am not carefull but have learnt to control them as the pain eats most of the effect up. As does the Morphine and Oxycontine. But they are all I believe made from Opium. Or as the Yanks used to say Anlodipine and ever since Doctors gave this "Anlodipine out" willy nilly 200 years ago it has been the done thing.

    Especially with innercity doctors who have less time to see patients and no time at all to research their back ground.

    When using the computer enhanced awareness test I would 1st of all run through it with the guys on the course without medication.

    I would then go and take some Oral morphine and do the same test. My speed increased by average 40% my reactions slowed 60%

    and i missed pedestrians and bystanders by inches. Only trouble is I had to get public transport home as I will not drive if I feel effected.

    I only have to look into the mirror and look at my eyes:)

    I now never use slow release pain relief of any kind only oral morph as it is quickly in and out of the system. I am driving at 12 noon tomorow so I will not take anything after 12 noon today? But none of this is on the medication bottle. It used to say on class 1 prescribed drugs "Do not drive whilst taking this medication" Now it just says "This medication may make you tired or drowsy. If effected do not drive"

    I would like to see the Autopsy report for Mr Moat and see what was in his system as only people who are truly ill or depressed commit suicide otherwise it's down to chemical unbalance in the adrenal gland proberbly caused by self administered drug abuse.

    He chose death by cop but took out inocent people with him. I am still not against tightening of gun laws as we have the toughest tests in the world. All that would happen would be more and more guns dissapearing off the register and not being accounted for.

    However I have I am friends with several firearms officers and regularly go shooting with them. We all agree one thing that the application forms could be amended. At the moment it says have you ever been treated for depression etc, If you put no in the box they never contact your Doctor as they are so understaffed. and now they have taken the out of hrs payment off of them even less thorough tests will be done. i think that every application should consist of a medical with your GP just as PSV and LGV.

    This would stop those with depresive illnesses and the ones that Take anti depresants getting a licence. Not sure about MR Moat but I just made a phone call and was told off the record that there is a mention of Bi-polar disorder. Might explain as Lithium is a strange drug?


  9. Your both right I started on a tractor and was ploughing fields and taking corn and wheat from combines by the age of 11.

    I saved all my money and bought a 3 wheel vespa and drove it round the farm were I worked and as the farmers fields stopped about half a mile from were I lived used to take it along the track and park it in the field. No good in the wet and snow though. Even in the army we learnt our 1st test on landies and trained in a compound called the Nursery at rushmore Arena near Aldershot.

    I have a profile on FB and the amount of girls who put down there no 1 bug bearer is slow drivers. They even ask for boyfriends with fast cars. So thats were the boy show offs come from. One other thing to add. because of the nature of my illness I sometimes take large doses of prescribed sreroids. They make me go from calm to wild cat in a split 2nd so I avoid driving as much as I can when on them and count lamp posts when annoyed in standing traffic. I always leave early for hospital appointments. I was 1st put on high dose steroids at the tender age of 16. I wonder what would of happened being a red headed 18 year old if I had been on these prescribed drugs whilst driving. My 1st road car was a volkswagen karmann ghia. That would have hurt being hit by that.

    Illigal steroids are freely available to anyone that will pay? I used to do a night run to Manchester from Heathrow with a artic full of parcels. One of the other drivers was a young body builder. he used to take anabolic Steroids. It was nothing for this maniac to undertake on the hard shoulder and that was before limiters when our Scanias would do 85mph. The amount of people he pulled out of cars and hit yet no one ever did anything as they were to scared. Not sure what the law is on illigal steroids. I hope they are classed as a class one because they are a sure killer of the inocent. If anyone wants to visualise a person on steroids and drugs look closely at Rraoul Moat!

  10. I am 100% with the guy that said cameras are a cash cow. One county recently started to take all there cameras out

    and admitted they were purely their to make money. These are not my words but the words of the Council Leader and they should know!!!


    Maybe, but we should all know the rules and expect to suffer the consequences. Anyway, I think the money from fines goes to Central Government not to the councils. In any case its not the fines that hurt, its the penalty points, that's why wealthy celebrities spend thousands to avoid a £60 fine....so, if we drop the fines but keep the points what will the whingers say then ;)





    I never read this properly. Yes definately keep the points:) Well said


  11. The council or county that took the cameras out i believe said the money goes to the Police.

    If everyone did keep to the speed limit we could be faced with a giant wall of traffic which would very quickly grid lock the road network

    So we must maintain a staggered speed to prevent this. But who would want to be the slow and who would want to be the fast,

    I am not against any sherking and evry debate will have fores and against thats what makes it so interesting. Do the crime do the time as they said. My gripe is non licence holders or wreck drivers killing people!!

    Isn't it funny how we all like to own a fast car then try to keep the speed down.

    Anyone know the gate code for Dunsfold areodrome?

  12. Now I dont work for the company I shall tell you a story. I was free lance driving instructor to a large TFL London bus company.

    They always have short falls of drivers. When a country joins EC and you can take your pick the law on international driving licences is that all they have to do is swop for a uk licence as their licence has to be recognised. The main Ec country that UK recruits from their test standard is a lot lower than ours. And the cosequences were distasterous. Crashes left right and centre. A spate of low bridge incidents and people knocked down on crossings. These drivers are out on the roads all over the UK and this also includes truck drivers.

    Enough said.

    I suppose as we get older and wiser we learn more but we never stop learning.

    I was lucky I took all my driving tests includinh HGV and PSV in the Army so racing and showing off would get me an audiance with the sergant major.

    We all need to take our minds back to passing our test and getting our 1st car. I was taught how to pass my test. Not how to drive. That we teach ourselves and the main difference between the time Iwe took out test and now is we tend to take more chances

    because we are more confident. But then I took my test 36 years ago and a lot less traffic about. In this country I truely believe the test should be a lot tougher and everyone should have a refresher course at set intervals. yes I know this is expensive and a lot of people will disagree. just because I haven't had an accident in over 30 years of driving isn;t down to my driving skills and does all the certificates I have does not make me a better driver. It is down to pure luck. Because thus far the drugged up junky or **** head has not come hurtling towards me to put my skills to the test. My 1st reaction would be to swerve, but swerve into what. I won;t have time to look and see the young woman with the baby buggy on the pavement. Or the pensioner at the bus stop. And it is not in my nature to play russian roulett. So what is the answer as all the training and skills in the world will not prepare you for those waste of spaces. If you or your actions cause the death of someone because you are under the influence of drink or drugs or have stolen the car or not insured and no MOT tha you should be given a life sentance period.

  13. I am 100% with the guy that said cameras are a cash cow. One county recently started to take all there cameras out

    and admitted they were purely their to make money. These are not my words but the words of the Council Leader and they should know!!!


    Can someone tell me why it says I am a Z hopefull when I have one and thought I filled in a thingy on here to say so? Ta:)

  14. Swift is now owned by AXA thats why the online quots are so close. I just insured my 2009 350z with axa because the co-op said they don't insure zeds? Good thing about axa is they give up to 90% NCD I would be gutted because even though I had a claim last year on my pathfinder whilst with ESURE when some **** reversed into me and buggered off they still quoted me £670 comp for the z so well happy. As I am ex army I had better get some Mesh bomb shield for the front screen.

    Things to be ware of. Driving behind tipper lorries. They often have a brick or lump of concreat stuck between the back tyres and when that flyes out at 60mph it will take your head off let alone the car windscreen.

  15. Its the lane drifters that worry me. The worst case ever that I am aware of was a british coach on the autobhan in Germany.

    The Coach was not so much drifting but tyring to overtake a truck. The driver could not see in his nearside mirror as there was a truch right up his stack. Bearing in mind he was driving on the right he took a chance and just pulled out. In this country he might have got away with it, but the Autobhan? The shortened version of the official report was.The Coach pulled out into the path of a new mercedes SLR doing approx 200mph. The car hit the coach at that speed and the coach was doing 60mph. So basically even though the car braked it didnt have a chance and hit the back of the coach at approx 130 mph. The force was such that the rear engine of the coach was pushed forward to the front of the coach taking legs with it and the young female courier was hit with such volocity that she was thrown through the windscreen. She survived the impact only to stand up and be killed by an oncoming truck. It was one of the most hart wrenching stories I have heard and The crach pictures. The Drivers of the Mercedes airbag was caught high up in a tree and the merc looked like it had been in a crusher. This is clearly a case of utter madness and I leave you to draw your own conclusions.

  16. Some interesting points you have made. I am a part time tutor of Transport Studies at a Hertfordshire College and a full member of the Chartered institute of transport. And often had police drivers come and join in the drivers hrs section when teaching the CPC to hopeful driver operators. Every member of the Police have said the same thing. The speed should be 80mph on motorways. And like you my number one bug bearer is unroadworthy cars and ones without tax and insurance. Not sure what your stance is on this but my hand on heart opinion is take them and the car off the road there and then. As for people driving whilst using the mobile phone. If they kill someone they should be charged with manslaughter. I am a firearms and shotgun licence owner. If I accidently miss the target and kill someone I expect to be charged with manslaughter. I also know that a car is a leathal weapon so if they kill some one with it whist preocupied then the law should be the same. Struth I am on my soap box now. I went into the driver training industry when I came out of the forces due to my GF being killed by a drunk driver. He got banned for 18 months and a £250 fine I was disgusted. It was 33 years ago now. But never forgotten. I do put my hand up to drinking from a bottle of water but make sure no one is behind or near me. No excuse. We are all guilty from teenager, Policeman and polititian. Not so long ago I moved over for a red policecar in Park lane who was on blues and two's drinking from a mcdonalds paper cup. I presume from the Hyde park corner branch. Thats why we need to keep reinforcing the message. In October 1998( I think) was it not made a road traffic offense to sit in the centre lane when the nearside was empty. ie lane hogging? I believe this is the greatest single most cause of driver aggresion. No doubt everyone has a story to tell.

    But at the end of the day to many people are dying on our roads needlessly. On reflection your suggestion of Average speed cameras

    is a very good idea. And fit them up with NPR whilst they are at it.Is there some way you could kick start a campaign? I would gladely

    add my name to it. I think we need 5000 names for a parliamentry hearing? maybe less.

    Keep this going guys is a great debate.

  17. I spend a lot of time on Motorways and when I was truck driving vertually lived on them. Unfortunately tail gating is one of the biggistcauses of inciidents and even the proffesionals are guilty.

    Do any of you remember the Comidian Roy Chubby Brown? He had a lovely big House hear Louth on the road the Grimsby. The council decided to open a rubbish dump on the road opposite. After a few weeks the stench was disgusting especially in the Summer months.

    Chubby complained to the Council which was either louth or Lincolnshire and they said basically. Tough luck. It's our land we will do what we want. A couple of weeks later they stuck a speed camera on the main road just up from his entrance. He complained that it obscured his vision and was a hazard. Soon after that another one went up on the other side of the road! Just thought you would like to know how cameras can be turned into weapons.

  18. I personnaly believe there should be a national data system set up if they truely believe that cameras are there to save lives not to make money.

    If every time a car sets of a camera it was logged and if that numberplate had never been snapped before a warning letter should go out to the registered keeper. Then if they are caught again they can be fined accordingly. I find it unfare that a constant offender is fined the same amount as a 1st timer. 3 strikes in a given time period and your out!!


  19. I am surrendering my 2007 pathfinder Adventura and picking up a 2009 registered 350Z next week

    MPG is about the same and petrol is about 6p a litre less. Funny how things turn out.

    When l went diesel 10 years ago it was the other way round. Good deal private on Bentley Continental GT's at the moment

    you can pick up a 2006 with 30k on the clock for under £40k Thats a loss of £25k a year.

    Nice car but boring to drive. At least with a Z you can feel the drive:):)

  20. Before I became ill I used to teach safety awareness courses to Bus Driver's in London.

    The majority of accidents were caused by a combination of familiarity breeds contempt.

    The drivers were so used to traveling the same bit of road 10 times a day they would often drive

    to fast. Add that with the added distraction of the Mobile phone and Bang Death by bus.

    Everyone no matter who you are from Road Sweeper to MP takes their eyes off the ball when they drive,

    It is human nature and the speedo will creep over the 30mph limit very quickly.

    When ever I see a flashing 30mph sign it triggers the mind to concentrate.

    If cameras were replaced by flashing speed limits I truley think there will be less accidents.

    It's all about reinforcing the message and a constant reminder will hammer the message home.

    I have had an Origin B2 and now a PoGo Alert plus in my car. Not only does it bleep if there is a camera or radar van

    I have set it to bleep on accident black spots and schools. I use it as an aid not a way to speed and get away with it

    otherwise i would have fitted difusers.

    But at the end of the day. "SPEED KILLS"

  21. Have you tried piston Heads? Forget all the Hype about it being for rich people looking for italian stalions. I have a 1994 60ft Narrow Boat on there top speed 10MPH 0-10 in 15 secs. Stopping time. Depends how quick you slam it in reverse whhen a lock suddenly appears:)

    Just my attempt at humour. Hope you sell it ok. I don;t know why 350 is dropping so fast. You try getting a Nissan dealer to knock £500 off a £17000 price tag. The sales man has a heart attack!

  22. I am learning all the time thanks to you guys. I have come to the conclusion to get as newer model as I can with as lower milage as poss with full service history and know ex owners. Incidently that one at High Wycoombe is Midnight Blue not black. Did anyone else spot this deliberate Mistake!


    With The Z I find I can relax in and not have my walking stick handle poking me in the face from the passenger seat gully.

    Unlike a Boxster or 911:)

    Thanks for the welcoms:)


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