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Posts posted by ioneabee

  1. There are some scratches on the sides of them where I wasn't careful enough with the spanner :( - however, once fitted are barely visible


    I believe they fit the 350 and 370 (came off my 370)


    These are £50 new will take £25 shipped





    This is probably the worst one




    sadly - I can't seem to find any pics of them on the car - but if i get chance I might be able to resolve that

  2. .... and can vouch his right foot was far more respectful than mine ...

    are you saying I was slow :lol: :lol: :blush:


    when it goes to the dealer - my understanding is that they will be shipping it off to central clearing/auction or whatever - so its unlikely my dealer will make much on it but I suspect the new dealer will make close on £4-5k :surrender:

  3. any thoughts on the legality of this


    my son was offered a summer/seasonal job at Easter ready for the summer - all accepted and he and they will confirm a start date closer to the time.


    they've rung him this morning stating as the weather is so bad, they don't want/need him now - which means he's now jobless for the summer and its pretty hopeless trying to find something this late.


    not that we're likely to do anything, but what is the legal position here ?

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