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Posts posted by Peter10

  1. I don't know how much the average bottle retails at. I could quite easily get a case of them and get them to people at the price I get them at. The issue would be by the time P&P is paid for the savings may be lost. Halfords appear to sell it for just under £6 though so still a bargain :thumbs:.


    :lol: Also shows how cheap the stuff is. The company my mum works at is owned by the manufacturer of the stuff and they still can't sell it as low as supermarkets do (in fact it is her warehouse that sends it all to supermarkets in London & Home Counties). Shows how much supermarkets buy and how much it costs to make.

  2. It's seen on TV quite a lot these days (sponsors on Discovery Turbo). It's made my Tetrosyl who make an endless amount of car products (oils, cleaning, waxes etc). My mum works at the the company that is the main distributor for the stuff so I get it below nett price (think it was £3 for 1L). I have always been a fan of Autoglym Rapid Detailer but thought for less than £4 for 1L it wouldn't hurt trying it.




    It simply rocks... :lol:


    The spray bottle has "spray" and "stream" settings. On spray it has the same consistency as Rapid Detailer but not quite as fine as Red Mist. I used it straight onto the paintwork without washing it first as I never had time today and just wanted to clean it up. It took less than 10 minutes to the whole car and I can honestly say it looks like I spent ages washing it (in fact I can't stop looking out the window at it :blush:).


    Definitely worth picking it up and giving it a go. I like the Autoglym stuff and I always found Red Mist expensive (although a great product) but this gave the same or very close results. And 1L for 1/4 of the price of a 250ml bottle it is the clincher for me...

  3. Sounds daft, but you could take the head rest to B&Q, get them to mix a paint tester and take that to a body shop to match the paint :lol:



    :p They must be thinking "he wants to paint his house that colour!!!"

  4. Hardly any roads like that near me unfortunately. I've yet to really get the most out of the zed since owning it. Most country road driving I have done was the day I bought it driving to my sister on Oxford :(.

  5. Trouble is when the dust settles it the MEDIA that cause the long term problem, by that I mean how its reported.

    The police are damned if they are too heavy handed and damned if not, this then sets the precedent for the next wave. No one wants to lead the cops, as they will the destroyed by the press. It the same with the wars we have fought over recent years everyone has a liberal back seat view on casualties of war, this is the same. The Services should be left to do there job uninterrupted by the press looking for an angle to score points and sell news papers/TV ratings. Its a fact of life that there are somethings that are unpalatable. If you like your nice juicy steak, you should consider where it has come from and hows its produced. Tesco's don't advertise the slaughter houses......

    Sorry for the rant, there was more but 8 lines is enough at this time of night, the problems can be solved just let some get on with it (9!) :rant::rant:



    You hit the nail on the head right there. I personally cannot stand Kay Burley on Sky News at the best of times, however some of the utter bull**** she was coming out with on TV last night made wish someone would slap her.



    The problem is we now live in a society where its always someone else's fault. There always has to be a scapegoat or some reason why a person has committed a crime. It simply cant be because they are a dickhead. Even when people are caught and convicted, there is no real punishment and prison for the most part is better than Butlins.



    +1 on this.

  7. There appears to be a small child in the driver's seat of your new car! :scare:;)


    Glad you put your woes behind you, but don't think for one minute that you did the wrong thing by revealing on here just how much of a mess that other car was, you did exactly the right thing IMHO :thumbs:



    totally laughed out loud at this!!! thats me !!!!! :bangin::bangin::bangin: haha!!!

    yes i look a bit small in it- ILL GROW INTO IT RIGHT?!!?!


    and thanks for the kind words, means alot :blush:




    I get the same... I often get "Oh that must be his dads car" to which they get a rather impolite reply :angry::p


    It's a shame you've missed most of the big Japanese car shows by a few months though.

  8. 333 deaths in police custody since 1998


    http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/0 ... ire-52881/


    Bent cops, bent politicians, bent bankers, bent soldiers, bent spooks! How do you think this is going to end?

    Bankers have stolen 24 trillion dollars is the last few years, They also launder all the drug/weapons money...

    They've done more damage to the world economy/peoples lives that any of the rioters/thugs have done...

    Where's your outrage at that?


    :ban: and delete post?


    And that's not supposed to be interpreted as a joke either.

  9. Ok - I'm going to say it! It's 'lose' and 'losers'. :lol::lol::lol: Sorry, it was bugging me. :blush:

    They are most likely loose too though you know :lol: Point taken gracefully :blush:


    Apprently the Police have barricaded off the entrace to one of the retail parks in Blazingsmoke :boxing: OMG they was going to riot Toys'R'Us :lol:



    My 0.2c on this...


    The problem is guys, if the police rush at the people doing it, they are generally out numbered which is only a small problem compared to all the people getting through and around the police lines, effectively splitting into several smaller (yet still fairly huge) groups. The whole "16000 officers in London" thing doesn't mean they are all in one place. They are still spread out across the 32 boroughs of London. Obviously more in certain areas, but I think a lot of people on the news are expecting a Braveheart style formation of thousands of officers ready to start a charge. I would love to see that happen, but it wont.


    I've been there, I have colleagues there now and too many people say "it's not difficult" or "just smash their heads in" etc etc, but it really isn't that easy or simple. If one police officer was to get isolated after a bad decision was made to "charge" they will almost certainly get a hell of a beating and trust me, it could have happened to me or any one of my colleagues this week. Who would be to blame for that happening? The thugs who do it of course, but what about the person who makes the order? The person who makes the call to effectively break ranks. The people in charge of organising police lines have A LOT of pressure on them to make sure that none of their officers get injured or worse. They are responsible for any orders and will ultimately be held accountable.


    It's an awful analogy to use, but it is one we all know. During World War 1 orders were made without the knowledge that things were going horribly wrong on the front line. People on the front line acted on these orders not always knowing that things were going wrong ahead of them. So effectively the blind were leading the blind. This can easily happen at night, in the back alleys of London (or any other city). The Police helicopter can't be everywhere nor are CCTV cameras.

  10. Like I said in my last post though, he will be paying higher tax (about £460 now) for a car that doesn't have what the 313 has. In my opinion, I would walk away and get either an older one or a newer one with all the bells and whistles. If it does have proper Nismo wheels & exhaust it may be worth it but I would still rather the MY07 :teeth:.

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