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Posts posted by garetgax

  1. lexx thanks dont think evo-r do any but Ill try the others :thumbs: . Not worried about originals just want decent stuff though etc. Dont think nismo do their skirts in CF anyhow.


    I'll PM paul as I reckon its the best bet to getting what im after. Was trying to get stuff uk side was all but seems thats unlikely. Annoying thing is im in the states in 5 weeks so if id got my arse in gear..............lol

  2. Seriously does no-one know where I can get these? Or is it a case of getting standard copies and wrapping them? IF so any ideas on where to get decent skirts from. I think I'm sorted with the front end now and the spoiler is sorted just need to find some decent skirts and rear nismo spats again pref in carbon.


    Seeing as everything else on the car inc the roof is actual carbon as opposed to wrapped Id prefer to have the skirts solid carbon.


    Come on guys must be someone out there that can help?

  3. [A recurring annoyance for me are groups of cyclists riding in clusters upto 3 side by side ] you forgot to add them having a chin wag at the same time completly oblivious to everything around them :lol: .


    My biggest hate though is bikers with "THINK BIKE" tabards on overtaking me at well over the speed limit in stoooopid places..........and they wonder why they get sideswiped :bang:. One minute nobodys there and the second hes next to your wing mirror. :scare:

  4. Still considering the epr lip ourselves seeing as the varis one from the states is scary money. Anyone know where I can find a source for CF nismo jdm style skirts? Struggling to find a set of CF skirts.

  5. As i said before the whole GT non GT arguement is probably more valid if both cars are standard, in the same condition for the same price but if the non GT has extra's is lower mileage and is say 500 quid cheaper what then? Its a question that cant be answered easlily as you then bring in JDM and also say rev-up etc and it rolls on. In the end if your car is pukka, has some nice add-ons and is priced right itll sell. If it isnt then it wont. 1k more for what? Thats what you have to ask yourself at point of purchase if you bought the car for 1k less now then in a couple of yearsif you sell if for 1k ish less (proportional to the general depreciation/market value of GT cars it would still sell) so in essence the whole GT/Non GT arguement imho is a mute one. For example how many Chilli red cars exist in the UK ? Ours is a non GT so for someone to find a GT chilli/rosso car available say when we sell ours is unlikely so if someone was hung up on colour......its all about what the buyer actually wants etc.

  6. Ours is a non GT and anyone who knows our car do you really think that it aint going to sell because its not a GT model? In the end surely it comes down to condition, mileage, add-ons and what your asking for the car? We looked at GT's and choptop versions and do you know what swung it for us .......condition, colour, and the bits on the car....NOT the odd extra's that come with a GT. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong but just my opinion though but I wouldnt be hung up with the whole GT and no GT thing more important would be UK versus JDM.

  7. Truly awful, heart goes out to his family and friends.Sounds like power plant or control system failure very much doubt it was pilot error bit strange he didnt bang out asume he was still trying to get control of the aircraft or keeping it away from people on the ground. either way RIP brave bloke.

  8. I'm after some carbon side skirts and don't want chargespeed ones, pref nismo jdm style, Varis perhaps or maybe some carbon underkskirt foot board type ones. Struggling to find any though so any ideas help etc appreciated. Dont need to be originals but they do need to be pucker so no cheapo copies please. :teeth:

  9. I killed one's brakes travelling from rimini across the mountains to Florence got to the bottom of a 4 mile or so downward set of twisties and my foot was to the floor on the brake and nothing.......except a metallic burning smell had to use the gears for the last few hundred yards. Bit scary really, GF of the time didnt have a clue :lol:

  10. Our twins........."the babies"..........


    Name: Bacardi

    Make: Cat

    Model: Tabby

    Age: 9 years old


    Likes: Sleeping,eating, hunting animals, hiding under the bed, having her belly rubbed

    Dislikes: Loud noises, sudden movement, WATER, Her brother sometimes :lol:




    Our twins........."the babies"..........


    Name: Breezer

    Make: Cat

    Model: Ginger Ninja

    Age: 9 years old


    Likes: Sleeping,eating, hunting animals, playing, attention (on his terms lol), Boxes and driving diggers...

    Dislikes: Loud noises, having his belly rubbed, WATER.





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