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Posts posted by charlotte-sparkles

  1. What car does your Mum have? what car do you drive Char ? :thumbs:


    well Mum has the 350z (obviously :yahoo: ) and I have a Punto ( :yawn: ) - he's one of these FKKKKKIN annoying people who never does a job properly always bodges it - I have told him hes banned from polishing or cleaning it, mum agree's I am a much better candidate


    Its just awful, he doesnt realise how precious that car is - winds me up so much! I have sent mother off with a long list of things to get for it and I shall start touching up bits later.


  2. MY DAD! argh......firstly, he gets in mums car with his MUDDY wellies on first of all! THEN! he touches up the little stone chips on the front lower splitter with....wait for it....




























    BLACK PERMANENT MARKER! :rant::angry::rant::angry::evil: fml! I went out and started shouting at him saying he shouldn't be doing it and then!!! when I go inside and have my breakfast I see him swooping an OLD microfibre over the whole thing.



    SERIOUSLY.....I have grown a grey hair from stressing :blink:

  3. exactly.....thats when the world of modifying gets me - you need to do what YOU want - trust me, I did some bad things to my Polo, everyone else thought it was :doh: but I LOVED it, if anything being more individual and not going with the crowd gets you noticed.


    I saw a shift from being max-power'ed out, then it shifted to Euro for quite some time and now people are heading towards OEM. Its like fashion, trends are in and out all the time.


    heres evidence.......my polo at its best.....

    http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-s ... 3_3444.jpg


    Then I soon got bored of how it looked similar to other cars....so this happened.....

    http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 2887_n.jpg (didn't wanna ruin your thread with photos of my old banger B) )


    So yeh, it was the most different looking car there but people although they tend to stick with the crowds....do admire individuality.


    I say go for what you like - afterall you have to drive it and if your spending money and planning on having it for the long haul - why the hell not?!

  4. I got one of these from Clacket Lane, was there meeting some Punto friends, was there for 4 hours and got the letter, was tempted to pay it, but learned from a friends dad who deals with traffic law, that really those companys just have contracts that hold little to no official legality.


    Really the only time you pay a parkin charge is if its issued by the Council or the Police. B)

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