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Posts posted by charlotte-sparkles

  1. well I got truly owned innnnnit :scare::p


    Well I am still so totally excited bout Goodwood! I sh*tted it yesterday as I was offered some work up to next Saturday and I was like afterwards.....'OH S*IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT......GOOODWOOD!'then realised it was Sunday :clap:

  2. sadly not! I think the 350z would make me look amazing, like a Hollywood film star.....but alas.....the oap ridden village I live in wouldn't bat an eye lid.


    Another useful link with photos too! See I already see conflicting advice (some say use a pressure washer....others don't = hmmmmph) will show these links to Heather later :clap:

  3. How come you're under a different name Charlotte? :shrug:


    The Zed looks awesome!! :thumbs: And the noise you made.......I made that noise just after I got my Zed! :lol:

    sorry about that, I thought I was logged in on the other compute - obviously not! thats the pain having 3 pc's in one house :headhurt: but yes I gotta sift through the stuff on my mums user name now otherwise she will be utterly :blink: bless her


    Yeah - well I am sorry if my video offended you but surely it is free choice, you didn't have to view the video or even the thread.


    Yes I am excited about the car, even though its not mine - is there an issue with that? it was an excited noise actually you're just jealous ;)


    I am very willing to learn about all this sort of stuff so please just help me, all the links so far have been great and thanks to my supporters for having my back.


    I don't really care about the grass, my Punto goes where it pleases hehe, our ground is very wet here anyway, so even just rolling over it gently has its issues.


    As mentioned in my intro thread, I have a crazy sense of personality, so I am sorry if its a bit 'out there' for you, but as I said......free choice and all that


    In terms of detailing, the car has already been waxed and polished for christmas, and my friend does detailin in Essex, he said he would come and look and see what he would suggest.


    So I have covered all bases, sorry to have offended people

  4. haha! I have random tendancies! I am still not sure what to do with it before Goodwood, seeing as I am polishing manager :bounce: - I am thinking of just washing it and chamois off - I use Megs NXT, its brilliant :#1:

  5. My mum has just bought one and she loves it, you only live once! she was searching for ages before she found her perfect one, but it makes it all the more rewarding and special when you find the one (just like romance....but miles better B) )


    Mum and I are from Ashford so if you obtain a Z we may see you around!

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