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Posts posted by Will370z

  1. A final update and hopefully pass on some good news.


    Well my trial with the leaky roof is finally over and my roadster is back.


    Said a sad farewell to the 370 this morning. Must admit the first day i had her i was rather disappointed. Where was the noise?, why put an auto in a car like this?, the suspension was really hard as i could feel every bump in the road (major problem for the roads near me). Also the steering felt very light and I was suprised to find she tram lined a lot and i had to keep correcting the direction regularly. First night i really missed the 350.


    Then came the drive to wales. Leaving my local roads the suspension wasnt a problem. Taking colins advice i tried again with the paddles. I got used to the Steering and mile after mile i began to fall for the 370. By the end of the welsh weekend i had covered 850 miles and fell in love with the thing and am saving every penny. Would still change the colour, the auto box and add a proper exhaust and it would be pretty much perfect.


    Here is a little piccy on our journey




    Anways back to the fun with the garage.


    After the comments from you guys about other Nissan dealers and the issues with my local Nissan garage i have to say that the Nissan dealer in Tunbridge wells has been faultless.


    - They offered to pay for an issue that wasnt covered by the warranty as i had only had it 4 weeks

    - They offered to pay for a non nissan garage to fix the problem when the local nissan garage messed up

    - They apologised for the local garage and gave me a 370 while mine was fixed and tested to ensure it was waterproof

    - A part was late in arriving so they let me keep the 370 for another 4 days and didnt bat an eye lid when i handed it back with 850 miles added (only had 100 when they gave it to me)

    - When i said i would be taking it to the welsh run they said take it and enjoy it.

    - Throughout all of this they kept me up to date with regular phone calls on progress.

    - Best of all my roadster is back, all cleaned and polished and i have just soaked it with the hose and no leakage at all.


    The Tunbridge wells garage have been extremely pleasant, knowledgable and have bent over backwards to fix the problem. The 370 was the icing on the cake. Seems they have customer service sorted.


    Don't mean this to be a massive plug but thought i would write about my experience to show not all dealers are complete buffoons. If you ever need any work done i can heartily recommend them. They are a GTR specialist so know all about the 350's 370's and of course the zeds and im sure they will look after you as they have done for me.


    Overall very very happy.

  2. Just got back to Guildford at long last and uploaded the photos. Here is a small sample. Bruce is still up in Wales so not had a chance to check his photos out. Hope he managed to get back down Snowdon in the end......


    Just to prove i did clean the car before i left for Wales.




    I sure will miss her




    At the hotel












    Ooo the temptation. I hear you had some fun in this one





















    And a parting photo on the way home... it was fun but not meant to last.



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