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Posts posted by Will370z

  1. Tis a beautiful car inside and out. Saw one at Prescott recently. Really surprised me how big they are in real life and photo scale alway makes they appear small.

  2. Took the roadster out to get a few things from the supermarket. A bit alarmed to see the computer reading 21.6 mpg, I'm hoping the last owner did a lot of town driving!! Car originated in Chelmsford so I'm guessing MPG will be better here in rural Wales. Main difference I noticed was lack of torque, came to a double filter junction at 65 in top and when I put my foot down to slot in..nothing much happened. Other than that, only minor differences that you'd get in any 2 cars of the same model. Just like my coupe it has a clunky first to second gear change, not as noticeable but definitely there. Sounds a bit sweeter than mine, especially with the top down :D Buzzed it up to 85 briefly and it felt rock solid, no vibrations, best thing was though it definitely drew more admiring glances :lol:





    Totally agree the exhaust note really does sound sweeter with the roof down and it's a Great car to pose it. Not that I do that at all honest.....I had the roof down on mine on the m4 at 9am this morning as it was so sunny. Any excuse lol. Hope you get a few nice days weather to enjoy it before the winter hits in :(

  3. What date is this Will? ;)


    There sure have been a lot of events recently. Guess we are cramming them in before the weather hits in, I have booked a ticket for japfest santapod too with friends from work. My calendar has never been so busy since buying the zed lol.


    Sunday 3rd October. Here you go. If you are interested I think the closing date for ordering club discounted tickets and getting your car on the club stand is today. Stick your name down and register via the post below. You never know may give you some more ideas for more mods lol.....



  4. Lol nice wave you created there with guns to soak the camera man, notice the way I was polite and avoided the puddle but you went for the dramatic photo shot ;)


    Saw Bruce and his camera and puddle - moved to the far side of the road to avoid - then saw the puddle was a fair bit in front of him so moved back for him to get me making a splash :teeth: (praying I had not miss-judged the distance :blush: )


    Bruce - you (and Sky) were real stars in turning up all the way from Bournemouth to take the pics in not so great conditions and as we have come to see, you get some great shots - I for one am really, really humbled you turn out to support our drives. (Hope me don't mind me using your post Will to thank Bruce - not sure if he has signed up on here - but he is very, very welcome to do so, as he does not have to own a ZED :thumbs:)


    He sure does take some good shots. I have asked him to sign up here as he knows a number of you now and i think he will be attending more of the zed meets. We just have to pursuade him to buy one now ;)

  5. Yup that was Bruce in the alfa normally he takes the photos from my roadster but this time he was driving and directing his friend with the camera.


    He took over 200 but is editing and uploading his favourites. There are some lovely ones of Darren and I playing catchup on the welsh roads after my wheel issue.


    Love the one of us all in the narrow walled road with the blurred effect.

  6. I will be going up Friday evening to stay with the parents and then head over on sunday. Would be great to join the Surrey Posse for the convoy back down south though.


    I think my parents think im using them as a B&B for all the zed meets up North lol.


    Really looking forward to the meeting, like Graham said ive got the bug too. Be good to meet some new faces. Not that there is anything wrong with the old faces though :). And by old i wasnt looking at any one in particular.....oh god im going to shut up now....spade-hole and all that.


    See you this weekend.


    Dave - nice picture there mate lol. You going to wear that in stratford?

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