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Posts posted by RisingPower

  1. 18s are indeed cheaper for tyres, but if you're considering them for track work, you really cant do any better than RAYS, lightest wheel you can get, bar Enkei RPF01s i believe.

    If money is no object, WORKS Wheels every time :thumbs:


    Works are heavier than the rays as far as i'm aware. Works aren't that expensive either.


    Correct, Most of them are not Forged either.


    Volks FTW B) (or Varrstoens :blush: )


    Even volks aren't baller enough for me now ian :p Oh dear, all the wheel hoes coming out :p


    I need to see how your r34 is coming along.

  2. 18s are indeed cheaper for tyres, but if you're considering them for track work, you really cant do any better than RAYS, lightest wheel you can get, bar Enkei RPF01s i believe.

    If money is no object, WORKS Wheels every time :thumbs:


    Works are heavier than the rays as far as i'm aware. Works aren't that expensive either.


    Incidentally there are some silly expensive and light magnesium wheels, just can't remember the name.

  3. My trouble is that I see so many people pouring £5K+ into the car to make it heavier and slower by adding all the pretty bits, and that makes me die a little inside :(:lol:




    Tbh it's not exactly that quick in the first place. I'm not sure it's a car well suited for being tracked, just due to the weight alone.


    OP, have you done front and rears in the end? You do tend to notice having standard pads at the rear.

  4. It's quite clear to me he got a landy confused with this



    On a side note, I run on falkens and they do lose grip fairly suddenly, michelins or bridgestones for me next. Yes ekona, I sort of agree with you :p


    imho it's still very predictable and easy to control without tc interfering.

  5. Just asking what has everyone got against sponges.... :bounce:


    I make sure the sponges are clean, as well as the bucket before I touch the car with it.


    I have always been using this method, and not have any problems. I have used it on my landcruiser which is 17 years old and she still looks brand new.


    Nothing at all.


    http://www.elitecarcare.co.uk/dodo-juic ... sponge.php




    So I say yes, yes, yes to a sponge :p But I still prefer the wookies fist for most of the car.

  6. I guess that answers my question then! People dont care about driving considerately, even when they could potentially put the life of an innocent baby in danger with their driving. Sad really.


    Surely they don't care about whose lives they put in danger, the fact there's a baby involved is neither here nor there.

  7. I'd have thought so long as you drive sensibly, whether you have a sticker or not should make no odds?


    I certainly wouldn't treat anyone different on the basis of a baby on board sticker, you can't blame bad driving on having a baby and what other difference does it make apart from rescue vehicles possibly?

  8. To me those look quite similar to the Avant Garde M368.



    Those are lovely :cloud9:B) But to me they don't look like the enkeis, closer to work cr kais tbh, but faaarr nicer :thumbs:


    Shame about the calipers behind them though :lol:


    Wonder where our resident wheel hoes are :p:lol:


    (Looks like you've got taste :pB) )

  9. I'm really liking all three styles you showed but waiting until later in the year could prove difficult!


    To give me an idea, what do the 18" ones weigh in comparison to Rays?


    Heavy :p:lol:


    Even really light volks/advans struggle to get near the weight of the rays, rotas will be heavier.

  10. I know, but at that point I was phoning every fortnight or so. They had paid out for at least 4 cars to be valeted and god knows how many houses to be repainted from the crap that was thrown up too.

    I actually ended up getting English Heritage involved as I thought the house was falling down from the buses. It was physically shaking everytime one went past :scare:


    What, actually sort out the "Road of Death" thats had traffic issues for all of the 25 odd years Ive lived here? Dont be silly, what they want to do is build another 150 houses in Linton without touching the roads. Like they are going to. :doh:

    Hear your car every day you go through the village BTW, sounding and looking good (you drive right past my bedroom window ) :D


    :lol::lol: I can't help but think buses going up the high street causes big jams and going down that part of the high street.


    I think it was at the same point they resurfaced the a1307 going into linton from abington, that was fun dodging the massive potholes every day uptil that point :lol:


    Why they can't just stop a bit further down the high street, say near the dog and duck and not go further up the high street, rather than cause big jams joining the A1307 I don't know.


    "Road of Death", I just love that, the number of times I've seen just utter morons trying to cause accidents, it's not the road to blame, it's the sheer amount of morons who don't understand what a slip road is :lol:


    It needs a bit of a clean and I'd like to at least get the aerosync bumper, but I'm not sure whether I want to spend any more moolah on it currently :blush:

  11. sure - many would spit their dummy out, but they'd get over it after a couple of weeks, just like the rioters in the summer. Eventually it would sink in that going through life just expecting others to pick up the tab isn't on... :lol:


    I thought the riots were because they wanted everything for free?


    I really just don't buy it, council tax is a fraction of other taxes we pay to support many lowlifes up to a degree, there are however, many people who don't abuse it and have been put into an unavoidable situation and end up needing it.


    I wonder whether it would be practical to evaluate whether people could work physically and mentally, then kick them out of their homes and take away their benefits if they were in a suitable shape to apply for a job, but hadn't.

  12. Imho, the only people who had a problem with poll tax, are the people that didn't like the concept of paying for the services they used. :shrug:


    Having just looked at our local councils website, our district has a population of some 80,000 people. Yet my council tax makes up 1/10,000th of the total council tax bill. Yep - seems fair to me. Our house of two people clearly must be using the council provided facilities four times as much as others.


    Is there something fundamentaly wrong with expecting people to pay for what they use?


    I think there are some exceptions to this, like social services for example.


    There are some cases where legitimately people couldn't afford, nor expect social services to have to intervene in the first place.


    Maybe planning because they have more space to plan for?

  13. As stated, the potholes in the "highway" outside my house were repaired no less than 7 times last year, and about the saem the year before, causing shedloads of tar to coat my car and house and potentially structurally damaging the house too - its a listed building on a bus route and shook every time one came past and went through the potholes.

    Ive also noticed my commute to work go up from 25 minutes each way to 45 minutes each way due solely to traffic congestion. So yeah, I do use them but they are crap.


    EDIT: Ricey's on the money :#1:


    I think they actually repaired them properly last time, only took about however many previous gos before they got it right :lol:


    They're pretty rubbish about maintaining the roads and gritting anyways.


    You saw the traffic counter near the lights on the high street? Maybe they'll do something positive for once, maybe even get rid of those stupid lights outside the school which cause huge jams.


    Waste disposal centres are also a joke.

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