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Matt L

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Posts posted by Matt L

  1. cutting in the carpark for the win!

    No no no. Cut it in the shop. Use one of the saws of the shelf and when your done, pop it back again ;)


    :lol::lol: that's gotta be worth a go, In fact I would ask for a demo of the "power tools"... oh and here is a pole to test it on :lol: .. much more fun B)


    flol that would be epic :lol:.


    im going to have to resort to the cutting in the car park tomorrow me thinks.

  2. been to 2 shops today for the same thing (a 3.6m pole) and well... no matter how hard you try its never going to fit in a zed... so i go to find a assistant as firstly both poles that were there were bent so i wanted to know if they had more in stock and secondly to see if they had the facility to cut them down to the size i need (3 x 1m and 2 x 30cm poles) to which he goes, they only have the ones out on the shelf in but we'll discount them down for you if you still want them which is fair enough but as for cutting they said that we dont but the other store (around 6miles away if not further) do.


    so i leave the first store thinking they have plenty of the poles in last time i went (sunday) and this will all be a breeze...


    arrive, find the poles and find an assistant and this is where the lolz are to be had, the conversation went a bit like this...


    me -excuse me, you see those poles is they are never going to fit in a car, so is there anyway that you can cut them down to the size i need?

    a - no sorry we only cut wood

    me - so how can i get it home as its definatly not fitting in a car.

    a - well... you could cut it yourself or get it delivered.

    me - (stupidly thinking they would have a small area safe enough to do this) do you have anywhere i could cut it then?

    a - yeah the car park.

    me - ok then how much is delivery?

    a - £20

    me - :lol:z seriously?

    a - yeah unless you spend £250 in which case its free.

    me - *walks off*


    its probably more amusing when you're there but still £20 to deliver a £30 pole :| im sure it would be cheaper to get a courier company to go and pick it up for me.


    errm... yeah thats about as exciting as my afternoon off has been.

  3. Welcome :) as said just take it easy, ive had mine 2 months and not really pushed it until last weekend when having a bit of fun with a boxter which almost saw the arse end hit another car when esp had to kick in :(.


    since then realised not to be an arse :lol:, that and the fact i need to fill it up which aint happening until pay day :( (tomorrow :D)

  4. :wave: hi.


    theres no real point in reducing shutter speed imo when taking pictures of cars unless your at a track or have a rig in which case its just a shed load of practice to get the panning motion right and see what the lowest speed you can go down to is (have the camera so the focusing constantly moving/changing and not just sets at on point is also needed).


    Is it track based shots your going to be trying or more like what i offer which is just parked up/rigged shots?

  5. I've yet to experience this tbh well yet to experience it slide alot, had it step out once but i was expecting it to and it was much of a slip.


    scariest moment for me was yesterday when i was foolishly following a porsche who was overtaking a car, i missed judged the roads and had esp/tc or what ever it is kick in as i changed gear causing the the back end to step a bit in the direction of the car i was over taking, soon slowed down after that.

  6. If possible try not to set the handbrake, just leave it in gear, this should solve the problem. But either way its not anything to worry about


    mine still managed to do it with the handbrake off after a week of no use :lol: had just washed it before tucking it up down the drive when it was freezing so water probably froze.

  7. I love the milltek to and even more so after about an hours driving when its really nice and warm, pops occasionally too, sometimes wish it was a little louder/meatier but window down in a tunnel does give me goose bumps everytime.

  8. carno car sales have one or did the other day,

    9900, sunset GT with 23k on the clock :), i almost went to view it but it was the time when i wussed out of spending money :lol:

  9. Matt is your webpage up and running as I'm getting the message "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server"


    It isnt sorry, stopped hosting it a few months back as it has never worked properly and i didnt/dont have the time/knowledge to fix it and rarely got any views so stopped it and now just use my facebook page and flickr.







  10. tbf shes a bit of a stroppy as theres always room for negotiation (sp) in prices imo, with regards to £350 for a cd its what photographers do as they dont want you buying them as once you have it they will rarely get any more money off you with regards to extra prints as lets face it tesco/jessops print them quite cheaply nowadays so thats why they charge the exotrionate amount for little work.


    but its also to cover their backs, lets say you went to print them off somewhere else and they didnt come out as good as what she would get you then when your showing people/telling people about her they may not think its too good with the picture quality they see (if that makes sense) less work through word of mouth.


    im doing my first wedding in july for a friend then ill no doubt be asked to do my cousins when she gets married :lol: *sh*tting it atm*.

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