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Matt L

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Posts posted by Matt L

  1. I want to do something like this but my idea was orginally to go to north italy (1300 miles) one way and stop off on the way but unsure if i will actually do it anymore :( as the costs of stop overs/fuel/other spending money while there kind put a dampner on the whole idea lol.

  2. mine has different tyres on the front and back and i have never had this problem, i know that doesnt really help you find ou what it is but just so you know im not experiencing the same problems with different tyres on the front and back.

  3. Any chance you could get a video of yours dave? as im in the midlands lol.


    The car came with a milltek on and tbh it does sound lovely i just want it to be a bit louder sometimes which is why i wanted the switchableness.


    Lexx i think it was yours that got me thinking about something like this.

  4. Hi all,


    I have the milltek system on the car at the moment and im unsure if it has hfcs or just standard cats in it tbh as there is a reciept for hfcs from 2008/9 in the paper work but the advert mentioned new nissan cats a few months before the sale but anyway...


    What will make the milltek system bark that little bit more?


    I love the idea of a switchable decat system (kind of like press a button and it swaps the flow of the exhaust either through the decat or the cat) but i doubt thats really possible so is there an easy way of fitting and removing the cats whenever the time is needed? or is it best just to leave as is because its a pain to swap them over and it wont make much difference in the sound?


    Suppose it doesnt help i dont knwo what cats are on at the moment.

  5. well the zed is almost due its mot and service (not until the end of next month but i want to start buying parts ready so its not a massive hit next month).


    anywho im not sure which service it is due but i want to get the P3 done anyway regardless of if its due or not (just for peace of mind).


    So first question is what does that involve? and what can i buy for it? and where (zmanalex/r35lee?)


    also next question about a few noises and movements

    1) creaking noise when driving onto a curb/speed bump - assume its suspension (hopefully just wd40 :lol: ).

    2) noticed this the other day for the first time a slightly more metallicy bump (i was kind of thinking drop links but unsure what noise that makes and iv only heard in once or twice)

    3) exhaust seems to vibrate on the bumper when i pull off (hoping just a bit of readjustment as it no doubt moved when those stupid flappy things that stop you entering a car park the wrong way hit it and also someones wheel trim :lol: ).

    4) gearbox/diff sounds very whirry when its cold will this be cured by a oil change or is there something wrong?


    and finally 2 in 1 question.

    5) handbrake doesnt hold the car very well (hoping just a tightening) but i have noticed when slowing down from 50+mph the brakes judder is this just becuase they are drilled and grooved (never had them before) or is there something wrong with them that is likely to need changing?


    Thanks for your help :D


  6. well i took her out last night and well.... she gave me such an adrenaline rush (esp saved me 3 times) all thoughts of selling her stopped, shes now tucked up down the drive now until next weekend.


    as dom said i only get these thoughts when im not driving it or when im filling it up but once i start it and drive it all goes.


    as for the camera... im hoping that will come back to me in time once i get using it again.


    :), looking forward to the summer and meets etc :D

  7. :lol: well im feeling a bit better now haha just put another 100miles on the zeds clocks for absolutely no reason other than it made me smile :lol:


    managed to spend £120 at sainsburys petrol station filling both cars up today which is a little bit scary although tbf both of them had the lights on so they were very empty.


    also saw the highest mpg figure i think i will ever get in the zed 31.4 :lol:.


    also managed to get some pictures of the car whilst out not many as i took the wrong lens for it but its my favourite lens :lol:.

  8. In a bit of a weird mood today :lol:


    only had the zed 2 months if that and im already half tempted to put it up for sale :(, as much as i love it and every single time i have driven it i have never thought this but i just dont get to use it as much as id like and seems a waste and i know i could probably get back what i paid for it although doubt it helps with the fuel prices rising (another reason why i feel i should sell it as i have just filled up the shed and that cost £50 :| and the zeds near empty at the moment).


    worringly i also feel like selling all my camera equipment and tbh if it wasnt for the fact i was shooting a friends wedding in July im sure id of had an advert up by now instead of typing this :lol:, think this is because i dont have the time to properly advertise myself other than on here and facebook and most of which gets nothing other than people say yeah but in a few months which i dont mind or on facebook people want it for free :lol:.


    anyone else have days like this where they just feel like selling up everything?

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