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Posts posted by Zugara

  1. :welcome:


    Not having my zed for long, but having shed loads of cars in my time, i would be very sus of a car with that many owners. If you could contact them all it wouldnt be so bad. With this type of car

    you will never know if its been ragged round a track!


    Do some leg work bud and you will get a decent car. Took me 5 months to find one.

  2. Thanks to all your help in solving my creaking car.




    I have since been busy trying to locate and sort it out.

    All your suggestions were undertaken with no avail. :rant:


    I jacked the car up and lubed the drop links and all the suspension mounts etc.... no avail.


    Lubed all rubber door seals. Nagh... Getting really annoyed now. :angry::angry:


    Anyway cut a long story short, it turned out the be the small rubber door buffer pad....... put some silicon spray in it and hey presto creaking gone. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

  3. ok, been playing. rear plastic trim behind the seats was causing some noise, now fixed with a slither of cardboard. Will need to get all the trin out and do a proper job

    with some draft excluder.


    Drove around a bit and still gotta a noise, opened the passenger door and this seemed to inprove it so i have oiled up the seals. When i lean against the door tho, it still creaks. maybe scuttle shake/twisting?


    Seems worse when reversing on passenger side rear... so anyone know how to remove all the plastic trim behind the seats?


    rear end links how to change, where to buy from..... :wacko:


    I hate bloody creaks in cars. :rant:

  4. Is it an internal noise?


    It sound like an internal noise, but its very difficult to pinpoint. Just drives me mad, even with the radio on it is still audible over the radio. Grrrrrrrr :bang:


    Will check out the rear panels now, thanks for that tip.

  5. Driving home this evening about 30 35 mph. My car 07 roadster is creaking/clicking like an old wooden boat. Got home opened all things that could be opened(roof, boot, windows doors bonnet) and removed the spare wheel and still it creaks and clicks like the mary celest. Its driving me f'king mad and i am now starting to hate my car.

    Forward/reverse its clicking/creaking. pushing up and down on the back/front end to test the shocks... no noise.


    What can it be?

    Please help if you can before i cry in my nearly spoiled milk. lol

  6. Hi Mate,


    Looks really good.

    Couple of questions that i would like answered tho if you/anyone can.


    1. How easy/difficult to fit?

    2. Any new parts required when replacing?

    3. Any performance benefits?

    4. What does it cover, or whats its purpose on the engine?



  7. Well we cant continue as we are because Mr Brown has got most people on the "Green Band Wagon" and found a method of extracting even more tax outta the working class.


    Our contrubition, UK that is, Is such a small amount its a load of horse sh1t. China, India and even USA dont give a damm about what tey pump into the atmosphere.


    So, now all the british lemmings who are all of a sudden eco-warriors are just a sad bunch of ..... well Lemmings.


    Bet if they really looked at themselves, they still drive too their destination, still heat their houses with gas, still use electric to light their houses. Hmmmm seems a bit like the vegitarians who dont eat meat but eat fish. WTF. Wank3rs the lot of them.


    All this enviromental crap really annoys me.. just another stealthy way of taking tax...


    Oh and dont the scientists recon that the planet is swapping north/south poles and this is the real reason for "Global so called warming"? Its happend before millions of years ago.


    And if all the cows stopped farting then there would be no global warming. Apparently. Someone once worked it out that car Co2 was 0.005% contrubition to global warming. Makes you wonder eh?

    So my opinion is swim against the tide and do whatever i need to do to have a life i want to run and not a life that is run by big brother.


    We would all be dead if we followed what we are expected to follow. No salt, no smoking, no sweets, less sugar, less fat etc....


    And just a closing thought... When "ORGANIC" first hit the shelves, it was the In thing to buy AND it had a bigger price tab, But back in the 40s wasnt every thing sold "ORGANIC". Even saw in tescos,,, organic water......yeah right!

  8. Welcome mate.


    Ipod.... select the tape via the button.. You will need to push the tape mechanism into "play" mode in order to get any sounds.

    I just stuck a pen into the tape slot and pushed it into position. Failing that you will need an empty tape.


    Hope this helps?

  9. Cheers guys, some of these comments made me larf!!!


    It annoyes me as it does others that we all have to keep a close eye on anything we own these days and of course there is no re course. I would never dream of doing any damage to another persons car no matter what it was. But i would like to look at other cars that are unusual or sexy.. yes just like our zeds.... without some one shouting "Oi wtf are you doing...?"


    But that is our society these days.

    Just seems such ashame that anything nice always seems to attract the w4nkers and not the genuinely intersted people. They just look on wondering what they can do to destroy what people work hard for... If they managed to lever themselves off state benefits they too could enjoy the spoils of nice things and respect what they own. Not that i am saying all doley sh1t bags (DSB) are of the same mind.


    With this little tw4t i personnaly would love to cut off his thumbs and shove them where... welll yo know. The mother is/looks like working class, but obviously dont care too much for the upbringing of the future crime wave.


    I will keep you posted what happens next......... Porridge anyone?

  10. Ok, here is the story..... and how should i deal with the 10 year old twanker?


    Sitting at my table last night having dinner, i saw a flash of blue walk past my beloved zed... Hmmm what was that i thought? So NOT being a nosey neighbour i got up to investigate. What i saw made my blood boil.... a 10 yr ish old kid laying on his back under my car arms outstretched under the chassis fiddlling with something.


    I shouted down to him( i live in a town house) Oi wtf are you doing? With that he got up and said umm umm I was looking for something!!!

    Me:- stay away from my car or you might get hurt....

    Kid:- Whatever!

    Me:- I am being serious buddy. Leave my car alone else you might get hurt....

    Kid:- Ok.

    He then wandered off to his flat where he lives, looking back at me and smiling..... What i would do to teach him a fricking lesson in respect.... :rant:


    Later last night i went out to check around the zed and noticed that some stones had strangely found there way onto my wiper blades and a small chip in my screen, also several stones, about the size of walnuts were lying around the front and side of the car...........


    Anyway, by now i am really p1ssed off and saw his mother smoking at her kitchen window, wandered over and asked her if she could keep any eye on her son and explained the going-ons..


    Her reply was that he is bored and being couped up in a flat makes him frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So i asked her if that gave him the right too fiddle and throw stones at my car? Her reply was that it couldnt be her son because he knows better and promptly slammed the window...


    So apart from giving the kid a respectful smack, so to speak, what else can i do?

  11. Citronella Oil. Mix with water and spray around car and flower bed, that will do the trick, done it with my garden and keeps them off. Failing that paracetamol helps too.

    Do what i do, collect the cat crap and take it back to the owners garden and tip it over their grass. It really annoyes them but they get the fricking point to keep the vermin indoors.

  12. Sorry to see this mate.... I bet that the police say " there is not enough evidence". That what they said to me when my car got stolen and found it 3 weeks later

    with the culprits living in the car. They knew it was them because the police had them on CCTV breaking into the car!!! Yeah not enough evidence my backside. :rant:

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