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Posts posted by maz0

  1. Am I the only one that never got into drifting? Ever since I was told that it technically isn't the fastest way to take a corner, I kind of lost interest in it :wacko:


    I'm sure it would feel great to be the driver, but if he ain't winning the race then he can slide all day for all I care :p

  2. In the Strathclyde area, nine times out of ten the registration of unmarked police cars starts with "SF". (Strathclydes Finest) :teeth: So if i'm cruising down the motorway and see a reasonably new BMW or Focus that starts with SF and is white/silver/black, I immediately slow down to the exact speed limit :)


    They most always have unmarked reg plates as well, with no company names on them :p

  3. There's loads of them about now, even seen a few Skoda Octavias also. A friend also told me that he was caught speeding in Glasgow, at night time when it was dark, by the hand held gun, got points and fine. Pretty much just take my time everywhere cos its not worth it any more.


    Lucky escape mate, bet you let out a hell of a sigh when you seen the Merc gettin pulled :p

  4. Personaly, after the hassle you've had with this bunch of cowboys, I would be happy about the fact your actually getting the car now for real, take it off them on Sunday and be done with it. Chances of you getting money off any of them (from what you've described them in the past) will be none, and more phone calls/emails on deaf ears and more time wasting.


    Take the car, take the hit, and enjoy it.

  5. It's interesting to get a perspective from someone in another country. Our country is going to sh*t at a far quicker rate than other countries, I'm sure of that. Won't someone throw some shoes at Gordon Brown?! I'm sure we'd hit the blind b*****d!!!!


    As bad as he may seem, he is still the best of a bad bunch right now. Not to get into a political debate, but hell mend us if the Torys get into power. Surely we haven't forgotten when they were last in charge.


    As already mentioned in this thread by Anubis I think, it's us that got ourselves into this financial mess, and us that are paying for it, and I use the word 'us' as a sweeping statement meaning the general idiots of our society that bit off more than they could chew.


    As bad as the current government feels right now, I think things could be a lot worse.

  6. It's just another "hidden" tax, none of it goes on the roads and it does nothing for so called "Global Warming" - time to get rid of this bunch of idiots and while we are at it can we please have an English parilament that isn't controlled by Scots? If the scots MPs are deleted, Labour are no longer the majority party and so dont get to make laws on hunting and other things that the Shire counties take as part of their heritage.


    No offence to the Scots members, but you have your own money wasting assembly to make your laws, I'm only wanting the same rights for us English people


    Umm I think you'll find its the United Kingdom parliment, hence Scottish folk in the labour party. You might even find some MP's from Wales and NI in there as well!! :scare: shall we get rid of them as well, seeing as their clearly the bad ones hiking up petrol prices and stopping you from attacking foxes with packs of dogs. Shame on us. Sounds like the BNP would be a better party for someone like yourself who feels so strongly.


    I'm averaging around £140 (two tank fulls) a month on petrol for the Z and its my daily driver. This is tolerable for now, however I will struggle if it goes up even more! Trust me to find a girlfriend an hour and a half's drive away tho!

  7. I get the occasional hoodie wearing yoofs flicking me a 'gun' sign as i drive past them on my way out of Notts. At first i thought this was somekind of gang-sign and they were suggesting i was in somekind of trouble......then it clicked that they wanted me to 'gun' the engine. Clutch in - right foot down - thumbs up all round B)


    Do you feel silly for ducking every time they shot you over the last year? :lol::lol:


    I don't know why, but when people approach and start drooling over the car, I get an over whelming sense of embarrassment and merely want them to go away!

  8. well you can count me out of that stereotype bracket, Im not like that nor is my mum, my sister or my dad :thumbs: now bow to me you mere mortal :lol::lol: kidding ;)



    You could start your own elite owners club! How does your sister get on with guys when she turns up in a better car than them? :lol:

  9. Personally I wouldn't get caught driving one either, the typical people who drive them, and the porsche brand is just so pretentious nowadays. I would feel like a plonker in it.


    Fear enough you are entitled to your opinion but could you expand a bit on what you mean by the typical people that drive one? :wacko:


    You know, the typical owner that buys one to say 'I own a Porsche' in social situations, the ones that look down on you when you pull up beside them at the traffic lights, that smell of elitism they stink of, and the general image that the 80's yuppy era attached to the Porsche, that its almost a badge of having success in life. I don't disagree for a second that they are fantastic cars, but the majority of Porsche owners i've met have been smug gits. I suppose I'm just stereotyping from my own experiences.

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