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Posts posted by AmyZed

  1. hmmm, nope not mad enough........

    darn looks like ill have to fork out alot for a crazy one :(

    maybe ill stick to smooth and wingless !!! i think id rather make my interior nice than spend silly amounts on a wing...

    what about the skyline style one ive seen? (i think?!) ah ive got so much to learn! :lol:

  2. certainly not paying £1000 for a wing :(

    i have a nice carbon wing on my fto...hmmm.... maybe ill keep that and see if itd suit zed!!! at min i dont think itd look right, but i shall see!

  3. no idea bout that old kit...


    i got a quote on the spoiler- the esprit one i love,


    $1999 dollars inc postage...


    erm, whats that in pounds?! not good is it!!! :(

  4. no, no £ to burn.... i got a lil xmas bonus though so seeing how far it will go, either new seats or carbon roof im thinking ...

    exciting :)


    seats would be more as id get em retrimmed but ill see what comes up! ill save for the bit i dont get ! :)



    havnt sold FTO yet! but the money from the FTO will pay off my student loan, i have to get that paid off.... just hope it sells, itl be on ebay and pistonheads once i have my zed!!

  5. thanks,

    i am in love with the esprit kit and the wing, love the whole kit! :lol: shame mines not that kit really! guessing that wing the rear sports esprit one with carbon blade is v hard to get! :(

  6. Funny, I did a little google search for your car. ;)


    I think it'd pull off a wing!


    Have a look on Envys site http://z-store.co.uk/


    and Z1 Auto http://www.z1auto.com/


    You'll see some good wings there!



    hey- well just to let you know- it looks completley different now! diff kit , wheels, colour ! ill post up pics as soon as i get the headlight!!!!!!!

  7. sorry just seen this section!

    i am after a pass side headlight- desperate!!!!

    im also after some nice seats

    carbon roof overlay and B and A pillars

    possibly a spoiler!

    coilovers - second hand?

    carbon mirror covers


    anyone got any of above id be glad to hear from you ;)

  8. Hello,

    i have a carbon bootlid on my 350... i am a spoiler fan... every one has told me i can not put a spoiler on over that bootlid... is this cause they think itd look silly? id ruin the bootlid?

    i think i agree the 350 looks look without a wing on the back, def looks smart, but i wana investigate anyway .... will you all post up ya rears!?!? :lol:

    i wana see some diff wings on... and comments on if you'd put a wing on a carbon boot?

    was thinking a carbon wing..... i like BIG wings though... i know alot of you will have diff tastes but thats good! all comments welcome!

  9. i will have to get my vid on youtube..is that easy!? i just have it on dvd now....

    it was a funny vid!

    heres the effort i put in...


    as mentioned before i got tim westwood to talk to camera with me saying why i should win..(hes awarded me trophies at shows before from the fto) and used to have a page in this mag so he was right 'Z LIST' celeb to get!!


    i went to a jap import garage and did a bit of role play lol.... the garage were trying to sell me allsorts and i was saying no... i want a 350z.... a special one....


    i filmed at a nissan garage - role play again... dressed up as a sales person... and 'my friend' came along trying to buy a 350z, i put her off.... told her ridiculous things... then she left, didnt buy it and i said to cam ' woohoo i get the 350zz all to myself!' etc


    i filmed lots of familiar faces at car shows tellin the mag i should win because ive looked after the fto very well and done well with it...


    i got a fake 350z tattoo in an interesting place...


    i washed a 350 infiniti (the skyline) in MINUS 4 degrees in snow last nov!!!! in a bikini, showing off this tattoo!! (i did this to ensure i got the mags attention) im not usually one of those girls who walk round at shows half naked i assure you!!!! was purely TO WIN!!!


    i dressed up my bedroom, 350s everywhere- big poster of envys one the mag love.... magasines every where, said i was there biggest fan therefore i should win!


    i painted a 'z' on my driveway! in the empty space where ill be parking it! my friend filmed me doing it, asked what would my dad will say when he sees me painting his drive lol...... the outtake at the end was me back on the drive telling my friend 'oops it doesnt wash off!!!'


    i filmed at the ace cafe and got the manager mark to say why i should win...


    so...... i am satisfied i deserved it :teeth:


    i knew not many people would make a video- i think they just got emails!!!

  10. Cant wait to meet everyone! seen ya all at shows and knew id be gettin a 350z next but never came over :blush:

    once i have it ill look in the meets and see if we can arrange one!

    i am working for ACE CAFE next summer organising 3 car shows at santa pod- ace cafes own car shows...new idea... they're bringing me in to help as im a close friend of the ace :yahoo: and they know i know alot about car shows and meets ...

    also last wed of every month at ace is 'incarnation' ill post it up in meets sect- be great to get some zeds there! its mainly jap cars... who knows if ill be there in FTO or zed... but be awesome to meet some of you

  11. Zchicks! awesome! i was gona ask if theres a lot of er chicks on here! the FTOOC had quite a lot B)

    im itching to post pics up!!! but untill i have the light i cant get it grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! some people are enquiring for me, fingers crossed some one finds one!! :drive1

    havnt driven it yet !! can not wait!!

  12. hey, my zed..which ill show you all as soon as i get it has a custom full leather interior, however i dont like the seats they have put in there!

    what seats have you lot gone for if you have changed them?? i like the bride seats but too expensive for me ... do good condition standard zed seats come up alot? what kinda money do they go for?! anyone got some theyre selling perhaps? id retrim them....

  13. thanks..u all need to be telling me a 350 will be better though!! i know it will be....just i spent four years with the fto, blood sweat and tears, and empty bank, and cant believe im about to do that all over again!!

    im from hertfordshire! ill see about makin my profile abit better! gona start postin in modifications sections.... im after many bits soon, im sure you can all advise me on whats best :):D

  14. thanks for a warm welcome, advise on where to try find light and for the compliments on the fto :) i always wanted a 350 next so im very happy...but must admit ill be be very sad to sell the fto too! time for a new show car project though! exciting!!!

    im sorry theres no pics yet, i promise to post em asap after my zed has two headlights :)

    the mag DIDNT want me to post up the news etc... but been waiting ages and knew you lot would be best people to ask about this headlight, so no questions about the comp for now.... ill explain all when its ok to! but i made a cool 20min vid saying why i should win, filmed at car shows, did some crazy things! tim westwood even appeared in my vid.... now im guessin u all hate him.... but fair play to the guy he helped me win B)

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