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Posts posted by AmyZed

  1. im really scared ill of annoyed them with that angry email :( its just i have been waiting ages and had a few dates ill have it by and all fallen through, just hope coz of my mad email they dont think im rude !! :(

    i wanted to join this club ages ago but knew itd be hard- but joined when i did knowing/hoping/believing id have her for xmas!! :( didnt wana go into the mess attached with winning it! and i was told not to tell anyone!!! oops :blush:

    but after this long i had to tell...everyone! :blush:

    the cars looking great, just a headlight argument going on!! ie whos paying, i cant believe i wasnt allowed to lol!!!!! i mean it wouldve solved the problem! :lol:

  2. hey ..

    i cant / well was asked not to confirm details as the mag wana announce it all in the mag soon!


    but- it didnt require a vid- i just made one to ensure i won ...most people emailed to win.....


    it has taken a year yes- but they gave said 350 to a garage to rebuild- to bring out as a new look for this car, for moi..... its taken long :rant:

    so long :( and just before xmas i sent all parties a bad email :( as am gettin impatient!



    i assure ya its no con though, ive seen this car- ie visited it many times, have emails saying im the winner, and i get on well with the mag, and garage, i doubt theyd con me... plus- im in the car scene already- think of how many people id tell and moan to !


    no con, just so slow :(

    i have sent a horrible email stressing how upset i was not to get it before xmas, they blaming each other! ie garage are blaming mag, mag are blaming garage! i am stuck in the middle,



    it now has mot though... they borrowed a headlight and have assured me theyl get me a headlight in new year...


    i offered to even pay to speed that up, but garage rightly said- i am not their customer!! mag is



    this is one story isnt it!!!


    im gettin angry but cars nearly there finally, and i believe they cant tell me its mine and then not give me it!! we have discussed mag feature and everything, and theyv said im to show it at all shows on there stand blah blah blahm seems legit- just slow!!! :(



    sucks i dont have her yet, have a carbon bonnet for her looking at me !!! makes it harder!!


    any suggestions? my email was quite harsh- i feel bad in a way!


  3. Hi Amy, sorry if this comes accross as daft, from your previous posts, I assume you won this car? Why does the car need a new steering wheel etc? Bit bizarre that you have won a car that needs work carried out on it??


    Best of luck.




    hey, basically theyve modified it- and the interior isnt to my er taste. so i need bit of help making it more me! and the headlight they damaged ages ago and are replacing for me ... not exactly an 'easy win' has been stressful, been waiting for it a while now :( but it just needs this headlight then i can have it after theyv mot'd it :D

  4. cheers guys ..heres my update :( i found a light thanks to some one on here- but hes just said the garage the mag gave the car to havnt even called to buy it :rant:

    so- chasing that up- :angry:

    the mag have said ill get it after the headlight on, and mot'd... they are taking their time i just pray this means jan!!!! i am chasing everyday :rant:

    soon as i have it ill be posting pics.... gettin so impatient now, ive been waiting a while! kinda put a downer on xmas as my fam were expecting to see it :( now im gona get every1 asking me what theyre playing at :(

    oh well.... when i do get it itl be worth it ... i hope ! :)

  5. you're all right, i need more than new seats!!

    def ned new steering wheel, what a mess,

    still...cant complain it was free, just a shame coz selling the fTO for this... and the fto interiors awesome , its gona take alot of work to sort this car! the exteriors looking awesome though... and have a headlight sorted thanks to this forum ...so in early jan ill be able to get the car and post pics!

  6. ok... will bear in mind!

    just need the car now!!! :lol: gona be after xmas :( :( :(

    then ill weigh up whats more important.... a list of 'to do's' throughout 2010 :thumbs:

  7. very ugly! have options now thanks to you lot :D

    am waiting to actually have the car! then ill have a look and decide whats best to sort first!!!!

    seats i think will help!!! maybe the rest of the interior wont look so bad then.... eeeek!

  8. Welcome to the 350z community Amy.


    Looking forward to seeing your new 350z project next year.


    I'd better get polishing mine in readyness for some new competition ;)



    no way!! yours is amazing, mines no way near as nice!! :(

    or will ever be!! cant spend as much on the zed as i did the fto ... will be getting a flat next year so ill do a few bits and thatl be that.

  9. haha! erm... shouldnt we get to know each other first?! :lol::lol:

    are there any 25-30ish, nice and charming zed owners near me?! haha! ?


    nah not taking any bits off the car selling as a show car...

    im gona have trouble as im putting it up for £8,000 .. which i know you can much better cars , but its just done 30,000miles, its immaculate and fairly well known... total one off...ill see what happens :(

  10. did you drive the fto much or was it strictly a show car?? just asking coz i live quite near you and dont ever remember seeing it about!


    hey drove it to every show... and to work twice a week when i get a space,,, and take it out a night in the week to keep running, so its driven alot for a show car!


    but yes i have a little run about car too...


    hmmm sell the vids.... good idea haha!

    i cant make bluewater sunday :(

  11. I saw this at Santa pod in the show and shine.... I came up to take a quick photo and ask a question on the unique interior to be rudely replied to with "it's not ready mate" Me : "but I just want a photo of th......." "I said it's not ready mate" and the strong indication to naff off.


    Not that I hold a grudge Amy :byebye::blush:


    It's a mental FTO, but welcome to the 350z club. Hopefully you bring some fresh ideas to our modding scene. Don't worry, I won't ask to take any photos of your zed this time ;)


    hey- i actually remember this!!! i had a load of stuff in the car, id just got out.... my wallet was on the seat, my phone, the keys!! clothes.... i just wanted to tidy it up and get my possesions in my pocket! im NOT saying i thought ud run off my wallet lol- but at that sec, i didnt wana open the doors and let anyone in!!! just wanted a min to clear it up. i felt really bad after that...as i was abrupt! but at a show in the summer of 2008 i had 2 cds in the car on the seat, and someone nicked em! so im extra careful before lettin anyone peep in- to ensure theres nought to nick!!! im very soory ive given you a horrendous first impression of me, at the shows i do get attention...and some isnt welcome...i get a bit of grief from chavs trying to get in the car, press anything and nick anything! u caught me at a bad moment, im real sorry!!!


    feel bad now! im funny/over possesive over my show car.... i worry about ANY unknown face around it if theyre 'in it' or peeping in taking pics, hope you understand i just wanted to clear my mess up and get my wallet and phone in my pocket !

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