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Everything posted by PKAT

  1. dating? nah... source of drivel and general chat of course!!
  2. There are SO many things I could say...SO many!! lol
  3. got all three levels, side main full. hid ballast? derr... please explain?
  4. ahA! Have just read relevant page in trusty manual, and will have a err..play tomorrow
  5. hiya they shouldn't have done, as the electrical issues were inside the car as opposed to under the bonnet (if that makes sense?) They were fine before it went into the garage. I like the idea of DIY. Sounds like a plan!
  6. hiya, after the massive success fo getting Nissan to cough up for my electrics and exhaust issue outside of warranty, I pootle along the Queen's highway at night to enjoy a blast. Only I can't see a piggin' thing. Headlights seem adjusted low and dim. Suggestions? I will of course be calling the garage manana, but look forward to hearing about any other reasons which don't involve them trying to make a fast buck out of me!!
  7. Well puddy tat is no longer with us, so a difficult choice, but I think she would win over the z. Ahhh, sorry to hear that. Still miss mine who is no doubt causing mayhem is cat heaven. Thankyou for that... but I am due a home visit to take on two new ones!! ooer..Sitting back and thinking about how much they will trash in my house...
  8. Well puddy tat is no longer with us, so a difficult choice, but I think she would win over the z.
  9. too funny... lol we should have an emoticon with a silly hat on I think, or tinkling some bells
  10. yes! lol. Those are the names of my two toys in the Z. Well reg plate is pusskat so its only right I should have puddy tats in there!
  11. Aw Stew!! Your puddy tat is luvverly I can't wait... Madam's stuff is still in the attic. Its been 5 years. Even my car reg is after my cat... The time is right I think...
  12. And I'm not being rude! Is it a kitty or a grown up one? see the post just before..a video of my pussy being brushed!!
  13. Here she is... http://s457.photobucket.com/albums/qq29 ... gerAVI.flv
  14. Very confused about the belonging to whom and stuff thingey. SHould one have their own b1tch or is it more help with housework type of status symbol?
  15. you were only 2 mins up the road from me!! oh well..
  16. I just think it shows how the forum members show what a warm welcoming bunch they are. Some are a little more welcoming than others though!! ROFLMAO..
  17. we're nearly on page 14 here, you go guys and gals!! lol
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