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Posts posted by N!ck-z

  1. They are both boxers ones 2 and the problem child is 10 months.

    Take it that's yours in your profile pic? Lovely dogs, my mate Had one but he had to give it away because of work. Was A really independant dog.

  2. I'm not the only one then!

    As for all of the methods above, I've tried them all, and more.Any yes he's had potatos too, along with a loaf of bread, cookies, and the rest of the contents of the locked breadbin! The method I found had the best effect was citronella, although that didn't completely work.

    Crating him didn't work (I crated my other dog with no problems) as he panicked and messed himself as soon as he was left, he was having to be bathed on average every 2 days.

    I have trained my other dog to a very high standard, to the point of me being asked to show him (I refused as I don't agree with it), this one just seems to be a little "special"!

    I think it is just him teething though, as he seems to have stopped now, fingers crossed!

    Just need to sort my key now :angry:

  3. Some are, I've got 2 and the other is great, never chewed anything, really well trained. The other however is a nightmare! Can't trust him with anything. As for the pic I'll try and get one on next chance I get.

    Oh, and that toy nixy, I think you mean a kong.... He's got 4 different variations, gets his toys rotated every time he is left and gets a couple if chews left everytime and he still chewed things he shouldn't (skirting board, door frame, tea towel rail.... Wall...) then one day about 4 weeks ago he suddenly stopped and hasn't done it since! Touch wood (what's left of it anyway!) it stays that way!

  4. Sorry, should have searched first, was too angry to think!

    Cheers for pointing me in the right direction though.

    Nixy, that isn't the half of it, amongst other things he has chewed THROUGH my kitchen wall into my living room! :bang:

  5. Count me out of this if it does end up going ahead with another supplier please. Obviously with the situation it shouldnt make too much of a difference to anyone, but if it does, then my appologies


    2. Bladesgrant

    3. Vik54

    4. JT1703

    5. Cookiemonster

    6. Tonser

    7. shieldsie

    8. Spaceman

    9. Nrenz123

    10. SunGodRA

    11. chrisjones6699

  6. Have you got the code? Its on a little peice of paper that was in the bag with the nuts, if so take that to a nissan dealer and they'll order you a new one. If not another zed owner near by may have the same one as you (there is only about 16 types iirc) which you could borrow temporarily, but obviously you'd be very lucky. If not it may have to be removed (at cost) by a local garage.

  7. My last service I was told my front discs were lipped but were not in need of a change for a while. my question is, how long is "a while"?! I.e, how severe are these lips generally accepted to be before a change is due, and why? Inspecting my discs again today the lips are approx 1mm, however they are functioning fine and making no noises, but I would rather jump before I am pushed.

    I've had a search thhrough the forum and a google search but not found much.

    Any help will be appreciated!



  8. If this is the first time you've really ever done some running, I'd suggest that you get your shoes fitted by a reputable running shop rather than just buying some off the shelf because they are supposed to be good. It doesnt matter how technically advanced the shoe is, if it fits poor, you are going to be sore!

    To give you an idea, the last time I got fitted properly it took over an hour!

  9. Just read your PM lexx, thanks for the invite! I'm pretty dependant on dates and times as I work away alot and have a few commitments in scotland too. I'll look out for updates!


    PS. Have you changed your spoiler? Thought I saw you today but with a larger spoiler but wasnt sure as I didnt see until it had passed so didnt get a clear look.

  10. It was a post I'd read on here a while ago, abut Phil from ESR reccomending not to polish it, but the problems were never specified. Unfortunately I've already started... I like a challenge, but if it does go t**s up, it would be a great excuse to get one of the carbon ones with inbuilt spacers being sold here!

  11. Can anybody tell me where I can get hold of chrome paint that will be suitable for the throttle body (ie high temp resistant?). I started (attempting!) to polish the Plenum today but have read of problems experienced with polishing the throttle body. Had a search with google but found nothing suitable. This is the only way I can think of sorting it out without polishing it..... any other suggestions if I cant get hold of some?



  12. do you take credit cards alex?


    You can attatch a credit card to your paypal account and do it that way. I've spent a fortune since I realised I could do it :(


    I know this may sound a silly question, but can someone clarify the "type" of clicking noise related to a CV joint problem please? I have a fairly quiet clicking noise form my drivers side rear that I can only hear with the window down and as I pull away. Its frequency is proportional to my speed.



  13. I think you'll probably find that the actual scam is the email you have just posted. These are aimed at being sent round and round and around and sometimes are still going years later! If i can be bothered I usually google the email contents with urban myth and the answer is usually there. :)


    Weather it is an urban myth or not, it is still very possible. Try it. A few times I've had a mate tie up my landline with an accidental phone call, phone still in pocket

  14. Got this emailed to me the other day. I'd hope nobody here is foolish enough to fall for this, but you never know!



    A new telephone scam has recently been identified which the BBC has reported is taking place nationally and fooling many people.


    People claiming to be British Telecom representatives are cold calling residential numbers and informing occupants that they would be disconnected if an unpaid bill wasn't settled. In one example, a male requested a payment of £31.00 or it would be £118.00 to reconnect at a later date. When the occupant stated he was with Virgin Media, the male stated that Virgin have to pay BT a percentage for line rental.


    When challenged by the occupant, the male, who had an African accent, offered to demonstrate that he was from BT. When asked how, the male told the occupant to hang up and try phoning someone, as he would disconnect the phone to prevent this. When the occupant tried this, the phone was seemingly dead, with no engaged tone or anything until the male called back and requested a credit card payment.


    The 'disconnection scam' is done very simply. When the occupant hangs up, the male stays on the line with the mute button on, meaning the occupant cannot dial out but the male can hear the occupant trying. This is because the person who initiates a call is the one who needs to terminate it. When the occupant stop trying, the male cuts off and immediately calls back. This simple trick can appear very plausible and could easily convince the vulnerable into giving over bank details.


    Everyone to be aware of the above and spread the word to friends and family

  15. Funny you say that, just before I put the car into get its clutch sorted I had a look at what I previously thought was the "faded" carbon wing. It seemed to have a cloudy coating on it, and was coming off with a bit of elbow grease. I couldnt do much more with it as it was going it to be worked on (still not got it back either so cant check if the mirrors are the same).


    rtbiscuit: I've got some of that natty's paste now, thanks, I'm busting to try it out, just need my car back and a good polish first.


    If all else fails I will just get them repainted (only £50) but I'm wanting to get some other bits done at the same time so need to save a bit more cash before I go down that route (surface rust from a stone chip among other things :angry: ).

  16. how long did you have to leave it after they done it did you opening and shutting the doors affect the film beacuse it had just been done

    Mine were already on the car when I bought it, so I cant help you with that, sorry. Just give a reputable tinter a call, I'm sure they will give you all the info you need.

  17. I was recently pulled and my windows tested (they have a machine carried in most patrol cars now). They need to let 70% light through or you will get an on the spot fine and told to remove them. It is possible for them to give you points also.

    Unfortunately for me, mine did not let 70% light through (nowhere near if I'm honest). Fortunately he let me off when he realised I was in the armed forces (cue stories of him and his old regt.).

    He did say however that sometime in the future (didnt clarify when exactly) the test was being introduced into the MOT. So anyone thinking of going above the 30% limit, I would seriously think twice about it.

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