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Posts posted by N!ck-z

  1. Its just trying to find the right pic as im pretty new to photo shop so has to be from pretty much the same angle as Ive already got a pic of my car.... it took me about an hour to do that last one!

  2. what about no spoiler? :teeth:

    I have thought about that also.... I may see what it looks like when I take the V3 spoiler off, will give me a better idea then.


    Al - PM sent :thumbs:

    throw uS a pic when u do

    As Im impatient I got hold of a copy of photoshop and removed the spoiler:


    Thanks for the offer Rt biscuit but as Lexx just lives 2 mins from me Ive sorted something with him if I do go down that route. :thumbs:

    Just need to figure out how to add an oem spoiler on photoshop now......

  3. I am in the process of removing my veilside v3 spoiler which I have been in 2 minds about since I bought the car. The car also has the v3 skirts - which I love. Now I am trying to find a subtle spoiler (nothing too drastic as I may be selling the car - keep changing my mind every other day!) that will look good with the skirts. Another option is to have the rear smooth as I quite like that look, but dint know if it will look strange with the skirts. Thecar is chili red.

    Has anyone any suggestions to what may look good?

    I realise this is subjective but all opinions welcome!

  4. I stayed Here for q week last year to recover from a weeks abuse in Ibiza, it was ideal!

    It has a casino which I stumbled into one night, totally wasted. I walked out after literally 5 mins with quadruple the money I went in with :teeth: I only found out the morning after when I asked my mrs where all the cash was from in my pocket :thumbs:

    If you intend on using the gym take some trainers as I kept getting kicked out for having flip flops on :thumbdown:

  5. wd40 won't help, doubt even plusgas would as its not rusted. the throttle body allen bolts are put in place with a tiny amount of thread lock if i remember rightly so the first crack will do it, after that takeing them on and off is easy.


    It is quite a loud crack too so don't panic and think you have snapped the bolt! Also try not to throw the throttle body around too much as I seem to remember someone telling me they can be a little temperamental. Once the plenum is polished you will notice how crap the throttle body looks too, I just cleaned mine up then sprayed it with heat resistant silver paint.

  6. I think it's also important to point out that MMA and BJJ are very popular at the minute and have seen a lot of people trying to make a quick £ from this. The last thing you want is to be paying for instruction thinking all the while you are learning to defend yourself when really the instructor is just catching on to the latest trend (google McDojo).

    Have a look on cagewarriors forum or bullshido, both will point you in the right direction and away from these mcdojo's.

    Also be careful of the term jiu-jitsu. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is differnt to jap Jiu-jitsu. So when your instructor turns and says he is a black belt in jiu jitsu, please check his credentials. A blue ( the first rank in BJJ) would toy with a black belt in jap jitsu. Any bjj'er will be proud to tell you his lineage.

  7. Gaz,

    I think we will agree to disagree about the phone calls. You did not contact me at all. You say you did. Lets leave that.


    I don't see the relevance. You supplied a clutch and flywheel to be fitted, and asked for them both to be replaced. We wouldn't stop fitting items because they stock ones look ok, after all its a labour intensive job.

    Gaz, has the phone call prior to the work slipped your mind? Why on earth would we have a conversation about how to recognise if the original fly was defective and needed replacing? You told me you would not know until the engineer told you, the next time the condition of the fly was mentioned was after 2 or 3 phone calls before you admitted it was in perfect working order.


    Yes, we charged £30 less than it would have cost them to do the job once. We did it twice, because the flywheel you supplied was defective. Quite a saving I think.

    You would only of had to do the job once had you told me the original fly was fine and not instead decided to use my car as a test at my expense. To top it off i was charged for this second job on top of the original cost although at a fraction of the full price (somewhere in the region of £50 if I remember correctly).


    Sorry Nick, I never said to the courier at any point I didn't have a flywheel.

    ??? you actually admited this on the phone Gaz! Also A to Z autoparts gave me the tracking number to show me delivery had been refused and the reason given was the item was not at the address given.

    After failing to collect for the 3rd or 4th time

    In all honesty I forgot they did that, but it was once, not 3 or 4 times.

    I said for him to pop by tomorrow and get instead which he said was no problem.

    If this was the case why did this not happen? It was nearly a week before I even found out that the collection hadnt taken place, and that was because I phoned A to Z to check progress, then phoned you for an explanation.


    Just a few points;

    Of the 4 garages I phoned 3 of them said they had no experience, the one that did have experience was a Nissan main dealer.


    As for "naming and shaming" I have done nothing but state what happened, it is up to the reader of my post to determin their own opinion. That would mean that if the reader believes there was poor customer service then the reader will aggree it was worthwhile posting. If the reader does not believe there was poor customer service then the reader would believe that in their opinion there has been no harm done to Envy's reputation, and as such there would be no shaming.

  8. Gaz,

    I will summarise my post wrt Envy for you as you seem to have skipped a few of the points, again sticking to facts rather than opinion.


    1. You did not call me at all. Not just "one day". I can not recall correctly if you called me to tell me about the defective fly or I phoned you, but I gave you the bennefit of the doubt in my original post.


    2. I had to repeatedly chase you up with phonecalls over the weeks this was going on. Everytime you said you would phone me back, you simply failed to.


    3. The reduced cost was not only beneficial to me. As you told me prior to the work, you were looking to supply and fit these Flys and it would be beneficial to you if you could tell prospective customers you had experience fitting them and as such you were using my car as a test car.


    4. Which explains why you failed to tell me the original Fly was in perfect condition, instead choosing to fit my dualmass fly to gain the experience.


    5. The "hugely reduced" labour costs were infact only £30 less than a garage that had been reccomended to me in middlesbrough, who also had experience with performance/modified cars. I will refrain from naming them as I do not believe they would want there name dragged up in this thread.


    5. When found defective, again you failed to tell me the original was fine, but handily you could do me a deal on one you had in stock. You only confirmed the original was fine after numerous phone calls.


    6. You lied to the courier about having no Flywheel for collection. You were in, and the Flywheel was there. You were just on your way out and as you said on the phone a few days later when (once again) I phoned you, it was "too much hassle to go back and unlock the door".


    7. The cost of the courier was met by A to Z autoparts, both times, not you.


    All of my posts have been nothing but fact, I have not resorted to opinion as I wanted other members to gain from my experience rather than it turn into a moan or a bitching session.


    I will offer this opinion however: If I was a prospective customer I would be concerned that you do not see the customer service I received was anything less than appalling.

  9. so nothing might have been wrong with it then?



    the manufacturers verified it defective then informed the supplier who informed me 2 weeks later (and only after I phoned up to check progress)

    The point I was making was it could have been a design fault or a defective unit, I am not in a position to say unfortunately.

  10. Andlid: I didnt find out. A to Z autoparts returns method involves returning the item to the manufacturers and getting them to verify it defective before paying out. I believe this doesnt conform to consumers rights, but actually getting them to conform just didnt happen in my case, and believe me I tried!


    I would also take MartinMacs advice, although it worked out cheaper sourcing the parts myself, ultimately the garage (in my case Envy) were only making money on the fitting. It may have been a different story had I used their parts.

  11. All this talk of clutch and flywheel problems has started to get me ( perspective 350z buyer ) very worried. Thank you for that info. Also what miles had your car done when the clutch went?

    bear in mind these are people putting aftermarket ones in :thumbs:

    I think the clutch in the Z is quite long lasting unless it's abused .... I'm up to 68,000 with no probs touch wood :)


    36k I think it was. Im up to 39K now. The car has only ever been a weekend car really, I bought the car with 26K on so I can safely say for 10K it had definately not been abused. The other 26 I cant be sure obviously.

  12. ....but worth it if you are looking at changing a clutch and fly......


    A while ago (September 09) my clutch went and so I went about the usual of sourcing the parts and somewhere to fit them.


    I settled on an Exedy stage 1 organic clutch from driftworks and an LUK dual mass flywheel from A to Z autoparts incase the original needed replacing, and after asking about, Envy in Northumberland were reccomended for the fitting.


    Gaz at Envy was quick to point out that they had no experience of fitting a replacement dual mass fly, only the lightened ones, and so was willing to reduce the cost of fitting as it was the first time. Which was fair enough.


    The car went in, where it sat for days before finally being worked on (admittedly at first I said I was in no rush so long as it was done by the following weekend.... however I think the only part they heard was the "no rush" as it was not done by the weekend).


    The following week after repeated phone calls I was told the car had been started on. I then got a call saying there was a problem with the new flywheel; it was defective but they could sell me a new lightened one. I asked what my options were, I was given the option of buying the new fly from them at a "reduced rate" and that was it. I asked about the condition of the old fly and if that was still fit for use as I had hardly driven the car since the clutch started slipping. I was met with stutters and non commital answers, and so asked Gaz to find out and phone me back. Of course he didnt, and I phoned him a further few times over the next couple of days until eventually he found out and told me the old fly was in perfect condition so I asked for that to be fitted.


    By this stage I was aware that should A to Z autoparts dispute that the fly was defective I would need Envy onside to back me up, which is why I have waited until now to post this, and why I remained very patient with Envy throughout this.


    I arranged with A to Z autoparts to send a courier to pick the fly up from the Envy garage and return it to verify defective. Gaz was given the time window for pick up which he aggreed to, however a few days later (yes, again nobody thought to inform me) when I phoned A to Z to check progress, I was informed the pick up had not taken place. Gaz told the driver they did not have any flywheel, and knew nothing of the pickup. When I phoned Envy to question ths I was told "I was on my way to take a customer to a cashpoint and didnt have time". Thanks. A second delivery was arranged and this time was successful.


    This was the end of September. After repeated phone calls and threatening with "article xx of consumer rights blah blah blah" and finally me giving a load of legal jargon and threatening with my solicitor, I finally got my money back from A to Z auto parts this weekend. 5 MONTHS!!


    In summary,

    Be aware of A to Z autoparts returns process, 5 months is a long time.

    To anyone thinking of using an LUK dual mass fly, beware. Obviously this could be an isolated case but it also may not..... who knows?

    As for Envy, I am sure you get from my post I was not best pleased with them, and I can safely say I will not be using Envy in Northumberland ever again.


    ps, MODs, I placed this in general as I felt it covered a number of issues, please throw it elsewhere if you feel it would be more appropriate there.

  13. I took my vectra to kwik-fit (also a last minute job) for an mot. They returned it with numerous failures telling me it needed new discs and pads all round and a new front wishbone amongst other things (they quoted £700 for all the work). I took it to another respected local garage, new front pads and discs later it passed (total £140) with no problems at all. I can't nderstand how they get away with it!

  14. a guy i know when he was younger did this, ran the whole way down a street on the roofs of cars. fortunately someone saw it and knew the group of kids, it went to court and one of his mates dobbed him in. :lol: he was a w@@ker

    A few years back I drove down to see a work mate in some little town in Cornwall. I went out drinking with him and his friends on the night and we all had a fair bit to drink. One fella in particular was being a n@b all night and topped the evening off with running accross 5 or 6 cars in a row. I was unimpressed and decided he needed a lesson.

    I slept with his girlfriend later that night :teeth:

  15. You might find it a bit difficult to get hold of one, as I have been searching for a passenger side one but was told they often bend while trying to remove them making them useless.

    I was quoted £180 Inc fitting off Nissan, which is a complete joke especially seeing as though they damaged it!

    You could always try R5LEE though.

  16. Just seen this, I took my name off on the other thread mate. Plus I need a little more money to pay for a new key now too! Hope it's not too much of a nuisance to any one.

    Just for future reference will the engine cover weave match the plenum Scott?


    2. Bladesgrant

    3. Vik54

    4. JT1703

    6. Tonser

    7. shieldsie

    8. Spaceman

    9. Nrenz123

    10. SunGodRA

    11. chrisjones6699

    12. Dan4

    13. Cragus

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