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350 Russ

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Posts posted by 350 Russ

  1. ???? So you offer them to me for £250, i get back to you asap expressing my interest and asking for photos and you don't reply due to amount of interest you've received?

    Now you're saying you'll post them for sale once you've got 15 posts?

    Why not just sell them to me, or will they appear for sale with a hefty increase in price now you've received so much interest?



  2. How much do you charge to retrim 2 bucket seats? I was quoted £1200 +vat at the classic car show at the weekend


    Around half that amount... with no VAT...


    I wish I could charge that for two seats, mind...!!


    That's good to know! Cheers. I nearly fell over when he told me

  3. Look, truth is no-one has any idea what has happened. Easty has been spun a load of lines from Goodridge which may or may not be true, but if no-one will name names then this is utterly pointless. All it's done is drag peoples' names into the mud for zero reason, and besides which the original GB didn't even have 20 names in the first place.


    That said, it has been bloody entertaining, so that's always welcome! :D



    Please don't say that was an intentional pun

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  4. Looking for a pair of alezan seats in good condition. I've currently got black leather in mine that I'd be happy to offer as part exchange if you wish.


    Please drop me a pm if you can help :)


    What condition are your seats in?

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