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Posts posted by sparky370z

  1. This ain't happening Sparky as I am pulling the plug with trading on here WIE.

    and moving on.

    Politics and the like.


    well.............. do one then!!!!! ;):boxing:


    whats up Pete?


    well......... the other days i checked the tyre pressures and then proceeded to put a black grubby mark on the passenger seat. i looked at the cleaner i had and it said dont use on suede!!! :doh:


    so i used warm soapy water and dabbed rather than rubbed and it came off a treat. i have also tried the handle with this method and it came up pretty good. needs a bit more time than i had tho.

  2. morning people,


    im sorry to ask another PS request. im useless with it and cant find the correct options.


    basically what im after is........


    where the fangs are on the front of the car im after a red vinyl wrap (same colour as the calipers). was gonna go carbon but as my car is black it wouldnt show up.


    also on the back of the car i would like the rear diffuser the same, in red. again carbon wouldnt show up very well.


    if it looks good then i'll get some ordered up and go for it.


    cheers in advance.



  3. I've been here a few times before, could be interested in it. Might even drag the bird with me!


    More the merrier mate! If the tunnel gets a bit crammed we can always scoot over the road the millenium wheel and a few other locations too


    Sounds good, my Fez doesn't take up much room anyway haha!


    what sort of Fez?? i had a Mk 6.5 ST. was a lovely car. was on the forum too. :thumbs:

  4. oooh this is all getting a bit heated.


    i have a HTC Sensation and think it pretty good.



    i like both iOS and android but cant really justify spending all that dough on a phone.



    prefer to put petrol in the car. :thumbs:

  5. Certainly wouldn't let my kids drive it if I ever do have any!


    The way I see it, its my car that i pay for and she has her car that she pays for. To do a 200mile motorway journey makes sense to use little diesel corsa


    Ive been with her 3 years and shes had numerous "bumps" in her car and ive seen her stuggle to park her little corsa either in a bay or parallel park almost every time. She is not a confident driver yet she thinks she can just jump in my car and be fine


    Yes if i want her to drive my car i have to give her the chance, but i dont want her driving it. She has her own car for getting around


    Unless you've had a few beers. In which case all is forgiven and she's the perfect person to drive your car home.....




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