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Posts posted by SwanageDave

  1. My Nephew srgt Karl Ley Has just returned back out there and they have promised his wife that they will keep him on base as too dangerous for him to go front line after Winning the George medal and the T.V. Award for most outstanding soldier they reckon that the taliban will be gunning for him for defusing too many IED's,

    And by the way love your Dog, hes the same breed as the SEAL'S used isnt he?



    yeah, hes the same breed.. just a smaller :p


    we use larger ones for protection work aswel :thumbs:

    Well a big thank you to All for what you are doing mate, keep your head down and stay safe :thumbs:

  2. My Nephew srgt Karl Ley Has just returned back out there and they have promised his wife that they will keep him on base as too dangerous for him to go front line after Winning the George medal and the T.V. Award for most outstanding soldier they reckon that the taliban will be gunning for him for defusing too many IED's,

    And by the way love your Dog, hes the same breed as the SEAL'S used isnt he?

  3. RIP Broken Britain.. You went soft on discipline!.. You went soft on immigration!You went soft on crime.. Parents were told.. 'No you can't smack the kids'....Teachers were prevented from chastising kids in schools.. The police couldn't clip a troublemaker round the ear.. Kids had rights blah blah blah.. Well done Britain..You shall reap what you sow.. We have lost a whole generation!!

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