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Posts posted by Spaceman

  1. Yeah im gutted about the fuel consumption on the 3.5 litre petrol engined sports car thought id get at least 54 MPG :lol:


    rather than go down the route of the monkey valves and special £3 tuning chips im having a 1.6 Hdi engine fitted instead :lol:

  2. Yeah me to, the station that i used last time at the bottom of my road is also on a camber so if i pull up on the left side of pump the car is tilting slightly thus maybe a few more pennies in the tank.


    Im on BP ultimate at the mo i know its only 97 Ron but it always used to give me top miles in the other cars i had.


    Incidently is it just me or are Petrol stations now very Frustrating??? They are no longer just petrol stations now they have shops and lottery and all sorts. So it now takes light years to fill up as people are doing their frickin weekly shop :rant:


    Im going to open a petrol station called Fill Up & F##k Off B)

  3. Dont worry about apple getting there slice they take 30% revenue off the chargeable app sales, smart move ;)


    I dont have anything against the iphone, just not my thing. apple basically have just applied logic and a slick operating system to technology that was basically available in 2000 namely the SPV (Sound Picture Video)


    I Loved Orange but as rbiscuit said customer service went down the pan, im on O2 now and have to say its been flawless the only thing i find is the data on o2 is slow in comparison to Voda and Orange, hence going to be switching our account to Voda this month.


    At the end of the day phone choices are very personal what can be good for one is useless to the other and vice versa.

  4. I have'nt used a chips away yet.... used a dent master and he was very good.


    I think that there is an argument that both a pro body shop and a chips away could both be crap, in my opinion.


    I have used body shops several times before and have had mixed results. so in conclusion i would always go on recommendation from either as i have seen some really good chips away repairs.

  5. I would second the Hero great bit of kit getting mine on upgrade next week.


    i see the i-phones come in and go out of the business on a daily basis and have to say i dont really like them, just not me dont trust anything you cant take the battery out of :wacko:


    Vodafone have just announced the impending arrival of the i-phone to so expect it if not by Christmas defo at the start of 2010.


    Orange have confirmed that theirs should be available by november although given Oranges track record on Testing software that could well be delayed

  6. All dealers are masters of not paying out, took me 6 weeks several phone calls and faxes to get a steering pump sorted out on my last car.


    I just persisted with it said if it wasn't dealt with i would seek legal advice / Trading Standards. eventually got it done.


    If you have a pal in the legal world get them to put together a letter for you and document as many times, dates, conversations as possible so you have back up.

  7. We came back from Santa Ponsa on the 14th and the weather had just turned the day we left,


    Hope its good for you though :)


    My Dad said they had no real signifficant rain for four months so they were due a lot. Storms are spectacular though well worth a sit on the terrace at night.


    Never seen a zed ever in Mallorca

  8. 600 Miles to a tank in a 350z? has it been converted to LPG :lol:


    The most i ever got out of my C4 VTS was 418 that was a 60 litre tank and that was London and back very gently

  9. I have to say iam amazed by the fuel consumption in the zed, iam currently on 360 miles (Tesco super) on a UK 54 plate and the light has not even come on yet it shows im averaging 24.6.


    Ive not exactly been hanging around in it either as its a new toy so gets played with hard :teeth:


    i actually dont care though as i just love it, the sound of the engine alone is enough to warrant the extra cost :p

  10. Jesus cant beleive how much peeps are being quoted for tinting, £120 back and sides for mine at Totaltints in Bromborough Cheshire. Guy told me that under no circumstances will he tint the front side glass.

  11. :welcome:


    New owner here to, still got the smile on my face coz i love it :teeth: as a benchmark i paid an established dealer £13400 for 54 plate GT with 38 on the clock full nissan history


    As long as you feel comfortable with what your buying i dont thinks its worth scraping around for 500 squid as you may miss out on the one you want, trust me i spent weeks finding the one i wanted, but hopefully i made the right choice, i have set a 1000 squid aside incase of any major failures but hopefully all will be good as Nissans are pretty solid.

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