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Posts posted by Spaceman

  1. I dont know about anyone else, but im very rarely ill.


    Used to go to the gym about 3 times a week and be out on my bike doing 15 mile twice a week. But since November last year i have developed Costochronditis which f##king hurts and have been to the Doctor 8 times :scare:


    Had full diabetes check, full heart and lung check and blood work. as of yesterday i am now fit as a fiddle according to the docs


    I have put this bout of Hypercondrianism (if there is such a word) down to stress of having a child and losing my mother in law whom i was very close to.


    I think the problem now is the media @*!# us up so we are all hyperstressed about every little thing.


    There you go my pennys worth :D

  2. Jees, Just picked back up on this thread cant believe there are talks of kicking back doors in at such an unearthly hour of the day.


    Have to say though someone mentioned Elisha cuthbert OMFG she is Stunning especially in girl next door i require a cushion during that film :lol:


    Isnt Ashley cole meant to be gay, i beleive he has been rear ended on more than a few occasions :wacko:

  3. No im only joking i have the original Brigestones i would die with Nankangs on round my way i have used nankangs in my budget days and to be fair they were fine lot better than falkens in the wet and a million times better than the michelins in the wet.


    Think i will change to Pirrelli next time really like pirrelli on the bike and had them a while back on a car really good.


    Not found the Bridgestones to be to bad in the wet the traction control does come on when your pushing it but nothing unnerving

  4. Im No Hater stew, i just cant stand, mis-spaced, incorrect size/style of font, incorrect plate size and screws stuck where there not meant to be drives me insane.


    The small or incorrect font is the worse if i had my way peeps would get 6 points and £1000 fine for that :rant:

  5. my pups are always trimmed :) i can see it from both sides for and against and being completly brutal and honest here, i will get slammed for this.


    But some breeds benefit aesthetically from being docked IMO, imagine a boxer with a tail


    My sis has two labs the only good reason i can see for them being docked is to prevent them from smashing my glass of wine when its on the coffee table

  6. I have 2 Springer Spaniel bitches. Tails docked and i wouldnt have them any other way.


    The reason for the tail docking on working dogs is simply to protect the animal from suffering any damage that is caused by them retrieving from dense shrub and gorse bush, if they had a tail they would rip it to shreds causing great discomfort, something that docking when done properly and at puppy stage does not compare to.

  7. Gutted i suppose doesn't cover it mate.


    Big business for some though i guess, My Dad has a brokerage in Mallorca and 2 of his clients have had boats stolen over the past couple of years i think one was intercepted in the med somewhere and the other was found in North Africa.


    I guess fraud would be a highly probable especially during these financial woes, as boats are are an expensive luxury that all to often people enter into the fraternity then the true costs of it come to light and they need a quick fix.


    Hope its resolved quickly for you

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