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Posts posted by Spaceman

  1. wish i could do my work from home, unfortunatley most of it requires my interaction. just a joke i live about ten mins away from Llandegla mountain bike centre and thats been shut since the 20th of December the poor guys that run it have lost about 80k in revenue so far.


    Where abouts are you in manchester? i went down to see my Nan on Sunday she lives in Rixton just by Irlam and that was an ice rink you would of though being right next to northwich and winsford salt capitals of the country that the northwest be salted to buggery.


    Although interestingly guy on sky news said earlier that salt only works up to minus 9, so we are all doomed :lol::cold:


    The problem is if you dont grit the minors how the hell are the people going to get on to the majors :wacko:


    At the end of the day it is what is and its a bit of a freak event , but i think we pay enough tax, whether it by road, council or the ludicrous cost of fuel to cover decent service and health and saftey of residents

  2. Well im well peed off its minus f##kin 11 up here the roads to our house are solid compacted snow only just got my wifes car up the incline went down to the pub to pick up my car and cant get it out its just impossible.


    Another day late or maybe out of work, so sat here with a cup of tea watching sky news coverage of the "big freeze"


    I wonder if i can withhold my council tax payment for not gritting and ploughing my road? mmm probably not as they would summons me to court, yet its ok for them to shaft us and we cant do jack to sue them, :rant:


    Think im going to do a spot of shopping for the zed to cheer me up :teeth:

  3. i hardly ever have the aircon on only to demist the front if i have condensation then i just drive with the windows slightly open and clears it up.


    loving that salt suggestion though, i wonder if that would work on my bedroom windows :lol:

  4. i had an interesting trip back from Ellesmere Port to Mold very very bad conditions, i live on top of a hill so i decided after sliding sideways down the approach to the start of the journey up to my village to ditch the zed in the pub car park, i would never have got up so didnt want to risk it there were people sliding back down and the zed is not worth risking.


    I ll pick it up when i can actually get down my road which maybe a couple of days as its still snowing, ah well looks like no work tomorrow :shrug:


    the weather has been pissing me off now, i have little mods stacking up in the garage and its to frickin cold to get them on :yawn:

  5. Probably will get off on a technicality like the road signs were not lit or some bolx.


    My bosses brother in law got caught doing 140 in his R8 in a national on the A5 toward betws. guess what he got? nothing lucky git, a pal of his happens to be Barry Warburton who as some of you may know is a bit of genius at traffic offences, bit like Nick Freeman.


    its not what you know its who you know and much money you want to throw at the situation :shrug:

  6. has anyone got one of these spare, its the little plastic hinged cover that hides the bolt of the rear wiper.


    Some t##t has obviously thought it hilarious to rip mine off,


    thanks guys

  7. I think "celebrities" should actually be banned from endorsing products or services that they clearly do not use.


    I mean imagine Cheryl Cole using Loreal,,, err yeah right dont think so


    Richard Hammond in Morrisons err no


    Jason Donovan shopping in Iceland??? not a chance


    Robert Deniro American express, he probably has a concierge service ?


    Kate Moss Rimmel lipstick yeah right.


    Jamie and Louise advert is just pure cheese :ban:

  8. Im all done and dusted now :D dont return until the 4th, happy days.


    Had my works do last night and got absolutely smashed on Peroni, left my car in Chester so im now zedless until i can get it tomorrow :thumbdown: which is annoying actually as i could of fitted my new engine cover, instead im spending the day cleaning the house which only seems fair given that my wife had to pick me up off the bathroom floor last night as i decided it would be good to sleep in there :lol::drunk:

  9. Mate keep the Z i have my little one firmly strapped into his Ferrari car seat in the front i only take him once a week to the child minder the rest of the time its the People carrier and mummy :D


    Harvey loves the Z first thing he does is grab the gear stick when he gets in :lol:


    Good luck with the birth hope all goes well, the stress and anxiety starts when he arrives :scare::lol:

  10. I have the same problem on my 04 GT. they will be well out of warranty by now.


    If you do a search you will find someone has had theirs done in the last week. prices seem to be around 50 a corner. Personnaly im not bothering with mine until the crap weather ends, although that could be a long time in this god forsaken country :thumbdown:


    if your based in the North West try problast in Prescot they offer a drive in service and do some very good work, there is also a place in Birkenhead whose name escapes me right now.


    Good luck

  11. I was gonna suggest this as i have been over a fair few times on the bike :scare::yahoo:


    Clarkson gets on with his Lambo so i dont think zeds should have a problem, i believe the ferrys have solutions for such problems


    Good experience though :thumbs:

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