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Posts posted by taras

  1. Ray, I'm sure this is for the best. You will love the how modified chargespeed skirts will complement the bumper :thumbs: The fit will amazing too!


    Will email you another sneak preview when they arrive :dry:

  2. Yep. Bobby is the proud owner of the black and white one.

    It's actually wrapped in a pearl white carbon so it looks slightly purple-ish in the sun light. Very classy IMO.

    Real carbon rear and front lip and also film tinted fronts.

    Buddy you still got the spoiler with us you know. And what's up with the X5?

  3. That's quite interesting. So if I've read that right design 4 is best for down-force, and 2 is best for drag reduction and brake cooling?


    Yes but 3 is best for cooling breaks as it is specifically directs the air to the insides of the wheels.


    Strange that some of you choose 3 because though it looks the best, it is also the worst at being a front splitter because it produces the most drag.


    You see that's the problem of making something which does one thing and then making it serve another purpose.

  4. I see


    let me see what I can do.

    Engine cover - £80 - £90

    Cooling plate - £90


    Were about what we paid


    Battery and brake fluid covers were £85 each - always out of stock


    I've not had a real problem with fitment (first engine cover was twisted but was exchanged straight away for a perfect one with no hassle), my issue is everywhere is always out of stock and am really wanting them lol


    OEM replacement mirrors (not covers but actual replacements)

    B Pillars

    battery cover

    brake fluid cover

    Engine cover (with or without the nissan badge and V6 indent?)

    cooling panel (bus single or twin inlet?)





    Those are all things on my shopping list but haven't found anywhere that fills me with confidence to buy as yet.


    I totally understand that. You and many others in multiple forums alike especially after seeing so many rouge traders come and go.

  6. here's a mini write up from CW racing after various simulations from everyone's input.




    Design 1. simply a flat plate. Produced

    some down force. Would be the most easy

    to produce and fit.



    Design 2. similar to design 1 but with an

    angled tail. Produced approximately 2x the

    down force of design 1 and with the benefit

    of drag being reduced by 1/2.


    Design 3. a very complicated design which

    was influenced by comments from members

    on forums. The piece would be very

    complicated to make and mount due to its

    shape. It does however produce over 4x

    the down force of design 1. negative point

    though is it also produces 3x the drag.


    Design 4. a design that id a hybrid of design

    1 & 3. not the simplest to make but much

    easier than design 3 and should be simpler

    to fit. It produces 3x the down force of design

    1 and only a fraction more drag.




    Design 1. CFD shows quite simple flow due to its

    simple design. The swirly bit behind the wheel is the

    wake from the tyre.


    Design 2. bit more going on. More lower pressure

    under the car as there is much more blue. Also

    selected flow lines through the rotating wheel. You

    can see how the wheel pumps the air out like a jet.


    Design 3. lots of 3d flow on this one. You can still

    see the swirly bit behind the wheel. Also areas

    where the flow separates away from the strakes

    in the channel. Also an area in front of the tyre.


    Design 4. Lots more laminar flow. Still with the

    wake behind the wheel.

  7. All input is taken into consideration and the things I would like to consider to make in carbon becasue I think there is still a demand for it are:


    OEM replacement mirrors (not covers but actual replacements)

    B Pillars

    battery cover

    brake fluid cover

    Engine cover (with or without the nissan badge and V6 indent?)

    cooling panel (bus single or twin inlet?)


    Q: When you say surround, did you mean the surround round the battery & Brake covers? Top L&R plastic covers?


    I just want to point out that I'm still researching and it's physically not possible or logical to make everything.

    What I do want to do is do more research and to hear some of your feedback good or bad about these existing products out there so get a heads up on what to look out for or mistakes not to be repeated when we make them.


    For now can some one post up the best prices available on these products so I can see if I can either match it or beat it or not? This would help me a lot.





  8. Basically I think most people want everything thats already done - but done properly :lol:


    Some 370z pieces would be nice too :teeth:


    My thoughts exactly! But we obviously cant do everything and also there still has to be decent demand for it otherwise it's pointless for us to make it rite.

  9. me depending on price of course :)


    same for me!


    After doing some number crunching, I believe I can offer this lip in carbon for £280 plus postage in the UK. How does that sound?

  10. Full width cooling panel for me... one with the contoured surface to prevent damage when the bonnet closes. If you can do that for fifty quid then im in!


    Not possable. Even we who make our own cooling panes for other cars like the GT4 which is a perfect fit, smooth even and consistent thickens we sell at £90 discount to club members.


    The thing about having carbon in the engine bay is that the resin used is different as it needs to be able to maintain shape and form at high temperatures so there's no way you'll get it for £50.


    Not something I want, but I've never seen a Carbon Tailgate that fits properly.


    +1 mine is about 98% perfect, although when I'm down in October you can copy my boot (Seibon) and adjust the imperfections if you wanted?



    Something I'd like, which can cost a fair few £££ is a new carbon engine cover and cooling panel. As you know I had to take my cooling panel off because of the front bumper, but would be keen to get a replacement to aid airflow with the bumper air duct.


    If there was a demand for carbon boot, we'd simply send off an OEM one and try to get it perfect first time.


    I recall seeing your cooling panel and the room for improvements where noticeable when we tried fitting it. I've seen some pretty poorly made engine covers with very bad definition in the indentations.

    But again is there a demand for them?

    I know we can make the engine cover much better as we'd make a M&F mould to make sure it's well defined.

    See how defined this indentation is:


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