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Posts posted by yokomo

  1. Glad you got them fitted ok bud :thumbs:


    I almost wish I had kept them now as that sounds loooovely :)

    yeah got them fittd the other week , very impressed wiht the improved sound and the cars seems lil more responsive and eager to rev up the higher rpms . cant wait to get it mapped now !

  2. for that budget id prob either cut back a little on the comps/ go used and either save the little left to get a sub later OR stretch the budget a bit and get a cheapish sub. tbh most £80-100 are going to be good enough as long as the box is rght and the power is clean so dont scrimp on the amp or the rest is just a waste.

  3. You should find anybody that sell the brand should be able to supply them, they just haven't updated their website yet :)


    Alcar are the distributor and have plenty in stock, would be worth giving them a shout.


    The Japan and Forged bits on there aren't entirely accurate though :(

    japan , wouldnt care

    not forged , id be very hacked off as i was looking at a set of these til i found out only the 19's cam in real widths.

    theyre advertised as being light so id hope they are !

  4. The diffuser is a great buy for someone


    Would be tempted myself if I had two beans to rub together, such a shame you were not happy. Any pics fitted ?


    GLWTS :thumbs:

    +1 fitted pics as im kinda tempted at that price , i take it the paint would sand off OK ?

  5. How are you connecting the iPhone ? I'm assuming you have just created an RCA input for the Bose and then connected the iPhone to this with iPhone audio out cable to the dock on the iPhone . If that's the case you either have an old RCA out cable ( sounds like that's the prob ) as apple changed the wiring but made the cables work and the iPhone detects it's an old cable and shuts the audio off ! You can checkbthis if you have an older iPod about . Easyesr fix is just use the headphone out instead as the cable is alot cheaper since it's just generic RCA to headphone.

  6. HFCs plus a Nismo sets off car alarms. :lol:

    does it !

    my fujitsubo is bascially the nismo with different pipes and i didnt think it was that loud .

    funny thing is when i got the midpipe/back box fitted it was hardly louder , Y pipe made it little bit louder and bit more tuned sounding and now the berks just growl . kinda makes me want some tubular manifolds !


    edit.. tez , depnmds on how loud youare not he buddy club is prtty loud but th eonly car i have heard already had cats etc (adrian K i think has/had buddy club + cats/decats) sounded nice but bit too loud. seems no one part has been a huge noise adder but add them all up and its just grins and more grins when i boot it and ive not even had it to 6k yet , not sur eif its in my head but im sure 2nd/3rd revs up freer to!

  7. Just got my berks fitted and I knew they would make it z bit louder but now the car just sounds awsome !

    Anyone thinking they want a louder exhaust For a more racey sound just get some HFCs ! Bit late to be revving the car in the drive for a bid now so il get one tommorrow .

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