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Posts posted by Fodder

  1. The first time I saw one in the flesh was at the A540/A550 junction (2 mills, well known accident blackspot) early on a sunny Sunday morning, a nice shiny sunset coupe was in lane 1 at the lights


    Lane 2 was empty so i pulled up next to the chap who had his window down, I told him I thought he had an amazingly gorgeous car he thanked me.... lights went green and I sat there and listened to it roar.... took me about 5 seconds to move myself :lol:



    Interrestinlgy, I too was in a Celica 190 and knew a 350Z would be my next car.

  2. Sounds strange to me, so what you're saying you need to double click to unlock drivers then quad click to unlock passenger.


    Sounds like an issue with the unlock button on your fob, does your spare do this? If you dont have a spare then i suggest maybe some cleaner around the unlock button as it's either grime or switch wear.


    Also Sarnie is correct, you can change if a under normal operation to single click unlocks both.

  3. Good work by the team.


    I dont post too often but often look around while on boring conference calls.... I had to listen to them the last couple of days so thanks for getting my fix back :lol:

  4. Easily done ;) , My dad dropped me off outside a shop on Deeside, when I got back I got into the passengers seat my dad wasn't there...it took me 3 or 4 minutes to realize it wasn't his car. Much to Caroline's amusement I briefly got into someone else's vehicle after filling up with petrol in The States...all 4wd's look the same to me :lol:





    Thats Brillant but in fairness an Azure Roadster is quite rare in these parts so I can understand the confusion.


    Reminds me when I first got mine, I got a phone call from my girlfriend as she had seen me and I wasnt where I was supposed to be.... So it seemed I had a twin in the Chester area.... I think she got confused between roadsters and coupe's though :lol:

  5. I had the pleasure of spending a month in the Countess when I was 17, went in with a pretty nast broken leg and was lucky to keep my foot, I did contract Pseudomonas (google it)though which was only spotted by the student nurse cleaning my wounds.


    The staff didnt explain to me what was going on, just put me in isolation and started deep cleaning anywhere I'd been including shutting down the theaters I'd been in. Very scary.


    I'm also allergic to tetanus which is all over my records and while in the isolation room they decided to give me a little injection, I asked what it was and was told it was a pain killer. Spring forward 30 minutes and I was in severe discomfort, even my eye lids had lumps on them and all my joints swollen. It turns out they thought i would have grown out of my allergy :angry:


    Anyway that was 20 years ago and to be fair their A&E department were superb a few years back when my sister was admitted, sadly she passed away but the staff were amazing.


    That said, I use Bupa whenever I can...


    Oh And Ricy, check your T&C's of your health cover, you will probably find you can claim back a daily allowance even though you were admitted to an NHS hospital.

  6. Could be worse..... you could be allergic to Tetanus and nurses never believe you even when you tell them to check your records. I once had one dopey nurse not believe me and include it in my jabs without telling me.... I looked like the elephant man for about a week... Could have been an exhibit at Ripleys :lol:


    Back from my trip, great time!!


    Not too happy about my last day though. We walked through st james' park feeding the squirrells when one little b*stard scratched my hand and unfortunately i'm not up to date with my tetanus so a big beedle for this week, joy.


    I used to really dislike impersonal London however the last few times I've been I've had the chance to do toursity things and I like it, always something to see and do. SWMBO keeps on at me to go see a show, will have to organise that one.

  7. Gauchos is very nice but expensive so depends how rich you feel! triple figures for decent meal with drinks without going too mad!


    I always try and go to gaucho's when in town, however I only ever go on business and either try and egt someone more senior to take me or wipe out my daily allowance :lol:


    I did quite a bit of walking last time I was down there as I had a few american colleagues with me and there are a lot of nice little pubs off the beaten track that do a decent pint for a decent price.. Mind you you're from Knutsford so you may be used to inflated prices.


    One tip, there is what seemed like a nice little pub near Trafalgar Square and as one of the guys needed a pit stop they wanted to go in and have a pint while he used their facilities.... He headed straight to the gents which was downstairs while we walked to the bar.... then realised it was an establishment catering for a different sexual orientation so we decided to wait outside as it was soooo over the top. The guy was missing for about 20 minutes as down stairs was also a live stage and he had to fight his way to and from the gents where he was hit on quite a bit.


    Morale of the story, avoid a pub called "halfway to heaven" wish we'd looked at the name first :lol:

  8. Jetset, I'm sure most of us in born in the area have some Welsh geneology...


    At least one of my grandparents was 100% Welsh. I thought you may get the road/area, hopefully not for much longer ;)


    Sorry Builder for hijacking your thread, I'm not sure why you're in this part of the world but we are quite lucky with the countryside/roads/banter as you can see :lol: Enjoy your stay/visit


    SMD - you arent far off the truth for some areas

  9. And theoreticaly, you can shoot me with your bow and arrow if I'm within the City walls after dark. :wacko:


    Yeah we use that one on Welsh friends on work nights out... to be fair I think most of us in the area must have a fair bit of Welsh DNA in us (awaits the smut).


    Talking of works night out I think your wife was out on one last Thursday... I may have it wrong though.


    My girlfriend actually lives in a road where her side are in Wales and the other side is in England... Free prescriptions all the way :lol:

  10. Lived in the area all my life and I still find stuff out now... like the lion on top of the NCP on Pepper Street I only noticed the other week. :lol:


    ...that used to be on top of the Police HQ near the castle before the knocked it down :thumbs:


    Ahh that make sense as to why I hadnt noticed it before and why it's a little out of place, jeez what an eyesore that place was.... so the Lion missed being atop a 60's eyesore so they placed it on another :lol:


    I'm going to take the little tour bus around during the summer as I've neevr actually done it.

  11. It's doubtful I'll be able to make an appearance due to work commitments and a PITA vendor.


    As Squee says I would steer clear of Liverpool on Saturday but there are some great roads not too far away from Chester in North Wales and Chester itself is quite small and is worthy of a wander.


    Lived in the area all my life and I still find stuff out now... like the lion on top of the NCP on Pepper Street I only noticed the other week. :lol:

  12. Do you have any idea what day and time? I'm a bit of a hermit and should make more effort with the very friendly local folks however SWMBO has pretty much booked up my weekend with a probable run out along the coast somewhere.


    However mycar is in having open heart surgery as we speak (Clutch and Flywheel - Thanks Mr ZMANALEX) so I'll be driving like miss Daisy if we do :lol:

  13. I have the apple smart cover, very good but I also purchased a rear clear case which is compatible. I found i was wary about placing it on a table etc without.


    The inlaws have that Cygnet case and that is very very good but adds a lot of bulk.


    I also purchased the camera kit yesterday by chance, a very nice addition if you want to quickly process your images... I would recommend buying iphoto too.


    Also as for the itunes store, I bought a couple of £15 itunes gift cards from Morrissons a couple of weeks back as they had an offer that they were £12 each. Keep an eye out near the DVD/Games shelves as they will be there - not sure if the offer is still on mind.

  14. Spotted Blade "PUX" parked behind me... You actually let me join the outside lane as I joined the carriageway at the A483 "Posthouse" juntion.


    We were parked as there was a 3car pile up in the outside lane just over the A41 bridge and about 50 yards beyond that a rather messy silver car that looked like it had clipped the inside barrier and spun.... There was an immaculate R8 parked just behind it too.

  15. If it was winter I would sugest the ghost walk which starts off from the Shambles however I doubt it would be the same experience on a light evening.


    Also for food I really liked the Biltmore Bar and grill, can get mega busy and typically have to book a few days in advance.




    You may want to pay the admission to the Minster and climb the tower if you are into your architecture etc but there's loads of interesting things to see in the smallish center which is geared towards the tourist trade with signs everwhere.


    oh and your wife would love afternoon tea at Betty's tea rooms.

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