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Posts posted by nicon2k

  1. Thanks for the heads up. I was going to have a look at this car but spotted that the front bumper looked a bit ropey.


    Three of the four cars that I have lookd at have been "well used". Do car dealers not know how to prepare cars anymore?


    In their defence, they have had the front bumper resprayed now. The rest of the car its still a bit shite tho.


    What is your criteria?

  2. Hi Guys


    Just thought i would mention a car i went to see on saturday so no one else wastes their time with it.


    This is the car:



    First a word to describe the service i have received by the garage..... SHOCKING!!!!


    They have not once called me back despite assurances that they would. They really do come across as not caring whether i buy the car or not. I know the value of the car is small compared to some of the other ones they are advertising but still.


    I arranged to see the car on Saturday at 11am. I turned up at 11.10am and was told that the bloke i had been speaking to had gone home because i was late. They guy who showed me round the car really knew nothing about it and i have to say, was pretty disinterested in the whole thing. Its not a great feeling when you have driven 50 miles to see a car and you feel like there person selling it to you is doing you a favour just by being there.


    My mood was not helped by the fact that the car was a dog. It was advertised as having 18,000 miles on it but it actually had over 28,000. The previous owner had bolted a huge black radar detector onto the front and the back of the car (Just drilled into the bumper) and hacked the switch into the centre console. Ugly as hell.


    They also must have been a pretty large person as they leather on the seat was ruined and all of the bolsters on the seat were totally gone. It was like sitting on two flat plans of wood.


    Also i think the bluetooth module had been removed in favour of some kind of line in type device.


    Anyway, rant over. I just didn't want anyone to waste their time with this car or the clowns that run the dealership.

  3. I sent Lee a message about this a while ago and got no response.......


    I thought BOSE were a quality outfit too. However i bought a pair of their In ear head phones which proved me wrong. The sound quality is amazing but the build quality is shocking. I have been through 3 pairs now with each lasting no longer then 3 months.


    Its a shame that you don't always get what you pay for.

  4. Hey buddy,


    I just picked up a 58 plate temper orange on Friday, mine doesn't have the "line in plug" where is yours located?


    Can't comment on the seats as this is my first z but they are very supportive (coming from someone that just left a set of recaros)


    I'm from reading and will be about this coming weekend if you fancy a spin, where in reading you from?




    Thanks for that. I will take you up on that offer if i may. i live in Tilehurst and should be around all week and weekend. If you want to PM your address or somewhere to meet then i can come to you. Thanks so much for your offer.


    As for the seat, i think it might just be that the bloke before was really really fat and broke the support with his fat arse. :teeth:

  5. Hi guys.


    for the past year and a half I have been the proud owner of an 06 black 350z gt. I have loved every minute of owning it but the miles are mounting up and is time for me to change.


    Today I went to see an 08 black gt. I have a few questions regarding it so if someone who already owns one could answer them, that would be great.


    First off, the seats seemed to be a lot less bucket like and more flat, is that normal?


    Second, there seemed to be a whine coming from transmission. There is no whine on my car but I know that the engines are different so is it normal?


    Finally, in the centre console in my car there is a bluetooth adaptor, in this there was only what looked like a line in cable. Does this mean that I can plug my ipod into the stereo and will it still have bluetooth?


    If there is anyone in the reading area with an 08 car and wouldn't mine taking me for a spin, there is a beer in it.


    Thanks for your help.

  6. Before anyone gets too upset, i am selling with the intention of buying another Zed, so no worries there.


    I currently have a MY06 Black Zed, it has just ticked over 65k on the clock. The reason i am thinking of selling is because i do quite a lot of miles and feel bad dumping thousands and thousands of miles on a single Zed.


    It is total standard other than the front breaks which have ECB disks and yellow stuff pads. The car also has birdview sat nav.


    I had the front and rear bumpers and the bonnet resprayed too months ago to get rid of a few stone chips and supermarket bumps.


    The car runs just like it did when i bought it which still puts a huge smile on my face each and every time.


    I had it serviced yesterday and there was an advisory to replace two of the drive belts which i will do before i sell it. Other than that it was all fine. It passed its MOT in March with flying colours.


    Full service history and all that. Tyres still have plenty of tread on them and the wheels are in very good condition.


    I guess i am just trying to find out how much you guys think its worth. I have been having a look on AutoTrader and Ebay and have found that the prices range hugely.


    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  7. She got one on Monday


    Believe it or not she likes her old 3G better because of the shape :lol::lol:


    She is probably going to sell it, I just looked on eBay and found this at £900 !!!!!!


    Is this really what they are going for ???? CRAZY




    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/IPHONE-4G-16GB-BL ... 3a5ca4bf6a


    Your wife should have a look at the Samsung Galaxy S. Its the same size and shape as the 3GS but since its running android, its a million times better. And thats just the O/S. The hardware is really beefy.

  8. Hi guys.


    I am hoping that someone with mad electronic skills can give me a hand here. I have some pretty nice Sony ICE kit just lying around (A head unit, an amp and two 6x9's). I am going to a festival in germany next month and i was hoping to cobble the above together to make make a speaker system. I was going to build a wooden box with wheels and mount it all on that.


    The wood bit i am fine with but i am not sure what i am doing when it comes to the electricals. What i want to end up with is a system that can play standing alone (From a car battery) and that can be recharged and play from the mains as we will have a generator.


    Any advice on the best way of being this or potential problems would be great!


    Thanks in advance.

  9. Demolition49: I have EXACTLY the same problem. I have PS2's on the front and Falkens on the rear.

    Let me guess, you find the back end very twitchy? It's because the Michelins have far more grip in all conditions than the Falkens. Get some PS2s to match on the back, you'll really notice a huge difference.


    Yeah, i knew this would be the case when i bought them. I had to do it just after mas and i just did not have the money to spend so i had to go for the falkens. I will be back to the michelins very soon tho. The diffrence really is amazing.

  10. I have tried every which way of locking the car, double press, tripple press, one hundred presses, holding it down, locking with key in the door and finally a double press of the key fob while hoping round in circles on one leg praying to the Zed gods!


    However, none of this seems to work.


    The only way of doing it is to tape up the sensors (the ones closest to your head, not the handsfree mic)


    Not that it matters anyway, the weather is turning! :cold::cold::cold:

  11. This morning there was a White 370z behind me going down Norcot Hill in Reading to join the A4. i enjoyed the little burn when the traffic cleared!


    There was a White 350z and also a yellow 350z on the M4 going from junction 13 towards 12.


    Then i spotted a white GTR on the A34 heading towards Newbury.


    All four of these were between 8 and 9am this morning.

  12. We moved into a house a few years back that had six parking spaces. The reason we picked this house was because there were six of us each with a car.


    Anyway, when we move in we fine a battered old GTO in the last parking space.


    It was still there after a few days so we started asking around to see if anyone know who owned it. We had no luck so we continued to wait.


    After a few weeks the car still had not moved so we phoned the council to see what they would do about it. After getting passed around loads we finally told that since it was on private land there was nothing that they could do and we should speak to the police.


    So i did, i phoned the police and went through the same process only to be told the same thing. They suggested we phoned the DVLA.


    So i did, i phoned the DVLA and went through the same process AGAIN. The said that they would get in contact with the registered owner. That night i went to bed happy thinking i was finally getting somewhere.


    The next day i had a phone call from the DVLA telling me that their records were out of date as the registered owner had since sold the car and they did not have the details for the new owner. They then said that since it was on private land there was nothing more they could do, but helpfully they suggested getting in contact with the council or the Police! :bang::bang::bang:


    Figuring that out of the three, the police had the most power i phoned them again and pleaded with them to do something about it. The bloke i was speaking to was actually very helpful. Again he said that since it was on private land there was nothing they could do. Then he sorta hinted that if it were somehow moved on to the road then the police would have no choice but to remove it.


    So there i was left with no help from the council or the DVLA and the police telling me that the only way i could get the car removed was to commit a crime!


    Then i had a brain wave, i had a look in the yellow pages and found a dodgy looking cash for bangers type of company. I phoned them and explained to them the situation. I was totally honest with them and said that if they wanted to pick it up they could have it for free. The bloke on the phone said that since it was illegal to remove it there was nothing that they could do, but he took my address anyway.


    Half an hour later the turned up in a recovery truck, spoke to me for less then a min and then proceeded to smash a window, take the hand break off and winch the car on to the back of the truck. He was gone in less then 5 mins!


    A few days later we had a very very angry chav turn up asking where is car was. We denied any knowledge of it and politely suggested that he report it to the police.


    That one went down as a win!

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