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Posts posted by nicon2k

  1. Thanks for all your welcomes. I had a look at insurance last night and on the recommendation of the site gave bell.co.uk a go. Got a quote for £1010, which is great. Was also having a look on piston heads (where you can bye a 1979 Batmobile!!! http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/830051.htm ) and came accross this:




    Seems too good to be true. any of you guys know anything about it? The reg is FP06 ZPX.



  2. Looks like i might be joining sooner the expected. The above mentioned puma does not want to live any more. Just got home from work to find one of the wheels totally flat. Took it off and there was no evidence of a puncture, but noticed that the alloy itself is no longer round. Means i will have to get a new wheel and a new tyre.


    Strange thing is I have no idea how that happened to the wheel, it has never been kerbed and since the puma is an old lady now I have been very gentle with her :wacko:

  3. Dont think a sensible insurance quote exists!!


    Do you have age on your side???


    I do not, i am 23.......... I also lost my NCB last year (not my fault i would like to point out. Apparently mopeds do not have to follow the highway code!!!)


    But then again I bough a Ford Puma when I was 19 and paid £2200 for my first years insurance!!!!!


    Are there any forum members that live around Reading?

  4. Wow, quick replies!!!


    I am based in reading. Good to see about the MPG but dont get me wrong, i am not planning to be crule to the car and make it sit a 70 for its whole life. Just wanted to make sure i wouldnt be paying £150 a week just to get to work!


    Have been reading up for a while and am planning on buying in the next few months (have been on a debt clearing mission since the start of the year) so now i that i have some good news about the mpg i will have to find a sensible insurance quote!

  5. Hi Everyone.


    This is my first post but i have been reading up on the 350z (mainly on this forum) for a while now and though it was time I said hello to what seems like a great forum!


    I do have a question to bug people with but before i get to that i just wanted to mention to the Admins that i work as a DBA (Mainly MS SQL but i have used My SQL before) so if there is ever anything that i can help with i would be more then happy to lend a hand.


    Now for my question, as part of the above mentioned job i have to go into the office three times a week which is 50 miles each way. Now i understand that no one in their right mind would buy a z for their eco properties but it seems that the average MPG (I am guessing 22) on the site does not match up with what people say they get out of a tank (between 250 and 350).


    Assuming that the tank is full (80lt = 17.6 gallons (UK)), an average of 22 mpg would see just under 400 miles till empty. Also using the same logic to get 250 from a tank you would have to be doing 15 mpg.


    So I guess I have two questions, is my math wrong and since my 50 mile trip is all motorway what mpg could I expect if I were to stick a 70 the whole way?


    Sorry for the long post, but I have done a few searches about fuel consumption and cant get a definitive answer.


    Thanks Guys

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