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Posts posted by Fien

  1. I'm level 8 after about 2 hours play although i've been playing the campaign mode a bit!


    I looked at the leader board about 7 on tuesday and there were people on it with over 2 days playing time. The most i saw was 2 days 14 hours. The game had only "officially" been released 19 hours earlier. Must have been alot of people getting the game early and a lot of them spending every minute playing it without getting any sleep. I love the game but dont think i could cope with playing it that much!

  2. Swine Flu .. !!


    Such a drainer, but i cant actually get out of bed so its all i have.


    You sound like you've hit that fine line between being too unfit to work yet not so ill that u can spend all day playing call of duty. I'm jealous!!!


    Suspiciously good timing though that you got ill the week it came out ;)

  3. HQ is an easy game to get ur kill streak up on. If you dont bother trying to take the HQ and just wait outside and pick people off as they try and take it its much easier to build up ur kills. A lot of people will do this so it makes taking the base quite difficult and you certainly get killed alot trying to do it. Team deathmatch is my favourate.


    Kobi, just realised that your PS3 tag is Vadkill. Saw your stats last night - very impressive! :thumbs:

  4. my kill ratio at the mo is about 1.25. Anything above 1 and i'm happy as i must be better than half the other players in the game!


    just unlocked the throwing knifes but havent used them yet. I now wanna have a go to see what they're like!!

  5. Played it for about an hour online last night and I've got the feeling it's gonna take up so much of my spare time. Such good fun to play and the amount of unlockable features is just ridiculous. You never want to stop as ur always close to unlocking something else.


    Not sure what the purpose of the icons and banners are really for but I still wanna unlock them al regardless

  6. think some people to get it soon as possible so they can get loads of perks/extra weapons etc then when everyone else gets online they can waste them easily :lol:


    Spot on! It annoyed the hell out of me on the previous 2 games. You'd go into the online mode with some crappy gun and they'd be loads of people wasting you and then bragging about it and calling you a noob!!


    Like the idea of death streaks on this one though where if you get killed 3 times in a row then u respawn with the same weapons as the person who killed you.

  7. to be honest you didnt miss much with WaW, story was pretty good and i enjoyed having Jack Bauer as the voice of your commander! Other than that i didnt really enjoy the online that much, guns were rubbish and the add on options were pretty poor as well. didnt feel like the game was as fun to play after being used to Modern Warfare.

  8. I'm intrigued as to know what you plan to use the night vision goggles for???


    I kinda get what you mean BM, there's a lot of people that are desperate to get the game 1st so they can brag about it. i remember when i got WaW and by 8 in the morning on the day of release someone already had 20 hours worth of online play time! It's clearly just someone playing it to death so that they can brag about being top of the leaderboard. however, i personally just cant wait to play the game. reckon the story mode is going to be mint!

  9. they seem to be. although taking them out and putting them back in sometimes helps but after a week or so they just go again.


    my mate had the leds fitted in his megane r26 which needed 6 for the interior lights and he was always having problems with them. some would work fine but others just started flickering. he's been replacing them when they start to go which seems to work but i dont want to keep buying them if they're just gonna carry on going after a while. although i do think they look miles better than the standard lights.

  10. I've fitted white leds in for my boot and rear number plate lights and i've now started to notice that they are flickering whilst i have my lights on. the boot looks like a disco and the number plate is just going to atract the attention of the police!


    i've also replaced the interior festoon bulbs and whilst i have the lights on the emit a dull light.


    does anyone know why this is and any way of fixing it? i think it's quite a common probelm and was wondering if its just dodgy bulbs or a different issue!



  11. what a tart! i'll have to admit that he did take a hefty karate style kick to the chest on that one but i'm not sure where the twitching came from! Even better was the fact that Drogba got booked for that!!


    no idea what that lad was thinking brushing his teeth! He was also wearing sunglasses........ it's november, cold and dark!! Another example of people trying to look cool whilst in reality they actually look a d!ck!!

  12. not sure you'll find many people wanting to go along with you either at midnight or 7 in the morning as a favour either!


    i went to asda for the last call of duty at midnight and was suprised by just how many people turned up to get it!

  13. :welcome:


    if you do a search on the forum there should be some advice on how to do this. Basically you will need a blank key, as such:




    then you'll need to get someone to cut it for you. This i've no idea on. Does anyone know how easy it is to get someone to do this and how much it'd cost? I didnt think that is was that easy to cut car keys for security reasons.


    there's a guide on here on how to programme the key as well.


    thinking of doing this myself for a spare key so let me know how you get on :thumbs:

  14. :thumbdown: I'm not happy that people are getting the game well before me! Everytime i order a game on prerelease i always seem to get it later than the release date!! Was once about a month late when i ordered pro evo with Amazon!!


    who have you bought it from? I got mine from Tesco's for £36! Just checked today and it's still saying that it's just ready for dispatch!

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