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Posts posted by Fien

  1. Sunset, £20, coffee and a biscuit would have been ideal! Would have even got the chocolate hob nobs out for that price.


    tried national tyres but like most places they only fit their own supplied parts.


    managed to find a garage that would fit them for £60 so i'm taking the easy route and going with that.

  2. just been reading quotes from Airplane and the more i read the more i remember how funny this film is. Might have to watch it tonight now:


    Rumack: You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital.

    Elaine Dickinson: A hospital? What is it?

    Rumack: It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.



    Hanging Lady: Nervous?

    Ted Striker: Yes.

    Hanging Lady: First time?

    Ted Striker: No, I've been nervous lots of times.



    Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?

    Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.

    Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?

  3. Hmm top 5 in order! Here goes:


    1. Kingpin

    2. Something about Mary

    3. Airplane

    4. Hot Shots

    5. Dumb and Dumber


    That's pretty hard considering how many other classics there are:


    Monty Phython, life of brian and holy grail

    Naked Gun

    South Park Movie

    Team America

    Shrek (Kiddy yes but still funny)

    Hangover (best comedy i've seen in a long time!)

  4. cheers guys. Nissan wont do it cos the only work with genuine nissan parts. only tried one other and they said a little over £100 which sounds over the top to me. especially for what is essentially a little under an hours labour!


    40 mins work doesnt sound too bad. main problem i have is that my driveway is on a slope so i'd have to do it on the road. Luckily enough i live on a quiet road however.

  5. I was going to have a go at fitting pads all round but after having all this cold weather i really cant be bothered spending what will no doubt turn out to be several hours outside! :cold:


    As a result i was going to take them to a garage to fit and was wondering what sort of price i'd be expecting to pay for this?


    Also if anyone knows of any decent garages near Chester that can do this i'd be very grateful?


    Cheers :thumbs:

  6. Not sure what's the snow has done to my alarm, but today's the first day I've used the car since we had all that snow. Took me ages to de-ice the car!! Now when I lock it the alarm just keeps going off within about 10 seconds. Not sure if it's messing with a sensor.


    I get the same problem with using the fob and the key. The only way I can now lock the car is by flipping the door lock.


    Anyone else suffered this problem? :shrug:

  7. My road is pretty quiet so managed to have some good fun on that when leaving the house, had even more fun on the way home when i turned the traction control off. Planted my foot down in second expecting to just get loads of wheelspin but was actually quite suprised by just how much grip it got.

  8. I reckon that using a controller is more of a challenge as well.


    I am starting to get annoyed with myself however using it. I've started accidently pressing the R3 button whilst trying to aim and shoot somebody, while i'm left swipping a knife into thin air i end up getting shot and left feeling like a hapless idiot! :bang:


    I hope i'm not the only one that suffers from this right thumb malfunction!

  9. :thumbs: Cheers for the tip, i'll give it a try tonight. the small burst is definitely better but it's easy to get trigger happy and just unleash a clip in one go.


    I seemed to get most head shots with the m16 in cod4 so i'm trying to use the semi automatic assaul rifle in this one (cant remember its name)

  10. I played this on MP yesterday for the first time (not usually a fan of MP games tbh, but I was bored so thought I'd give it a go). My final result after the first game looked as follows:


    Kills: 2

    Assists: 2

    Deaths: 16



    Yeah, so I'm not touching MP ever again. DO NOT WANT.


    Stick with it and you'll be glad you did. When i first started playing cod4 online my stats were worse than that. everyone else just seemed really quick to react whilst i was just wandering around getting my head blown off (and not in the good way!)

  11. I am level 48 now with 1day 1hour game time, That was in my swine flu recovery stage, now i am back at work. :thumbdown:


    To level up quickly to unlock guns etc, its best to stick with one gun and complete the challenges, I have been using the M4A1 starting with the noobtube (grenade launcher) getting my kills, then you unlock the red dot sight, holographic, thermal, acog, FMJ.. etc..

    You get 5000,10000xp for unlocking all attachments

    You get 10000xp for getting 500,750,1000 kills

    So you can get from 15000 to 20000xp in a game, it does boost you up quickly.


    I am 40 headshots away from completing the 500 headshot challenge for another 10000xp which completes the gun.


    Then i can move on to the FAMAS or SCAR-H.


    I am online alot so if anyone is on the 360

    GamerTag: II HARMAN XD


    500 head shots?? Please tell me that's in total and not just with one particular gun?


    Apart from the sniper rifles it takes me ages to get headshots.

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