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Posts posted by kObi

  1. i remember when i first started watching family guy, was sooo funny, then they canceled it because they said no one watched it. then months later they brought out the first 2 seasons i think and they sold like hot cakes. remember also signing some huge internet petition to get it back on the air. then a couple months later they started working on a new season. made me so happy, sadly i aint seen the newest season yet but i'll get round to it soon enough. love watching clips on youtube



  2. 1. Know anything about a car except its colour

    2. Understand a film plot

    3. Go 24 hours without sending a text message

    4. lift

    5. Throw

    6. Run

    7. Park

    8. Fart

    9. Read a map

    10. Rob a bank

    11. Resist Ikea

    12. Sit still

    13. Tell a joke

    14. Play pool

    15. Pay for dinner

    16. Eat a kebab whilst walking

    17. Pee out of a train window

    18. Argue without shouting

    19. Get told off without crying

    20. Understand fruit machines

    21. Walk past a shoe shop

    22. Make a decent bacon sandwich

    23. Not comment on a strangers clothes

    24. Use small amounts of toilet paper

    25. Let you sleep with a hangover

    26. Drink a pint gracefully

    27. Get a round in

    28. Throw a punch

    29. Do magic

    30. Like your friends

    31. Enjoy porn

    32. Eat a really hot curry

    33. Get to the point

    34. Buy plain envelopes

    35. Take less than 20 minutes in the toilet

    36. Sit in a room for five minutes without saying "I'm cold"

    37. Go shopping without telephoning 20 mates

    38. Avoid credit card debt

    39. Dive into a pool

    40. Assemble furniture

    41. Roll a bogey between finger and thumb

    42. Set a video recorder

    43. Not try and change you

    44. Watch a war film

    45. Understand why flirting results in violence

    46. Spend a day by themselves

    47. Go to the toilet by themselves

    48. Buy a purse that fits in their pocket

    49. Choose a video quickly

    50. Get this far without having argued with at least 70% of the above

  3. i know! and pauls carbon bonnet looks good and its such a steal for that price! i just wouldn't really be able to put it on when i get the car coz i think it would look a little outta place with just that on the car. would need a bodykit and i wouldn't really want it just hanging about for months and months till i had the money for a bodykit.

  4. Oh sorry your right, Fully naked women straddling car tyres and exhausts while holding machine guns?


    Mate they can be holding anything all i care about is they are hot and naked :lol::thumbs:


    hahaha ok take away the machine guns, less chance of covering themselfs up. :lol::thumbs:

  5. had a hectic day at work mate so didnt get the pics for u but iv put a reminder in my phone for 2moro lol


    Yeah thats fine mate, in your own time, no rush :thumbs:


    I will remember this post and remind you later :p


    haha yer i had a feeling that was going to come back on me. Nah i do actually want to add mods but i've no idea when.

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