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Posts posted by kObi

  1. thats awesome! :( i missed the banzai show up here, think thats the 3rd year in a row i've missed it. guessing it will be in one of the next few issues, will have to see what i've all missed.

  2. I have to admit, i didnt like it! at all! so i left just before we went out on our 2 hour ride. It just wasn't for me :( i was sooooo annoyed with myself because i was so sure i was wanting to ride bikes, but after like 7 hours on it i honestly couldn't see myself going out and getting a bike. i started off being the worse in my group, then since i kept getting things wrong i had to keep going over it and over it and shortly became the best in my group, getting things first time, counter balance became a doddle, gear changes were easy enough.......but i just wasn't enjoying myself as much as i thought i would. Oh well, least i've tried it. Goodbye bike dream :byebye:

  3. Ouch sorry to hear that tim, thankfully your ok! Thanks for the tips though! never even thought about what would happen if i went over the catseyes. My boss was telling me about counter steering? im sure its easier than how he described it lol.


    Adam get thos pics up! haha. thats what im lookin forward doing, just jumping on the bike and going somewhere for a long drive.

  4. Yep, after years of saying i'll do my bike test i've finally made a start and have my CBT this saturday coming! pretty damn excited! just with this good weather kicking in and the amount of bikes that fly by, i just couldn't resist anymore. So fingers crossed i'll have my full bike license by the end of may.


    Any of you folks got any motorbikes? if so get some pics up!

  5. seee now why did you say that. all im going to do now is look and them. you better hope for your sake it looks horrid inside!! :lol: i kept my last car for 6 months, i've only had this 1 month so im planning on keeping this longer ;)

  6. Mmmmmmm vxr blue. i always wanted an astra vxr, only thing that stopped me was it looked exactly the same on the inside as my astra sxi did and i was wanting something different. who knows, maybe after the Z i'll get one.

  7. Yep it is amazing to drive! This is the only car i've ever had that i've actually wanted to get up early one morning and go for drives. Plus the whole head turning factor, this weekend past was my best. parents pointing at the car telling their kids to look, loads of people stopping and watching the car go by and then when i get out a voice from a group of teenagers "ere mate! Nice motor!" Just doesn't get any better. Im sure you will enjoy this as much as we all are B)

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