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Posts posted by pcw1982

  1. Afternoon all,


    Its been a while but back on line!


    I've got a new job and now my Roadster gets very little use during the week, I don't have a garage and wondered if anyone can recommend a decent cover to keep the weather (and the cats!) off?






  2. Anyone know what the interest would be on that? Surely a liveable salary!


    Liveable salary? Depends what you are used to I think I could just about survive on it. :teeth:


    Based on a rather poor 3% you could expect to earn a fraction over £2m per year! Boosts up to £2.7m for the £89m.


    Before tax of course :angry:

  3. Just a quick thought, had a mate in my car earlier and he was taking the **** out of the tape deck, which is a pretty fair point ;)


    Anyone every actually used it? Why did they bother?

  4. Hi guys,


    Washing the car last night and decided to have a go at shining the exhaust pipes. No luck though the black stains remain, any recommendations for something to use to get it nice and sparkly? :D



  5. When I fit it in the right place it works fine but the bonnet doesn't shut properly as it hits the plastic covers for the brake fluid and battery. To get round this it has been recommended to move it to the other bolt as shown in my pic, however as the dampers are so stiff I can't close them at all by hand (not a wimp honest :p ) so can't fit it in that position either :surrender:

  6. There is a sensor in each wheel and they report back to a display unit in the car which shows tyre pressure and temperature, bit of a gimic really but my car came with it!


    I'm sure its more useful for track days etc if you know what you are looking at, all I know is that it beeps a lot when one of your sensors is missing!

  7. After not being able to shut the bonnet using the instructions that it comes with I have tried to use the nut on the wing instead as per some previous threads but the damper body seems to be too long, can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?








  8. Does anyone else have a Smartire system? If so anyone got any idea where I can get a spare sensor, had new tyres recently and was told that one was missing, that would be why it wasn't working right :doh:

  9. I'm lucky to get 18-19mpg have a round trip of about 6 miles per day to/from work, not just the stopping and starting that causes the problems but as soon as you get half a chance you just have to slam the loud pedal and make the most of it :thumbs:


    Am I the only one who resets the mpg every time I fill up?

  10. Hey guys, I was reading a thread on the mods section and can't believe how young some people were. :scare:


    I thought I was doing well to get my Z at 26 but apparently not!


    If your not too embarrased can people share ages, purely out of good old fashioned nosiness of course! :teeth:

  11. I have a similar problem, my cats love to sleep on the roof of my roadster, I guess its more comfy that the floor, can't keep the little beggers of it :angry:


    I was washing it yesterday, gotta love the lighter evenings, and one of them was up on the bonnet while I was waxing it off!


    Good work on the tips, lets hope some of them work!!

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