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Posts posted by RB84

  1. Thanks for the replies Mike and Steve. Sounds like it's not as straightforward to buy the stereo from another 350 owner due to the 'delivery mode' being required. I will call Nissan and ask how much it would cost to get this sorted. Away from Nissan - would any ICE specialist be able to do it?


    I'm not particularly bothered with keeping the Bose. Is there one option that most people use to upgrade in the 350? It would be great if it had iPod connectivity too.


    Thanks again for your help,


    Rich :thumbs:

  2. Hi all,


    I have read about this problem before and understand that it can be sorted in the short term by a swift smack to the left of the headunit above the knee pad etc (tried it, worked 1 in 15 times or so and for only a very short amount of time!).

    Unfortunately my car is out of warranty (53 plate) but Dorchester Nissan are asking Nissan for some idea of 'good will' help towards the fix/ replacement BUT would this problem be solved by a new headunit or is it more than that?


    The real reason I ask is that there is a headunit being advertised for sale on this forum and I wonder if this new headunit would solve the problem of the left channel sound loss?


    One interesting thing I have found is that the left channel will produce sound whilst playing CD for a while but any swift acceleration or hard braking and it goes again... is this the same problem as others experience or a modification of it?


    Any help/ thoughts are appreciated!!





  3. well done.


    If you edit the first post then you should be able to change the title.


    Thanks! Coming from the Cliosport forum they don't allow you to have any control and you have to ask a mod to do pretty much any editing etc so it's nice to see some control retained by the general users on here - superb forum :thumbs:

  4. Had a P3 completed at Dorchester Nissan today. They were professional from start to finish, very helpful, communicative and went out of their way to see if Nissan will give any 'good will' help towards a couple of issues without me asking.


    All in all very happy with the service provided and would definitely recommend them. Chris on the service desk was great and the mechanic (Rich) that dealt with the car also seemed very good.

  5. Just to update on this - had the service done today. All very easy, great communication from Chris and he's even asking Nissan to see if they will put any 'good will' help towards the failed boot struts and the faulty 'left channel' CD player. Doubt anything will come from it but it was better than being told Nissan won't do anything straight off.


    The mechanic who worked on it (Rich) also seemed to be a good guy and was helpful when Chris was looking for more information on a couple of points.


    I definitely recommend Dorchester Nissan and will add this to the Dealer thread on here.




  6. Tried to get Bournemouth to price match, the wonderfully exciting man on the end of the phone told me that '...it must be a different service' when I mentioned that Dorchester would do it for £280. So I told him I'd take my business to Dorchester and doing just that tomorrow morning. £270 was agreed on the phone earlier.


    Spoken to a guy called Chris there who has been very attentive on the phone so far so I will update in regards to how the service goes. Out of interest - what oil will Nissan naturally put into the 350 if I don't supply my own?

  7. Can I be charged for spamming my own thread?? :teeth:


    Had a nice little drive out to Sandbanks ferry and over to Corfe today, took a couple of pics and thought I'd share them. Still loving the car even though the dreaded left speaker sound loss occurs with the CD... :scare:






    Oh and I only stalled the once leaving the ferry... :headhurt:

  8. Hi guys,


    I've been looking through all the information that came with my car (picked it up less than a week ago) and this is what I have found regarding the service history;



    4,949 miles

    P1 Service

    Williams Bridge (Nissan)



    9,357 miles

    P2 Service

    Ironside Motors (Nissan)



    18,666 miles

    P1 Service

    Ironside Motors (Nissan)



    25,838 miles

    P1 Service (?)

    Glyn Hopkins (Nissan)


    Another angle to this is that the service book has only been stamped three times, with the first Ironside stamp being present but not the second they did (18,666). I think this then lead to the last service being undertaken as a P1 rather than a P3/L3.


    I was planning on having a P3/L3 done next anyway to ensure that it's had its 'major' service even if it is 6K miles/12 months later than it ideally should have been. Has anyone got any thoughts on the above? I'm hoping the mix up won't have caused any trouble for the car.





  9. RB84 - are you still in warrenty? The difference between a Px service and Lx service AFAIK is that on a Lx they dont hook it up to Consult to read it. What I was told is that each time a dealer uses Consult they have to pay Nissan for it, and to keep the warrenty they have to use it. Once out of warrenty they dont need to, so they dont and pass on the savings to us. If anything really dodgy is up it will throw the CEL light anyway, so you're not missing anything :teeth:


    Hi Chris,


    Nope I'm not in warranty at all - my car is 5 years old now so that doesn't make a difference. So the Lx services should be fine! Thanks for the information. I will give them all a call tomorrow and see what they say about it.


    Cheers B)

  10. Rob - do you know the name of anyone at Sparshats that would be best speaking to re: 350 servicing?


    I've been calling around to find out P3 prices, around two locations - down in the South and up near Reading way.


    Here is how they've shaken out so far;


    Westover Bournemouth - £378

    West Way S'oton - £295 (told this is a 'new customer' offer lol)

    Dorchester - £280

    Wincanton - £340


    Reading - £280 (price matched Dorchester)

    West Way Aldershot - £368

    WLMG Shepperton - £371 (but then mentioned a 'Level 3' service rather than a 'P3' at £299..?)

    Wycombe & Slough are yet to get back to me with a price.


    It looks like pretty much everyone I've called will price match though and Dorchester was the cheapest quote initially.

  11. nearly bought a v6 clio before the zed B)

    excellent cars, rare and will devalue a lot slower than a zed


    handling is a bit :scare:


    but i'm sure the OP appreciates your constructive comments (as ever)


    No problem! V6 was of interest but to be honest I wanted something other than a Clio, plus the Z looks a lot nicer than the V6 in my eyes B)

  12. Got it cleaned up (exterior) this morning and took some photos;








    And my Clio (that's for sale) got in the action too;










    By the way - does anyone know if the numberplate on the Z is legal or not? It was like that when I bought it and to be honest don't really love the look of it so might change sometime anyway.


    But in general I can't get rid of the :teeth: on my face!!

  13. Cheers all, warm welcome much appreciated B)


    Test drive tomorrow AM, following by sounds of salesmen being hung up by their vitals.... ;)


    Can't quite decide whether to do the deal and wait until March 1st to register the car or whether to just get the new toy in sooner rather than later....


    Either way, I'm looking forward to feeling how the car behaves and hopefully being able to fall in love with not just the looks, but the drive also :thumbs:


    More tomorrow night I guess.


    (BTW I fancy the grey with the Alezan orange leather combo - rated or slated?)


    Just got a GM Grey with the Alezan leather and love it! Brand new would be nice but I'll settle for mine :)

  14. You have spotted correctly - they are black. Any idea why? The other GM I saw had body-coloured (or at least close to) sensors. I don't mind either way but interesting that it seems to be different to 'normal'.


    could have been purchased after and not a dealer fit, you can buy the nissan kits on ebay cheap ? you could try a touch up pen on them :thumbs:


    the nismo gives a nice deeper tone to the exhaust without it being too shouty, the oem system is too quiet imo B)


    Taking a look at the paperwork that came with the car it has the Nissan RPS 20 manual in with it. So it looks like it is a Nissan system and I'm guessing fitted by Nissan? Not so sure but I won't worry too much.


    The Nismo does sound very nice! Don't think I'll get bored of it B)

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