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Posts posted by Rentech

  1. I finally made a mistake and allowed my one of my pristine alloys to kiss a kerb :bang: . Nothing too major but wanted to get it sorted ASAP.


    Used the services of a chap called Phil. He did a great job and I'm now trying to remember where the damage was :D. I had about a 20cm scuff that he spent over a hour on working his magic. Cost under £50 plus a few cups of coffee :lol: . He currently works for Chips Away (so does scratches as well) but is soon going into business himself.


    Highly recommended if your in the Birmingham area. Not sure what area he covers though I think he's based somewhere in Sutton Coldfield.


    Phil, 07885747406, philvaughan@blueyonder.co.uk

  2. With recirc on , as other have said, condensation will be a problem. I wouldn't go with the line that you need air con on all the time though :scare:. Unless you've got a source of damp inside the car eg sports kit or wet coat then it shouldn't be needed apart from for a quick front screen clear on a cold morning.

  3. The later Zed satnavs DVD includes Europe, not sure how far back this goes though. The latest ver. 7 software shows 2009/2010 on the system info. Not sure if updates continue for ver 6 software. Not looked for a while but used to always be discs floating around on ebay.


    Searching the net found that 2006/2007 was the last release for X6060 versions (if that's what you have :) )

  4. I checked on the Zed with these about 6 months ago (purely out of curiosity :) ) and they offered me a half decent price, though for the life of me I can't remember what. About a month later they emailed me and increased their offer by about £700. I would definitely give them a go as opposed to part ex prices if I struggled with a private sale.

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