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Posts posted by CaptainSensible

  1. I bought my Zed from these guys earlier this year. They are typical used car dealers really, but as long as you do your homework and check the car over thoroughly you should be fine. Just one word of warning, thye tried to make me purchase mine without even taking it for a test drive, so make sure you insist!

  2. I hope you get your car back soon, I dont think you should claim for a big replacement sports car, the guy who hit your car obviously done it by accident otherwise he wouldnt have left his details. Thats bloody good of him to have done that, many people wouldnt so I think just claiming for the bumper is fair, but anything more is taking the ****. If everyone did it think how much higher the insurance premiums would be :scare:

    My thinking exactly :thumbs:

  3. Cheers for all the comments, just a quick update.


    Took it up to the garage this morning and they are confident they can do the repair within the next week. So I've left it up there and am now driving a lime green Agila. I have to say it is hilariously slow, I'm not even sure if it has an engine. I did feel like a proper bad boy cruising into work with Firestarter blaring out of the stereo.


    Already mentally excited about getting back my Zed, its going to be joyous to drive after the Agila. :#1:

  4. Oh and make sure you get a reasonable hire car, tell them you want an equivelant car, so £30k 3litre+ sports car, as the other side pay for it :thumbs:

    That's a good point, a 370Z maybe? :teeth:


    Depending on your NCB it might be worth seeing if you can agree to do it between the two of you. Although its not an at fault claim the insurance companies still manage to screw you over for it.


    Are your insurance company expecting you to pay an excess or pay it and then claim it back? If so then you should be able to go directly to the other guys insurance company with the claim - then you don't have to shell out at all

    When I spoke to my insurance company they went on some database and said they could see the guy had already reported it to his insurance company and admitted liability so they said I wouldn't have to pay any excess.


    EDIT: The garage has just phoned me and I am taking it up tomorrow morning so they can assess it. If they can fix it before I go away they will, otherwise it will have to wait until I'm back. Unfortunately the only courtesy car they will be able to provide me with is a Vauxhall Agila :doh:

  5. Walking back to car last night after work and shock horror spot this:




    Luckily the guy who did it left all his details so I should be able to get it sorted at no cost to me but still heartbreaking. I spoke to my insurance company last night and they want me to take it to their approved repairer (a Vauxhall dealer - WTF?) or get TWO quotes from bodyshops I might want to use. Quite ridiculous, but for convenience I will just go with the company they suggest. I just hope I can get it fixed before I fly to Costa Rica next Saturday!


    I guess the silver lining is my bumper has loads of chips so a nice new shiny one will improve the front end of my car no end!

  6. Do you want a really scary fact - everytime you Google something it requires the same amount of power to boil a kettle - hence all those lovely super fast Google servers are technically kicking out TONS of CO2.

    Sorry, but I just don't believe that.

  7. A late welcome from another ex-Leon Cupra R owner. Mine wasn't tuned though, so the Zed feels a bit quicker. But the Zed is soooo much better at gettting the power down and handling is in a different league.


    It's a shame Cupra Rs have started to become chav wagons, they are still the best looking hot hatch ever made IMO.

  8. In terms of speed the E46 M3 and 350Z posted the same times around the Top Gear test track so equally capable.


    I also considered an M3 instead fo a Zed, but they are waaaaay to common. I prefer something a bit more exclusive.

  9. You see that in your rear view mirror, you find yourself in one of those rare occasions you'd feel obligated to pull the f**k outa the outside lane and bow down as it sails past...


    Doesn't happen often to a zedder :lol: except last week when a Gallardo Spyder just embarrased me over in Cheshire :lol::lol:

    Similar thing happened to me, except it was a Mucielago. Sounded :cloud9: and he gave me the :thumbs:


    One day I shall have one of my own. :#1:

  10. If I'd had the budget when I was buying I would have bought an 07, but I didn't so got an 06. Not that I am in any way disappointed, I'm sure whatever you get you will be overjoyed with :cloud9:

  11. My last car was called Black Thunder, because it was Black and it went like Thunder.


    My Zed is also Black so intially I called him Black Thunder the Second, but that was a bit of of a mouthful so it changed it to Japo Rocket, or Rocky for short.


    Sad I know :blush:

  12. I came from a 1.8T Leon Cupra R.


    Zed is a totaly different animal. I do miss the turbo thump but the power delivery is so linear on the Zed it is so much fun just revving the nuts of its. Plus you have the glorious noise, which I swear makes it feel faster. But as others said going to rear wheel drive forces you to become a much more skilled driver, a process which I am thoroughly enjoying.


    I did love my Cupra R, but the Zed is a league above. You won't be disappointed if you change.

  13. Really sorry everyone but not going to be able to make this now. My brother's wife had a litle girl a few weeks back and its her christening that day. I feel like I really ought to be there, especially as I am god father!


    Really quite gutted as was looking forward to the meet, please take lots of pics.

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