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Metalic vibration


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Hi folks,


Got a wee issue with the zed. When starting the car, after a few seconds at idle there is a faint metallic vibration comes from underneath the car. It goes away when setting off, but returns a lot more pronounced when:


- accelerating


- any gear


- approx 2750 - 3250 rmp (regardless of gear selection of speed)


Sound like its coming from the passenegr side, but hard to tell for sure. Sometimes accompanied by a 'whoosing' sound at higher speeds (different to th eusual whoosh that is!).


Initially thought it might be exhaust related - got a Cobra system and Berks HFC - on been on the car a couple of years and all looks in decent shape.


As a separate problem, I'm fairly sure my front wheel bearings are on the way out - but might the two issues be related at all?


Sorry this is vague I know, but any suggestions welcome. Will take into my local garage to get checked out, but would be good to go with some ideas!


Cheers all, :)

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