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Can I advertise my car for sale?

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I was an active member for about a year after I bought my lovely nismo kitted Z, but I moved to Singapore about a year and a half ago. My car was supposed to be sold by a company up in Yorkshire, but it's still sitting in the forecourt!


It suddenly dawned on me that I'm still a member here and so wondered if I can post an ad for my beloved Z with a link to the advert on the selling company site? Any transactions will have to go through them as I'm not in the country to deal with it. :(


Please let me know so I can try to get the car sold ASAP as it's costing me money to have it sit there.



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I think that is fair enough - similar to those that post links to their sales on Ebay.


If you provide me a link to the company who are doing the seeling I'll add into your post above - in the meantime the thread will be locked.

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