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Kinetix plenum mini project


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Well its been sat in my garage for a while now, and today thought it was a good idea to have a good look at it,and see what i was dealing with. Must say for something that is reasonably expensive,the actual quality of it is poor. The split lines from the mould on the component are very rough,and there is a slight moulding mismatch in some areas. Decided that having all this wasnt really good enough,so decided to get to work tidying up the split lines and improving the finish. I took a couple of pictures before I started working on it so you could see what I was talking about.

This picture is of an area just as the air comes into the main chamber.




And this is just after the throttle body





As you can see,some pretty serious steps,and all this in an area where air flow is important.

Also decided/agreed that the actual look of the plenum was pretty pants, so have decided to do something about that too,and to maybe make the plenum look abit more standard in appearance.

Stayed after work tonight and removed one large area that already has improved the look,pictures to follow tomorrow. The plastic that this is made from is abit of a pig to work with, when you use any sort of power tool on it, it just melts,so you have to go slowly with it.

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