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clicking noise?????


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Have noticed since having my wheels refitted that there appears to be a click from what sounds like the rear offside wheel? It only clicks once or twice as I pull off and occassionally once when I stop (almost like someone had left a lose chain link inside a drum and rolled it forward so that it drops to the bottom as it reaches the top of the drum?)

Don't hear it after the initial roll forward, and sometimes dont hear it at all????


Anybody got any ideas please?






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Type 'clicking noise' into the search box and you get 401 matches, nearly all of which will answer your question. :wacko:








+1 This is what happens when most of your forum posts/chit chat is about your past and present married life and other irrelevant tittle-tattle! :wacko::p You end up forgetting what the forum is really about :lol: How could anyone with over 400 posts possibly not know about the clicky-axle issue? :surrender:


I will lock the thread to save builder49 anymore embarrassment. :lol:


But in future



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