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Thurrock Lakeside Meet


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Hi everyone, every sunday there is a meet in Thurrock Lakeside, last sunday there were over 150 cars apparently , so gonna check out this sunday and take my 350z down there. Its all mix cars mainly Japanese, if anyone fancies it let me know be nice to meet up with other Z owners, everyone gets there for 9pm, some people race as well. :thumbs:

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Hi mate, it was pretty mad, tons of cars and lorries turned up to block of certain areas so that cars could race each other down the straight. Alot of kids there though like those just past test, but was pretty mad, there were supras, evos, skylines, pulsars, subarus, done up cars, my ex was there to she use to model for fast bike mag, she was starting the race. I didnt take my car but I will next sunday, wont race though cos am a crap driver. :teeth: We should meet up, worth going to imo. :thumbs:

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