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Midnight run - Stealing a MR2 forum Idea???


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A good friend of mine is an avid user on the IMOC (MR2) owners club and told me about a midnight run they do about 3/4 times a year during the dry months.


Usually takes the form of meeting somewhere approximate 11.15pm leaving at midnight and having a thrash through the night on quiet roads, untill 2/3am ish.


Although its a fairly brisk drive (as the roads are much much quieter) its a relaxed affair with noone causing any danger or annoyance for people, just like minded people enjoying their cars without the disturbance of caravans!


I thought it sounded like a cracking idea, just wanted everyone elses thoughts? If they're interest I can look at setting something up?



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Can we have a London night tunnel run? :teeth:


I did propose this and a few peeps were interested but didn't really follow it up. I have a UK Road Tunnels map showing all the tunnels too, plus people can come from all directions. :thumbs:


We should have a chat about this at Japfest and the Wales run. :thumbs:

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