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Anybody had their seats apart??


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My drivers seat base heater doesn't work and the passengers back heater as well.

Ive checked the switches- all ok, but the wires disappear up into the seats. Has anybody had theirs apart? It looks like it could get emotional if i have a go :rant: I assume the heating element has broken, i will have to get the multimeter out and check for continuity through the seat, but i'm sure i will have to fit a new element.


If anbody has had any experience with this system please come forth and share! :wave:


Many thanks in advance!



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Not had the seats apart on the Zed but I think a few people on here had them sent off to a trimmers so you may be in luck and someone may have taken pictures ? They should'nt be hard to remove the fabric will be held on with hogg rings or clips around the base and also a few clips underneath pulling the centre panels back. I would expect the heater matrix to be quite small?


I would use your multimeter first but think Alex posted up a wiring diagram on here a while back - maybe they have additional fuses but most likley a thermo cut out switch? I guess they are bimetalic switches of some sort? Sorry cant be much more help but do the easy checks first before removing covers - but be careful there are airbags to consider also :)

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the back of the seat cover just unzips to gain you some access. The loom in the back can get trapped against the frame in there. I had an issue with the airbag.


I know R35LEE has taken them apart. He will be able to supply 2nd hand parts.

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Thanks guys, i did notice the airbags after about 10 mins of fiddling :scare: and decidied not to go to mad unplugging things and poking around. Ill see if i can get a local trimmers to look at them. If i take the seat right out of the car, do you know if i can safely just disconnect the wires (re airbags) or is there some special procedure??

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Thanks guys, i did notice the airbags after about 10 mins of fiddling :scare: and decidied not to go to mad unplugging things and poking around. Ill see if i can get a local trimmers to look at them. If i take the seat right out of the car, do you know if i can safely just disconnect the wires (re airbags) or is there some special procedure??



I'm pretty sure you can. PM R35LEE. He will be able to talk you through and save paying to go to the trimmers.

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Amazing how much difference these make, are they 20mm? I might be tempted mike, first dibs?? Are you selling-up?



yep, Eibach ones. They are the easy fit ones. Takes no longer than 5 mins a corner to fit. 6 months old.



Got some 19's coming :innocent:

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